Sentences with phrase «campaign organization»

This gets you access to the fundraising and campaigning organization of the big party.
We need to change the laws that allow big corporations and secretive campaign organizations to influence our elections.
Canada About Blog Greenpeace is the leading independent campaigning organization that uses peaceful direct action and creative communication to expose global environmental problems and to promote solutions that are essential to a green and peaceful future.
Mr. Bennett cancelled a scheduled speech in West Point, N.Y., to make the trip, which he said was paid for by the Republican National Committee and the Bush campaign organization in California.
On Thursday, the House Democratic campaign organization released a memo based on an internal poll that urged candidates to «express a willingness to work with the president when his agenda might help the district.»
For one, as chairman of the Senate Republican campaign organization for 2018, he's the newest member of a tight - knit majority leadership team that's spent the past year focused on looking loyal and patient in the face of Trump's combustible approach to political relationships and his voluble pursuit of a legislative program.
The meter surged Tuesday morning when the House GOP campaign organization lambasted one of the year's most prominent and best - financed Democratic challengers, 27 - year - old venture capitalist Sean Eldridge, for «not even trying to hide the fact that he isn't living in» the upstate New York district where he's running.
Several months ago, IDC Chief of Staff John Emerick left the conference to form his own campaign organization.
Today, leading environmental groups and corporate campaigning organizations released an open letter to major corporations — the biggest consumers of tar sands, the dirtiest oil on the planet — calling on the corporations to take responsibility for the disastrous effect that lax to non-existent corporate purchasing policies are having on the climate.
The Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, has described yesterday's detention of the wife of the spokesman of its 2015 presidential campaign organization, Precious Chikwendu and the son she bore to Femi Fani - Kayode as «tyranny taken too far by the Buhari government.»
Go to the Romney campaign organization's profile, and here's the text you'll read (at least as of when I wrote this column):
A project by campaigning organization «Reporters Without Borders» that put messages criticizing world leaders on billboards that appeared on Google Street View has had the images removed by the tech company.
With less money and less developed campaign organizations, they are more reliant on help from their respective Super PACs and outside backers (most notably Foster S. Friess for Santorum and Sheldon Adelson for Gingrich) than Romney is.
Romney's well - funded and professionally managed campaign organization has been highlighted as one of his advantages throughout the primary.
The new campaign organization will be headed by Jim Messina, Obama's campaign manager who oversaw the president's victory over Republican Mitt Romney in November.
«However, due to the fact that the impostors knew the media buy was imminent, we are concerned that there has been an unauthorized intrusion into the extended campaign organization
At first, Sanders pushed back against the FEC, but now campaign organization has agreed to pay the U.S. fine.
Reacting to the development, the Director Media and Publicity of Ngige campaign organization, Chief Charles Amilo, stated that the action was against the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria which stipulated freedom of lawful association, adding that the body did not have locus to take such actions.
Obama became the front - runner for the Democratic nomination this month after a string of primary and caucus victories, and his inspirational appeal and effective campaign organization are getting most of the credit for his stunning success.
Dweck said that V15 got help from Yuval Diskin, a former Shin Bet chief, and that Lubetsky's pro-peace nonprofit One Voice offered legal advice and helped build the social network group into a proper campaign organization.
The street campaign organization, dubbed «V15» — «Victory 2015» — became a talking point this week for the Likud Party, as its Knesset members charged that the nonprofit's activities violate election laws by collecting foreign donations from American Jewish peaceniks — billionaire Danny Abraham and healthy snacks entrepreneur Daniel Lubetzky — on behalf of left - wing parties, and engaging in illegal campaign propaganda.
Mosey for Surrogate Judge campaign organization listed a total of $ 33,293 in donations or expenditures to a total of 167 political candidates and organizations
Ed Cox had four years to get the state GOP's act together, put together a real campaign organization and raise money and he has failed on every front.
Barbour immediately takes over as head of the national Republican campaign organization following South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford's announcement he was leaving the post.
Anambra's politics got deadlier Sunday with an attempted assassination on the Media Director of Godwin Ezeemo campaign organization, Mr Okey Nwoke.
The president has also pledged to put his formidable campaign organization, now known as Organizing for Action, behind Democratic House candidates and to find ways to share its rich trove of voter data with the party's campaign committee.
«They took it home and the balance was paid into campaign organization account.
Pundits attributed his loss to a variety of factors, ranging from a poor campaign organization to a national political climate favoring Republicans
Anderson appears to be tapping into some of Ralph Nader's former campaign organization to help him build his new party, even appearing with Nader in Oregon.
Romney has the best potential campaign organization ready to be put to work immediately for 2012.
To the indefatigable DG of my re-election campaign organization, Chief Victor Umeh, Ibobo Aguleri, Ohamadike!
Greenpeace is a global campaigning organization that acts to change attitudes and behavior, to protect and conserve the environment and to promote peace.
San Antonio - based artist Cruz Ortiz has been tapped to create original artwork in support of Hillary Clinton's presidential bid by Hillary for America, the Democratic nominee's official campaign organization.
In Canada, Carmen Krogh, retired pharmacist and member of the Advisory Group of the anti-wind energy campaigning organization, the Society for Wind Vigilance, regularly speaks to media and groups, and regularly submits to wind farm siting cases.
China is Director of Finance and Operations at SumOfUs, a global online corporate accountability campaign organization.
The Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA), an international campaigning organization committed to investigating and exposing environmental crime, applauds both countries, that comprise the largest producers and consumers of HFCs, for beginning discussions on phasing down HFCs under the Montreal Protocol.
And we really act with more urgency, and more ecological science, than I think the average campaign organization
Learn about the structure of the post-nomination campaign organization and connect with new players relevant to the presidential appointment process.
About Blog Greenpeace is the leading independent campaigning organization that uses peaceful direct action and creative communication to expose global environmental problems and to promote solutions that are essential to a green and peaceful future.
Senate GOP spokesman Scott Reif called the Bruno donations «absolutely 100 % legal» and dismissed the complaint as «a desperate attempt to distract people from the fact that the entire Senate Democratic campaign organization is in disarray.»
Cornyn is the head of the Senate GOP campaign organization.
The Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, has described yesterday's detention of the wife of the spokesman of its 2015 presidential campaign organization, Precious Chikwendu and the son...
And when Representative Steve Stivers of Ohio, the chairman of the House Republican campaign organization, convened about two dozen party strategists in February for a private dinner at a French bistro here, the attendees were surprised when he addressed an issue not included in his formal PowerPoint presentation: the threat of impeachment against Mr. Trump, which he said fired up the party base.
Overall, the campaign organization's website struck Linda Pophal of Strageic Communications, LLC, as «a recruitment tool,» for paid staff, as opposed to something to encourage people to vote for the candidate.
Shalala's installation will give the couple another longtime ally serving in a key role as Mrs. Clinton builds her campaign organization.
She rolled out a campaign organization across the country on day one but that was dealt an early blow when a key organizer was charged with drunk driving offences and forced to resign.
The paperwork was filed by a man named Kenton Tilford, who registered a West Virginia address as the campaign organization's headquarters.

Phrases with «campaign organization»

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