Sentences with phrase «cancer forms»

His research combines laboratory experiments and mathematical models to more fully understand how head and neck cancers form and how to better design treatments for these cancers.
Wyrick stressed that this work is just one of many steps needed to get a greater understanding of how cancers form.
Finally, using live mice, the scientists injected 1,000 triple - negative breast cancer cells into their mammary fat pads, where the mouse version of breast cancer forms.
Most pancreatic cancers form in exocrine cells.
Moreover, pancreatic cancer forms metastases much faster than other types of cancer.
This limits too much estrogen being in a woman's system which is said to be one of the culprits behind cancers forming.
Mice lack colonic BMI - 1 stem cells that play a critical role in how colon cancer forms — or carcinogenesis — and how material passes through the cell lining of the intestinal wall — or gut permeability.
In its rush to grow, cancer forms tangles of blood vessels, but those slapdash vessels are leaky.
Cervical cancer forms in the cervix, or the lower part of the uterus that connects to the vagina.
The anti-inflammatory and antioxidant actions of avocados may also help fight against cancer forming cells.
How radish achieves this feat is that it changes how estrogen is metabolized, in the process reducing the chances of breast cancer forming.
Duesberg recanted his own much - celebrated theory of how cancers form — a theory that earned him the California Scientist of the Year Award — when he eventually saw the arithmetic illogic in it.
Cancer forms in our bodies of our pets every day, the vast majority of the time, without notice or consequence to us.
In addition, the Rothenburg lab is using the knowledge gained from the current study to modify myxoma virus with the goal to enhance the virus's oncolytic activity and to expand the spectrum of cancer forms that can be destroyed by myxoma virus.
Although the prognosis for breast cancer has been steadily improving in the last decades, patients with triple receptor - negative breast cancer form a subgroup who receive a considerably worse prognosis in most cases.
«So we're developing a safe, natural molecule found in cruciferous vegetables to protect the oral lining where these cancers form
The knowledge about how this cancer form arises and develops is still limited but new results from a research team led by Lene Uhrbom, Uppsala University / SciLifeLab, shows that disease progress and the malignancy are affected by the cell type -LSB-...]
The knowledge about how this cancer form arises and develops is still limited but new results from a research team led by Lene Uhrbom, Uppsala University / SciLifeLab, shows that disease progress and the malignancy are affected by the cell type from which the tumor originates as well as the age of the patient.
It appears that smoking increases the cancer forming effect of the mutation and increases the cancer risks in the CDKN2A mutation carriers.
Two high school students with cancer form a lasting bond in the movie The Fault in Our Strs.
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