Sentences with phrase «campaign tactics»

Campaign tactics refers to the specific methods and strategies used by individuals or organizations during a campaign, such as advertising, public speaking, fundraising, and door-to-door canvassing, to promote or advocate for a particular cause, candidate, or idea. Full definition
Please do not be influenced by this dated, old and tired brand of campaign tactics.
Voters are simply too smart, and aware, to be fooled into voting for something because of expensive campaign tactics.
Your primary responsibilities will be producing internal reports on campaign tactics and organizing resources, such as event assets and project tools.
Cuomo has never been shy about negative campaign tactics against political opponents.
Nice to see the US struggling to catch up with campaign tactics in other countries for a change
Fascinating article in Slate today about the use of political campaign tactics to build demand for Michael Moore's new film about health care in America, Sicko:
Larry Levy, with the National Center for Suburban Studies at Hofstra University, says the ads are an example of a classic campaign tactic against a relatively unknown opponent.
Mr Huhne, who narrowly lost the leadership fight for the party against Mr Clegg, was a robust defender of Lib Dem policies in government, not least during the AV referendum, when he led the attack against Tory campaign tactics.
Politics is a dirty business and I am not surprised the Tories have adopted smear campaign tactic
«Voter participation is at embarrassing lows because we make it too hard to participate in our democracy, and because dirty campaign tactics and fake news frustrate New Yorkers,» said Senate Minority Leader Andrea Stewart - Cousins.
«Negative electoral campaigning tactics turn the electorate off and it looks like people blaming each other if it rained.
It is now a well - established campaign tactic for the Senate Republicans to link themselves to the popular Democratic governor as they seek to retain control of the majority in the upcoming general election.
«It will be interesting to see what campaign tactics or other revelations have on the polls — particularly after the televised debates.»
As National Manager of Tactics, you will support the Tactics team in strengthening best practices and logistics around campaign tactics, such as rallies, press conferences, and other field tactics in Connecticut, Massachusetts, and New York.
Eyal Arad, an Israeli campaign strategist, said the Likud focus on V15 «is a risky campaign tactic because it's focused on process and not a real issue.
The election, co-founder Michael Beach told Bloomberg, was won in part by then - Governor Barack Obama's online guerrilla campaign tactics.
Same for a category of «politics» questions that concerned campaign tactics and electability.
Video also showed its executives describing campaign tactics of entrapment.
Some specific campaign tactics backfired as well, with «e-watchmen,» whose job was to monitor opposing blogs and post comments in her support, ending up alienating many bloggers and their readers by posting unsophisticated messages in large numbers — essentially, committing the sin of comment spam.
A common campaign tactic employed in 2014 by New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio to help Democrats take over the state Senate is coming under scrutiny.
The NPP accused President Mahama of adopting their flagbearer's campaign tactics dubbed «Rise and Build» — the tour sees Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo - Addo touring the country to interact with party executives and the electorates ahead of election 2016.
«The American political system is broken in part because of reprehensible campaign tactics like we are seeing this week in Buffalo and Queens,» Carvin said in a statement.
«That's why I do not condone unidentified groups who use robocalls or other anonymous campaign tactics and disavow any misleading contents that such material may contain.»
Former Council Speaker Christine Quinn, a leader of the WEQ — an effort created at least in part as a Cuomo campaign tactic to highlight the Westchester county executive's socially conservative views — said she would be delivering the pledge to Mr. Astorino this afternoon, putting him in the position of likely rejecting a promise to pass legislation that would strengthen pay equity and abortion laws.
Erie County District Attorney candidate John Flynn claims a «public shaming» forced one of his rivals for the Democratic nomination to abandon a misleading campaign tactic Friday afternoon.
The Conservative MP for Croydon Central talks campaign tactics, top Tory advisers and the power of selfies with Boris Johnson.
Moreover, Nelson's consulting firm employs a former adviser to Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, whose 2004 campaign tactics McCain himself called «dishonest and dishonorable.»
I'm sick of hearing about Republicans» unfair campaigning tactics.
Democratic operatives grumble Nolan's poor fundraising operation and old - school campaign tactics could sink him in this northern Gopher State district.
The debate between Congressman Tim Bishop (D - Southampton) and Republican challenger Randy Altschuler in Bridgehampton on Monday turned inward when the candidates argued over campaign tactics in a race marked by a flood of attack ads.
Martinez — who is running against longtime Rep. Nydia Velazquez on the Democratic primary ballot in June, along with City Councilman Erik Martin Dilan and first - time candidate Dan O'Connor — unveiled his latest campaign tactic this week: a music video called «Occupy 2.0 All Streets, Bum Rush the Vote.»
Blogger Louis Flores filed an official complaint with Bharara in January that accused Levenson and his outfit of unethical campaign tactics.
Washington (CNN)- It's an unusual campaign tactic: a Florida Democrat running for the Senate is running a television ad against his opponent that will likely never be seen by voters in Florida.
Monserrate has been using attacks against gay people as his primary campaign tactic.
Considering his past campaigning tactics (misleading signs, etc.), it was beyond comical to listen to him screaming ethics and calling for Mr. LaCorte to step down.
Though some critics have raised questions about whether the mayor's heightened focus on Trump is a wise campaign tactic, the parishioners in attendance were rooting him as he blasted Trump and promised that the city would fight his most controversial proposals.
The Prime Minister said that he «makes no apology» for campaign tactics perceived as negative, including his personal attacks on Mr Miliband.
«That means lobbying at the Capitol, but also earned media and applying campaign tactics, too.
With its narrative focus on outward threats and their actual contentious campaigning tactics, Suffragette sacrifices a potentially thought - provoking look at the lives and emotions of the suffragettes themselves.
Behaved in its political party tightrope act, The Campaign finds cleverness in applying a common comedy concept to the real campaign tactics of political mudslinging.
Two acting nods for Shameless as a Comedy (it's new campaign tactic) even though it's more of a Drama than it used to be.
The opponents» success in framing the debate and effective use of proven campaign tactics were decisive.
But such accomplishments weren't an easy road: any initiative led by women in the past demanded hard work, deeply committed people, solid campaign tactics and a persistent vision of a nearly - impossible feature — a shockwave hitting the status quo and paving the way for a world where everyone is equal.
PETA and I may disagree about the ethics of eating meat, and there are plenty of people who object to PETA's overly sexualized campaign tactics.
Defining campaign tactics and tracking their results is a fundamental issue for any law firm.
So analyzing the effects of campaign tactics means perusing a small sample in which we are asked to compare apples to oranges to grapes to dogs to stars to love to six.
That's no surprise, either: This is the same Ted Cruz who wants to ban abortion, has pushed shady campaign tactics, and embraced support from the most extreme and violent elements of the anti-abortion movement.

Phrases with «campaign tactics»

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