Sentences with phrase «came upon the church»

On that day, after the Holy Spirit came upon the church, Peter preached a sermon, and several thousand people were added to the church on one day.
GODS JUDGEMENT has come upon the churches.

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Just once, I would love for a mega-church pastor or a prominent church author to come out and announce a blessing upon all those people who are leaving their church to follow Jesus in tangible and loving ways in the community.
Ignoring the warnings of American bishops that American teenagers would not likely be very interested in listening to what the Church had to say, John Paul called down an outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon the 800,000 youth who gathered with him in theMile High City, taking as his theme the words of Our Lord in John 10:10, «I came that they might have life.»
The teaching that men are to be the «spiritual leaders» of their homes is found nowhere in Scripture, and yet I — along with far too many young evangelical women — spent hours upon hours fretting over this in college, worrying I'd never find a guy who was more knowledgeable about the Bible than I, who was always more emotionally connected to God than I, who was better at leading in the church than I, and who consistently exhibited more faithfulness and wisdom than I. (In fact, under this paradigm, I came to see many of my gifts as liabilities, impediments to settling down with a good «spiritual leader»!)
Yet Bultmann still remains reluctant to interpret Jesus» present as based upon historical encounter: «This judgement of his about his present comes from his own consciousness of vocation; thus he creates it out of himself; and it is not, as was later the case in his Church, based upon looking back upon an event decisive for him.
If Advent were a time when Christians and the church reviewed the quality of their relation with the poor and oppressed, people could focus upon the true meaning of the coming of God's kingdom.
• The maxim that he who marries the spirit of the age will soon be a widower comes to mind upon reading the report of the Episcopal Church's Standing Committee on Domestic Mission and Evangelism.
More of our local churches are growing larger, and the phenomenon of multiple - staff ministry has come upon many of them unaware.
If they do «come to church» one of the first things they hear upon entering the building is someone saying, «Welcome to Church.&church» one of the first things they hear upon entering the building is someone saying, «Welcome to Church.&Church
First, there had been a period of stagnation in higher education, which came to be blamed upon a depressive influence by the churches.
And great fear came upon the whole church... [Acts 5: 1 -11].
In the present volume there are repeated and sometimes moving narratives of a sense of «coming home» upon joining the homosexual community, much as Cardinal Newman and other converts have written about «coming home» when they joined the Roman Catholic Church.
I had the benefit of coming from a church where my faith was built upon my understanding of God.
We now have a sculpture of the Holy Trinity quite literally rooted into our church grounds and available for everyone to come and see and reflect upon.
However, this is only partially true, for without Fr Holloway's single minded and dedicated life of service to the Church neither the movement nor the vision upon which it is based would have come into existence.
James, the brother of Jesus, wrote the following in an open letter to the early church: ``... Weep and howl for your miseries which are coming upon you... [Your sin] will be a witness against you and will consumer your flesh like fire.»
At the same time, I did hear a pastor prophesy about a decade ago for churches to start building because we were heading for this time where all our culture has put their collective faith into will fail to fulfil them and they will come banging upon the doors of churches that are alive and vibrant.
The underground church is working very effectively... It [the war] will come down out of the north — that has to be the Soviet Union — upon the midst of the earth — Israel and the Middle East... That's why most of us believe in the imminent return of Jesus Christ.»
When I returned to church we happened upon a one that I came to love.
I have lots of friends who've left the church because when change has come upon them, they feel they no longer fit.
It has been the irritating grain of sand in the oyster, around which the Catholic ages deposited the priceless pearl of supernatural, otherworldly piety; but for the modern church it has remained an impossible ideal of asceticism, an ideal whose very first precondition of fulfillment is lacking, namely, the eschatological outlook upon the world, the belief in the impending Judgment and the Age to Come.
We must conclude this chapter with a look at what changes came upon the early Church, through its conviction of salvation through the Cross of Christ, in relation to the social environment.
The first of these alternatives is exemplified in the Fourth Gospel, where the meaning of the return of Christ is all but exhausted in the coming of the Spirit upon the church and where the whole content of redemption is involved in the incarnation, which is a past event — present and future only in the sense that it is perpetuated in the life of the community.
