Sentences with phrase «came into existence by»

Initially, Stratis came into existence by forking from NBitcoin, with a large difference being that Stratis is coded primarily in C#.
XCP came into existence by using a «Proof - of - Burn» method.
Each item of food and drink appropriately blessed, according to the formula recalling the unique means through which God provided that item, the host concluded, «For all came into existence by God's word.
To continue from there to say that life came into existence by this process and developed all species is not fact and not even theory.
It's miraculous - came into existence by the power of His spoken word!
Which takes more faith, to believe things came into existence by mere chance or by design.
Life at the molecular level is replete with such systems, and biochemists do not even attempt to explain how any one of them could have come into existence by the Darwinian mechanism.
Darwin's theories showed that complex forms of life, including the human, had come into existence by a gradual process over very long periods of time.
Therefore true faith is radical inwardness or subjectivity, it comes into existence by a negation of objectivity, and can only maintain itself by a continual process, or repetition, of negating objectivity.
Consequently the soul can only come into existence by the act which is called creation because it does not fashion from what is already there, but constitutes a new being in its irreducible uniqueness, and which therefore presupposes power absolutely independent of any datum, that is to say, God (Denzinger 2327).
Nothing comes into existence by virtue of a logical ground, but only by a cause.
As Germano Celant has observed, «he does not place himself on or in front of the picture, like Pollock and Fontana, but behind and to one side, almost as if he wishes to draw attention to a parallel flow where for his vision the «visceral» product, dear to the exponents of Art Informel, can now be provided by the «painting», that comes into existence by itself» (G. Celant, «Manzoni and his Times», Piero Manzoni: A Retrospective, exh.
It is an alternative currency (or altcoin) supported by a group of developers, which will come into existence by forking from the current Bitcoin software.
To date, there has been very little progress in advancing the creation of alternative regional representative Indigenous structures to ATSIC and it is difficult to see how such structures will come into existence by 1 July 2005.

