Sentences with phrase «came in a roundabout way»

Politics came in a roundabout way.

Not exact matches

Interestingly, though, Myerson's ridiculous assertion in a roundabout way shows how you change culture... In this case, Nadella effectively shunted Windows to its own division with all of the company's other non-strategic assets, leaving Myerson and team to come to yesterday's decision on their owin a roundabout way shows how you change culture... In this case, Nadella effectively shunted Windows to its own division with all of the company's other non-strategic assets, leaving Myerson and team to come to yesterday's decision on their owIn this case, Nadella effectively shunted Windows to its own division with all of the company's other non-strategic assets, leaving Myerson and team to come to yesterday's decision on their own.
For example, on occasion one machine will indicate, in a roundabout sort of way, that he opposes the continuation of human life on Earth, whereupon the other machine will come back with a pithy riposte.
Hopkins herself came to that conclusion in a roundabout way: through her career as a high school guidance counselor.
Also, in a roundabout way, they let slip that the Genie table will be coming to The Pinball Arcade.
And here is what I have been coming to in a roundabout way — the increase in Alaskan storm intensity — related to the Aleutian low — starting in 1741 and peaking in the 20th century in the craziest storm intensity in 1200 years.
My answer for reversing Safari's new rule for blocking autoplaying came to me in a slightly roundabout way.
Interestingly, though, Myerson's ridiculous assertion in a roundabout way shows how you change culture... In this case, Nadella effectively shunted Windows to its own division with all of the company's other non-strategic assets, leaving Myerson and team to come to yesterday's decision on their owin a roundabout way shows how you change culture... In this case, Nadella effectively shunted Windows to its own division with all of the company's other non-strategic assets, leaving Myerson and team to come to yesterday's decision on their owIn this case, Nadella effectively shunted Windows to its own division with all of the company's other non-strategic assets, leaving Myerson and team to come to yesterday's decision on their own.
Granite comes from the earth, just as marble, stone, wood, and in a roundabout way, bricks and glass, too.
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