Sentences with phrase «campaign kickoff»

The phrase "campaign kickoff" refers to the start or beginning of an organized effort by a person, group, or organization to promote or achieve a specific goal or objective. Full definition
Happening today — North Port Republicans Linda Yates and Nicholas Trolli are each holding campaign kickoff events in their bid for House District 74, which opened when state Rep. Julio Gonzalez announced a run for Congress.
«We all need a champion in government who is a watchdog for the people, and I will never waver in my commitment in fighting for you,» James said at campaign kickoff rally at the Brooklyn Historical Society.
Sex and the City actress Cynthia Nixon has only been a gubernatorial candidate for one day, but she sure made her mark — calling Gov. Andrew Cuomo's status as a «real Democrat» into question at her formal campaign kickoff on Tuesday morning.
Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump speaks at his South Carolina campaign kickoff rally in Bluffton, S.C., Tuesday, July 21, 2015.
He was slated to travel to his home town later for a 5 p.m. official campaign kickoff announcement.
Mario Cuomo's progressive legacy is reflected today by U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts and New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, whose own 2013 campaign kickoff speech recycled the «Tale of Two Cities» image.
«He is 100 percent in,» said one, who declined to be named because he didn't want to spoil Murphy's official campaign kickoff.
Cynthia Nixon speaks during a Democratic gubernatorial primary campaign kickoff event at the Bethesda Healing Center on Tuesday in Brooklyn.
She helped introduce Brown at his re-election campaign kickoff earlier this week, so we can pretty safely rule her out of the race.
Powell for Congress announced its upcoming Campaign Kickoff event on February 25, 2015 will take place at The Poet's Den Theater and Gallery.
Yesterday, Erick Salgado joined the crowd of candidates seeking the Democratic nomination for mayor, holding a large campaign kickoff rally on the steps of City Hall.
Another clue to who is the source of her support can be found on the invite for the Carrie Pilon for State Senate campaign kickoff event Tuesday evening; the host committee is made up of a large group of current and former attorneys.
Also at 11 a.m., Education Commissioner MaryEllen Elia will join Office of Children and Family Services Executive Director Deborah Benson to deliver remarks at the Every Student Present Campaign Kickoff Event at Pine Hills Elementary School, Pine Hills Elementary School, 41 North Allen St., Albany.
At 11:30 a.m., LG Kathy Hochul highlights the governor's «Get Screened, No Excuses» program during the annual breast cancer awareness campaign kickoff, Jordan Health Center, 82 Holland St., Rochester.
Don Coqui on the Water also hosted the pol's Council campaign kickoff in December — and his account with the city Campaign Finance Board lists a $ 1,578.69 outstanding liability to the restaurant.
United Way 2015 Campaign Chair Hans Auer addresses the audience during the recent campaign kickoff event at the Jamestown Boys & Girls Club.JAMESTOWN - The 2015 campaign for the United Way of Southern Chautauqua County is now underway.
Mr. Recchia's raucous campaign kickoff a year ago drew current and former members of Congress; Mr. Gentile's launch, in comparison, was a more muted affair.
Cynthia Nixon speaks during a Democratic gubernatorial primary campaign kickoff event at the Bethesda Healing Center on March 20.
Here is a short clip from Salgado's campaign kickoff in early April in which he laments that «our police department can not follow and continue the tough on crime policy of Mayor Giuliani».
David Clegg, a 64 - year - old Ulster County resident with a personal - injury law practice in Kingston, has filed for candidacy in the 19th district and will hold a formal campaign kickoff on Sunday.
Cynthia Nixon speaks during a Democratic gubernatorial primary campaign kickoff event at the Bethesda Healing Center on today in Brooklyn.
At her campaign kickoff news conference on Tuesday, U.S. Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz disparaged Nova Southeastern...
At 4 p.m., Gov. Cuomo will attend a campaign kickoff event for Anna Kaplan for State Senate, Yes We Can Community Center, 141 Garden Street, Westbury.
So he has to go to a personal type of comment,» DeFrancisco, who wears a hairpiece, reportedly told the media after his campaign kickoff announcement in Syracuse.
«I'm running because I believe public servants should be just that, servants, not self - serving,» the first - time candidate told supporters at a campaign kickoff covered by KBPS.
Cynthia Nixon laughed off criticism that she's an «unqualified lesbian» on Wednesday at a campaign kickoff event in Greenwich Village.
After his campaign kickoff in Albany, Molinaro told reporters why he didn't vote for Republican Donald Trump in 2016.
«Cuomo has built a $ 31 million war chest with the donations of millionaires, billionaires and corporations,» Nixon told supporters at her campaign kickoff event in Brownsville, Brooklyn, on Tuesday.
The ad is touting a campaign kickoff event at the home of Rabbi and Mrs. Zvi Bloom.
(Lead image: Public Advocate Letitia James speaks at a campaign kickoff rally in Brooklyn Heights on Wednesday.
Councilmen Brad Lander and Steve Levin, along with State Senator Daniel Sqadron, will attend a campaign kickoff event for Mr. Sikora tomorrow.
Smythe's campaign kickoff event is planned for 5:30 p.m. March 7 at Paula's Public House on county Route 376 in Poughkeepsie.
He blamed Trump political strategist Stephen Bannon for the action, but also highlighted that the president assailed undocumented immigrants at his campaign kickoff in June 2015 — more than a year before Bannon, the former head of the website Breitbart, joined the Trump campaign.
Following the campaign kickoff, Nixon and Rebecca Katz — who served as special advisor to Mayor Bill de Blasio and is working on Nixon's campaign — walked with residents to the Sutter Av - Rutland Rd subway station.
Republican mayoral candidate Nicole Malliotakis held a campaign kickoff press conference Friday at City Hall.
Tampa Republican Sen. Dana Young is holding a campaign kickoff fundraiser Tuesday for her re-election to Senate District 18.
Addressing the press afterward, he attacked the claims the billionaire real estate magnate made in his campaign kickoff speech last month that Mexican immigrants are rapists and are «bringing drugs.»
Also expected to join Thompson at next week's campaign kickoff event are Oakland Mayor Kathy Stark, Oakland Commissioners Joseph McMullen and Rick Polland, Winter Garden Theatre co-founder Becky Roper, and Orange County Clerk of Courts Tiffany Moore Russell, Thompson's campaign announced Friday.
Democrat Bob Buesing is giving it another go in Senate District 18, and he's planning a Tuesday campaign kickoff to get the ball rolling on his 2018 run against incumbent Tampa Republican Sen. Dana Young.
At a campaign kickoff event in March, Queens Borough President Melinda Katz and several members of Congress endorsed Mr. Weprin.
State Senator Bill Perkins, center, at his campaign kickoff, with Raymond Santana, left.
GOP gubernatorial candidate Rob Astorino was «upbeat» at his campaign kickoff fundraiser that netted him at least six figures.
On the eve of that campaign kickoff, the man he's running against, current Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley, offered to debate Ehrlich this Saturday morning on a popular Baltimore radio station.
After his campaign kickoff Tuesday, he plans to leave Wednesday morning for campaign stops in the Hudson Valley and New York City.
The campaign kickoff begins at 11 along the Newburgh waterfront, not far from Maloney's district office.
County Executive Mike Hein and Democratic mayoral candidate Steve Noble chat on the way to Hein's campaign kickoff event back on Sept. 28.

Phrases with «campaign kickoff»

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