Not exact matches

In an interview titled «Why Nigeria should embrace digital currencies», Mr Peter Elofusim speaks of the opportunities in adopting digital currency: «The reason digital currency or Bitcoin came into existence and has stayed till today and why the people should go for it, is that it is not affected by socio - political events.
If these are attributed to causes and the elements and it is claimed, «Causes created these,» it is unreasonable, impossible and absurd a hundred times over, just as it was to claim that the potion in the pharmacy came into existence through the phials being knocked over; by accident.
I'm not sure what I said to lead you to believe that I am «throwing out the most proven and fundamental laws of science» since I'm pretty sure that none of the laws that you mention describe a need for the past to be gone and the future to not exist yet, and I was only forwarding a theoretical possibility with apparently good evidence as far as I can tell to address the question «Why would matter come into existence all by itself for no good reason?»
Stars, well known, have disappeared, new ones have come into view, comets, in their incalculable courses, may run foul of suns and planets and require renovation under other laws; certain races of animals are become extinct; and, were there no restoring power, all existences might extinguish successively, one by one, until all should be reduced to a shapeless chaos.
It came about by the word of God as God spoke creation into existence.
That just as all the products we use came into existence through a mind, these being consistent with reality, so likewise of not only the earth with its marvelous ecological systems, but all the universe by which we keep time, from the passing of one day to the passing of one year allowing to keep track of time, that all these diverse, but harmonious systems are the product of a Supreme Designer for the benefit and enjoyment of mankind.
Nothingness is predicted by simple mathematics and the beginning of the universe came from absolutely nothing, like a proton popping into existence.
What came into existence was Life, and the Life was Light to live by.
The talks of the conference have sought to explain what it means to say we have faith in God by looking at the evidence for His existence and his eternal plan to found the Church as man's true environment in which he comes into contact with his creator.
Molecular biology, contrary to the article, does not support evolution by natural chance because evolution can not occur without inheritance, inheritance can not occur without DNA and DNA is so complex it could not have evolved by chance unless we are to assume that molecules just happened to arrange themselves into the DNA molecule at the same times as a nucleus formed to hold the DNA, at the same time as the cell membrane just happened to form around it, at the sametime as all the cell maintaining process in the cytoplasm just happened to come into existence to form a single cell and that all these aspects just happened to come together and work harmoniously.
This means that the Creation hypothesis is at least as valid as a suggestion that the Universe came into existence all by itself from nothing.
It confirms how completely Christ in his coming shares our condition, for it is obvious that we are required, by the terms of our existence, to get only glimpses into those larger questions which give our lives their greatest significance.
The result is indubitably foreknown by God irrespective of how the event came into existence.
The point event, as considered by how it would appear to some observer, would look like something which no sooner came into existence than it went out of existence.
This repeating theme suggests that the people of God come into existence and are sustained in their existence by the grace of God.
By speaking of «time» within the occasion, we are speaking figuratively, as we shall soon argue that there is no time within the occasion and that time comes into existence only at satisfaction.
Under this view, becoming connotes only the nontemporal process by which something that does not yet exist comes into existence
Those who have not entered into this new sphere of ethical existence, those who continue to be trapped by the past, are seen by the revolutionaries as the enemies of this good which is coming into being in time.
And if there is no metaphysical necessity in the process by which intellect came into concrete existence, and none in the story one tells about that process, then how can any of the features or modes of the intellect (e.g., that it distorts reality) be treated as having any greater necessity?
They were taught to expect that this universe of space and time came into existence in one complex, unifying burst of intelligence, the logos in whom, by whom, and with whom all things were made, and that makes all things (no matter how humble) intelligible.
Jesus» going away, the writer of John reminds us, is for our advantage, for it frees him to come to us in ever new forms, ones not so restricted by the particularity of Jesus» spatio - temporal existence.34 In short, the positive significance of God's responsiveness to the contingencies of the world and his appropriation of the world into his own being requires that he be sufficiently free of the world to be a creative and constructive factor in it regardless of the actual contingencies that may arise.
«6 The person comes into existence only when «he is passionately involved in a moral struggle, and confronted by a claim which overwhelms him.
If the mediaeval doctrine is presupposed, and it is coming to the fore again, that the spiritual soul only comes into existence at a later stage in the growth of the embryo, several pre-human stages will lie between the fertilized ovum and the organism animated by a spiritual soul.
For to judge by the outcome (whereby an attempt is made to unite a judgment of temporal existence and of eternity into a judgment that comes after the event is past) is not humanly possible in the instant that a man himself acts, nor is it possible in the instant when others act.
Some degree of suffering and imperfection seems to have accompanied the very process by which all the marvels and beauties of the natural order came successively into existence.
However, all this, as we know, has had to be reconsidered by Christians, Mother Church included, once the geological and palaeontological sciences began to reveal the apparently immense age of the earth and the evidence that the biological species did not all come into existence at once exactly as they are today but by some kind of transformism.
However, if you're really determined, you can always think of yet another far - fetched factor or explanation, such as matter that comes into existence all by itself, an infinite number of universes in which every possibility has happened or will happen in its own universe, life and consciousness spontaneously arising out of inert matter, etc..
In God's revelation in Scripture we come to the recognition that the divine liberation of the oppressed is determined not by our perceptions but by the God of the Exodus, the prophets and Jesus Christ, who calls the oppressed into a liberated existence.
There is not a more hypocritical or repulsive group than those who are not only so distressed by people accepting what they view as nothing more than a fairy tale, but who reject a higher power for lack of proof, only to cling (defacto) to the idea that everything came into existence without any sort of guidance, intent, or intelligence behind it.
An increasing number of seminaries has come into existence, and seminary education has become more professionalized — by emphasizing more specialized and practical training than a minister received a century ago.
But it is not on that account less necessary than the past, since the past did not become necessary by coming into existence, but on the contrary proved by coming into existence that it was not necessary.
The same is the case with manifestations of freedom, provided we do not let ourselves be deceived by the manifestations of freedom but reflect upon the coming into existence.
All coming into existence takes place with freedom, not by necessity.
As compared with the immediate, coming into existence has an elusiveness by which even the most dependable fact is rendered doubtful.
If the past had become necessary it would no longer belong to freedom, i.e., it would no longer belong to that by which it came into existence.
The more specifically historical coming into existence occurs by the operation of a relatively freely effecting cause, which in turn points ultimately to an absolutely freely effecting cause.
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