Sentences with phrase «cancer warning»

He says coffee sellers in the state should have to post cancer warnings.
He says coffee sellers in the state should have to post cancer warnings.
Women nationwide are filing lawsuits based on allegations that Johnson & Johnson and other makers of talc powder products knowingly failed to provide ovarian cancer warnings on its products.
But to avoid cancer warning labels on soda cans, manufacturers like Coca - Cola are now switching to a new formulation of the coloring.
That leaves consumers who are inundated with cancer warnings at a loss about to how to reduce their risk.
A Los Angeles judge has ruled that California law requires coffee sellers to carry an ominous cancer warning label.
«We are excited about collaborative efforts, together with Petco and the Petco Foundation, to raise funds for research, increase awareness of cancer warning signs and help pet parents with the cost of pet cancer treatment.»
At a meeting in late March, the panel discussed strengthening skin - cancer warnings at tanning salons and moving tanning beds to a class of medical devices that includes CT scanners, among other measures.
• Coffee sellers are trying to fight a California judge's ruling that would require the beverage to carry cancer warning labels.
Cancer warning signs include foul odor, persistent lameness, difficulty urination or defecating, abnormal growth, weight loss, bleeding, wounds that won't heal, difficulty breathing, weakness and lethargy.
However, where California seeks to compel businesses to provide cancer warnings, the warnings must be factually accurate and not misleading.
With those changes, California's ubiquitous cancer warnings may at least get a bit more helpful and specific.
A CALIFORNIAN judge has ruled that coffee must carry an ominous cancer warning because of a chemical produced in the roasting process.
While U.S. - style no - smoking laws have been sweeping through Europe, many Scots still smoke like chimneys, ignoring headline - sized smoking kills and smoking causes cancer warnings on their cigarette packs.
WebMD and the journal Cancer warn that frequent dental x-rays are a risk factor for a common form of brain cancer.
Mobile phone cancer warning brain disputed One of Australia s leading surgeons says a new report into the potentially harmful live psychic readings talk one online psychics today.
A Los Angeles judge has ruled that California law requires coffee companies to carry an ominous cancer warning label.
Cancer Warning on Progesterone Cream Labels Does the warning on progesterone cream labels that progesterone may cause cancer really mean anything?
Not all hotels have the cancer warnings — much of the danger the state is worried about in hotels comes from toxins in substances like secondhand smoke or alcohol.
New rules set to be in place by August 30, 2018 will require companies to name at least one risky chemical in any product that comes with a cancer warning.
- Coffee vendors now have to include a cancer warning on their products in California.
Californians will soon be taking their coffee with cream and a cancer warning, after a court ruled that the state's retailers must label coffee as containing a carcinogen.
It may be premature to slap a cancer warning label on hot dogs, as one health - advocacy group called for in July.
Thanks to acrylamide, a by - product of roasting coffee beans and known carcinogen in rodents, a California judge has ruled that coffee roasters, distributors, and retailers including Starbucks need to label the product with a cancer warning.
Like the damage, cancer warnings, what the EPA says about Gluconic Acid.
It's been more than a year since Coke and Pepsi declared they would be reformulating their products to remove cancer - causing 4 - MI in their caramel coloring, lest they be forced to label their California products with a cancer warning label
The product manufacturers rarely make moves to improve product safety on their own, doing so only when bad press or the threat of a cancer warning forces their hand.
A California judge has ordered coffee sellers like Starbucks to include a cancer warning on their coffee.
It's fair to say that a lot of people awoke Friday to a headline that might have jolted them more awake than a morning cup of joe: A California judge had ruled that coffee sold in California should carry a cancer warning.
Oh, wow, I had no idea about all the cancer warnings.
but due to cancer warnings, many farmers have now switched to other crops.
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