Sentences with phrase «cancer issues»

The improvement to my health over all has been astounding and even though I was concentrating on cancer issues my PD is the true beneficiary to my changes.
I have had an aggressive cancer issue over 15 months ago.
The first lady informed that the association was in the state to launch the Lagos chapter adding that in spite of the effort of government, a lot need to be done in terms of education and advocacy to address breast cancer issue in the country.
A temporary pure fruit and (low protein) vegetable diet may be effective for those with active cancer issues to affect extreme methionine restriction (and a high antioxidant / phtochemical load relative to calories consumed, which should be beneficial in your body's fight against cancer cells.)
Canine and Feline Cancer Issues VSEC offers a comprehensive surgical oncology practice in conjunction with our medical and radiation oncology services.
They have gathered together 14 different veterinary institutions which will work cooperatively on canine cancer issues.
It has caught so much attention that the International Agency for Research on Cancer issued a press release on the likelihood of red meat and processed meat being carcinogenic to humans.
We have an obesity and cancer issue.
Dean said he needed Democrats because his fragile Republican majority had members with heart and cancer issues — «I have old members» and it was good to keep Klein's independent group and other Democrats divided.
On the flight to Marco Island I took a stack of papers from Genome Research's Cancer Issue.
So anyone that has any cancer issues or history or past, or ones that prevent getting extra ketones in there is a great way to fuel the body and not have it fuel any cancer cells.
Predominantly, self - employed and plaqued with serious injuries (broken neck, 4 spine surgeries, etc.) and cancer issues (stage IV) radical neck dissection, external & implanted radiation therapy.
We want to bring more awareness to cancer issues,» he says, because the disease has affected those close to him.
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