The church's unity and apostolicity rest upon the whole redemptive work of Christ - past, present and future; upon His finished work on the cross, His continuing work as the risen Lord, and upon His promise that He will come again.
Although Otto's suggestion may possibly throw light upon how the early church could have come to think of Jesus as being the Son of Man, it is a less promising clue to the understanding of how Jesus himself could have come to hold such a view.
According to Alan J. Bailyes, there were five theological issues between the ecumenical and evangelical positions: Church and world, the nature of conversion, Gospel and culture, Christology, and hermeneutics.3 Bailyes explains that a sound and solid ecclesiology has long been a weak link in the evangelical chain of theology, «coming a poor second or cven third behind its soteriology with its emphasis upon the individual and his / her relationship with God.
WE are the only living creations upon whom God's law imposes the obligation to meet the needs of men and women of the poor SO THAT they may come to the saving knowledge of God Jesus the Messiah.The biblical church is NOT a corporate legal fiction with limited liability.
James, the brother of Jesus, wrote the following in an open letter to the early church: ``... Weep and howl for your miseries which are coming upon you... [Your sin] will be a witness against you and will consume your flesh like fire.»
He brought with him his agents - and satan himself, the deceiver of all mankind - sat in on Vatican II and maneuvered all the outsiders to come in and distort My doctrines and distort the truth... You will speak out and say that satan is in the Church, My Church upon earth.
Although the strategy taxed its resources, the immigrants came to look upon the church as a legally protected repository of national or ethnic identity, and upon the faith as a taken - for - granted — even a necessary — part of life.
So great fear came upon all the church and upon all who heard these things.
Like the Old Testament prophets, the church fixed its gaze upon coming events.
Wilford Woodruff, 4th President of the Church «And if any man mingle his seed with the seed of Cain the only way he could get rid of it or have Salvation would be to come forward and have his head cut off and spill his blood upon the ground - it would also take the life of his children.»
Moltmann: I see the necessity of having these charismatic gifts come to and upon the churches.
The only Priesthood authority that can be given to man has to come after the Restoration of Christ's original Church and gospel (which can not come from the Catholic Church or any splinter group from this Church), so any claims to having divine endowments of authority are void because those who bestowed this upon you did not possess any priesthood themselves.
As we contemplate the work which Christ has laid upon his church, we who are met here on the Mount of Olives, in sight of Calvary, would take up for ourselves and summon those from whom we come, and to whom we return, to take up with us the cross of Christ, and all that for which it stands, and to go forth into the world to live in the fellowship of his sufferings and by the power of his resurrection.
Kabel I am a mulish and I live in US, I actually had church people knock on our door and asking us that Jesus, peace be upon him, love you and give us booklet to study and read, they even brought bible in my language to read... we had to tell them we have our own believes but they kept insisting... the came several times within months in our house and each time my mom would invite them and serve them tea...
In addition to jealousy, fear, and distrust, some of the opposition to missions came from the fact that many looked upon them as an excuse to get money out of the Churches.
But here he says, in contrast to the joy and praise that marked the church after Pentecost and the favor it enjoyed with all the people, that «great fear came upon all the church, and upon as many as heard these things» (5:11).
When Bob Cratchit brings the little crippled boy home from church on Christmas, he says to his wife: «He told me, coming home, that he hoped people saw him in the church, because he was a cripple, and it might be pleasant to them to remember upon Christmas Day, who made lame beggars walk, and blind men see.»
In the Acts of the Apostles the word «church» does not occur before a summary which concludes the story of Ananias and Sapphira (a story reflecting the kind of discipline to which Matthew alludes); in it we read that «great fear came upon the whole Church» (church» does not occur before a summary which concludes the story of Ananias and Sapphira (a story reflecting the kind of discipline to which Matthew alludes); in it we read that «great fear came upon the whole Church» (Church» (5:11).
And then, on your left, you come upon a very special and unexpected sight: the orthodox church of the Archangel Saint Michael.
Sophie Calle: «Rachel, Monique» (through June 25) Wandering into the sumptuous, neo-Gothic chapel of the Episcopal Church of the Heavenly Rest, you might think you'd come upon the lovingly arranged setting for a funeral.
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