Sentences with phrase «came around»

I came around the hard way.
This was fine and dandy when Jesus (allegedly) said it, it was not until later when trinitarian theology came around and made «Father» more - specific to Christianity.
Her father was taking her out for an ice cream cone when the drunk driver came around a curve on the wrong side of the road.
Einstein agreed with his math, was appalled at Lemaitre's physics, but being the scientist, came around to his physics as the evidence came in.
The very last day of the term is a tired time, and I confess that when your memo on «linguistic injustice» came around, Jim, I read it and put it aside for filing.
So when Lent came around, why wouldn't I choose to leave behind social media?
It was a sort of added dividend that when Holy Week and Easter came around, progress through the letter had landed me precisely at Philippians 2:1 - 11: «And being found in human form he humbled himself and became obedient unto death, even death on a cross.
I kept thinking of a Romany lady who came around once a year to read my palm.
But in order to avoid the waterless, roadless desert, the foe from the east also came around from the north.
Many historic racist like Abraham lincoln came around after a while to the need for integration but when a general freed the slaves in the Civil War Abe promptly fired him only to realise later that freeing the slaves was a good ploy in winning a war in which slavery was not a paramount cause has many people today believe
I thought, I saw a man brought to life He was warm, he came around and he was dignified He showed me what it was to cry
Scott came around in Omanis about his money, and I said watch this, went to my file, and pulled out the dream of him loosing it from thirty days in advance for the date.
Amazingly, some extraordinarily courageous individuals (initially Arnold himself, journalists David Quinn and Breda O'Brien, the Iona Institute; later on, John Waters, retired Regius Professor of Laws at Trinity College Dublin, William Binchy and the distinguished historian Prof. John A. Murphy; the gay campaigners for a «No» vote, Paddy Manning and Keith Mills, deserve special mention) did succeed in making a difference to the eventual numbers, although not the outcome: in the early Spring, polls indicated that 17 percent of the electorate would vote against the amendment, but by the time the actual referendum came around, 38 percent were indicating a «No» vote, and that was the eventual outcome.
He said of Sprouse to KHOU: «She came around and she kind of saved me.
Elizabeth came around to the idea after being diagnosed with Parkinson's disease.
Rome had their post-Greek pagan religion for about 3 - 4 centuries after Jesus death, them and the Jews also supposedly had persecuted Christians until Constantine came around and established Christianity as the main religion of Rome..
«Needless to say, when the next elections came around, the ballot box was once again waiting for the monks on the table of the monastery refectory.»
After the race became a battle between Donald Trump and Hilary Clinton, the evangelical rank - and - file slowly came around to supporting Trump.
I think if you came around to AA long enough and met some people you might rethink the modified drinking idea.
The first signs of trouble came around the turn of the new year, just days after Bell announced his experiment online.
However, I don't think he realized how memorable that sermon was: when the same reading came around again 3 years later, I immediately recognized that he gave the exact same sermon.
And in fact it was Mitt Romney who came around a curve driving an overloaded Citroën DS and slammed it into the parish Mercedes 180.
Those rules, while they are good to live by still, were outdated once Jesus came around.
(can't recall how it was actually worded) and no one came around to pester me.
What you can't fix, you have to put up with, and I know this well from personal experience; but I bet you'd be okay with having your foot fixed if a new surgery came around.
I initially disagreed with Einhorn but after researching some of the points Einhorn brought up, I came around to his idea and went short the stock.
This environment where «authority bloat» — and the unique markets it creates — showed its complexity and ability to recede (and then evolve) quite clearly when the Penguin update inititally came around.
And its sounds like you opened the door when opportunity came around knocking!
Trump could simply have refrained from issuing that waiver the next time the renewal date came around — the next one is in January — and the US would simply be out of the Iran deal.
Wolfinger said the decision to close came around the same time as a local state of emergency was declared in Brevard, and that the district continues to work with Emergency Management to monitor the hurricane's path.
For those that don't speak Italian he basically says that politicians have talked about a global currency for long time (like euro for Europe) and now bitcoin came around and he thinks it's going to be a game changer even if a bit frightening for politicians like him
Apps Pebble's app store looks basically the same as it did when the Pebble Steel came around, which is a good thing.
Finally, Paul Krugman came around to realizing it but stopped talking about it immediately.
When Monday came around, roadway flooding prevented him from accessing his clinic.
I heard many gamers discuss how their parents were not on board with them dedicating their professional lives to gaming, but that it got a bit easier when leagues came around promising real salaries.
When the next production run came around, I got the same request, with the promise: «This is really the last time I'll ask.»
Townsend's report came around the same time as other outlets, including the Associated Press and the Boston Globe, also reported an arrest, so it is not clear whether CNN was the first to make the mistake.
He got out of the car and came around and opened my door and waited for me to follow.
«But then SARS came around,» he says, referring to the 2002 - 2003 outbreak of the coronavirus that infected more than 8,000 and killed approximately 10 % of those infected.
But by the time the end of»98 came around, people helped me understand then that I needed to make it into a real company or it would fail.
He later came around, he said, acknowledging «religion is a very important piece of information» and that the project «actually does provide a huge value.»
Once again Spring came around and messed with my time clock.
Within six months, they came around.
Writes Knopper: «By the time Steve Jobs came around, he was the last resort.
After the stock tanked, Brodbine Ghoneim recalls, «then they [management] came around and said, «You should never count on the stock market.»
In all cases, the hospitals came around and eventually did re-order, but I took it personally.
Sure, the ECB eventually came around and said it would do «whatever it takes» to preserve the euro, but when push came to shove, it refused to continue lending to Greek banks after bailout negotiations between Greece and the EU failed.
Ya'alon said he opposed airstrikes on June 30, 2014, but later came around to the idea and approved such operations a week later.
So, when early 1995 came around, I started this simple events list, arts and technology stuff around San Francisco.
I had been selling my own items on eBay since it first came around in the mid-to-late 1990s.
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