Sentences with phrase «cancerous tumors»

"Cancerous tumors" refers to abnormal growths of cells in the body that can be harmful and dangerous. These tumors are cancerous because they have the ability to invade and spread to other parts of the body. Full definition
In 2010, the Center for Science in the Public Interest focused on Red 40 in its publication «Food Dyes: A Rainbow of Risks,» suggesting that this dye, which is made with petroleum, contains carcinogens that speed up the development of cancerous tumors in mice.
Preliminary studies also show that Celery Seed may help prevent the formation of cancerous tumors in animals.
A third got a sham marriage in order to become a citizen, and a fourth was accused of harassing female staffers and forcing one to touch cancerous tumors on his neck and armpit.
In addition, our investigators have used epigenetic biomarkers to: develop screening tests for cancer; help guide surgeons in removing cancerous tumors; predict drug resistance; and, pinpoint more aggressive cancers.
Former Senate Majority Leader Joe Bruno is resting comfortably after undergoing surgery at a Manhattan hospital earlier today to remove a large cancerous tumor from his right kidney.
One study conducted at the University of Wisconsin - Madison found that by giving mice with cancerous tumors pomegranate fruit extract, the tumors were reduced significantly compared to mice given carcinogens to treat the tumors.
Outbreaks of leukemia that have devastated some populations of soft - shell clams along the east coast of North America for decades can be explained by the spread of cancerous tumor cells from one clam to another.
In addition to causing cancerous tumors in rats, researchers suspect that the Tris and other chlorinated flame retardants might disrupt hormones and damage developing brains and reproductive systems.
In demonstrating that FOXO4 works to prevent the spread of cancerous tumors by binding to and inhibiting the protein RUNX2, the team identified a circuit that controls metastatic progression in prostate cancer.
When cancerous tumors grow in your dog's intestinal tract, your pet will likely develop marked flatulence.
Problems with Actos were noticed after patients had taken the drug for a period of 12 months or more; some patients had no problems while others developed cancerous tumors of the bladder.
She also collected visceral fat tissue from women undergoing hysterectomies and found that when the fat secretions had more of the FGF2 protein, more of the cells formed cancerous tumors when transferred into mice.
«I'm coming from accelerator research and laser physics, and what my team and I have been looking at is how we make best use of the high - power lasers so they can replace accelerators for applications like treating cancerous tumors,» Bussmann said.
In the first clinical proof of its kind, a drug has dramatically shrunk cancerous tumors by disrupting a key genetic pathway.
Leiomyosarcoma is when cancerous tumors form in the stomach or intestinal tract.
Would hyperbaric oxygen chambers help treat all cancers, including leukemia or are they only for cancerous tumors?
They are finding cancerous tumors that are in phase 0 and 1 in patients who are experiencing no pain, whereas most people are often diagnosed in phase 4, where pain is prevalent and the disease is more difficult to beat.
A fourth was accused of harassing female staffers and forcing one to touch cancerous tumors on his neck and armpit.
Shady was 16 years old with infected eyes and a large cancerous tumor on her leg.
Trebananib (formally known as AMG 386; Amgen) is a first - in - class peptide - Fc fusion protein (or peptibody) that targets angiogenesis (the growth of new blood vessels into cancerous tumors) by inhibiting the binding of both angiopoietin 1 and 2 to the Tie2 receptor.
Modern research made by the Cancer Research Laboratory of Hilton Head Island in South Carolina showed that oil of black cumin fought cancerous tumors without the negative side effects chemotherapy.
Because cancerous tumors grow so quickly, they need lots of energy.
With this method, the researchers can control the action of immune cells and «instruct» them to kill cancerous tumor cells.
The resulting liquid treated inflammation, swelling and even cancerous tumors.
These modified cells are then put back into patients in order to attack cancerous tumors.
In addition to being an anti-inflammatory, studies have shown that this magical ingredient is a strong antioxidant, can improve brain function, increase longevity, lower your risk of heart disease, improve arthritis, and may even prevent cancerous tumors!
In the 1890s, William Coley figured out a way to destroy cancerous tumors by injecting patients with toxic bacteria.
Von Maltzahn and Bhatia are developing ways to use nanobots nearly 500 times smaller than Montréal Polytechnic's microbots that can find their way to cancerous tumors without needing to be guided from outside the body.
Collagen breaks down around cancerous tumors.
Von Hippel - Lindau disease (VHL) is a rare genetic disorder characterized by abnormal growth of blood vessels and benign or cancerous tumor development in various organs, including the following:
In recent years, doctors have discovered that the genetic material from cancerous tumors starts circulating in our bodies.
Through numerous studies, Szyf has found that common signaling pathways known to lead to cancerous tumors also activate the DNA - methylation machinery; knocking out one of the enzymes in that pathway prevents the tumors from developing.
«Too much of this building block due to SAMHD1 deficiency caused by genetic mutations can lead to autoimmune diseases and help cancerous tumors grow.
For example, scientists are learning more about how low - carbohydrate / high - fat diets can effectively starve certain types of cancerous tumors while still feeding the patient.
From 2000 - 2013, the number of reported MCC cases increased 95 percent, compared to 57 percent for melanoma and 15 percent for other cancerous tumors.
This fatty acid helps builds muscle, assists with weight loss and drastically reduces cancerous tumor risk.
Another is reproducing cancerous tumors for a similar purpose, while another is working on printing bone — a process that potentially could be used to correct defects.
The method involves tagging a molecular drug delivery vehicle with synthetic DNA that can then be used to see how cancerous tumors are responding to specific treatments (the drugs themselves are placed into these tagged nanoparticles).
Similarly, surgeons should feel sorrow that cancerous tumors exist, but feel joy and even experience a certain amount of professional satisfaction in being able to cut out the cancer.
Interestingly, one study found that cancerous tumors actually produce their own supply of glutathione and use it to protect themselves against chemotherapy.
Critics of the inclusion of isoflavones in food claim that they increase the incidence of epithelial hyperplasia, which precedes cancerous tumors, and that they cause goitre and hyperthyroidism.
The key to this approach is minimizing healthy tissue damage while maximizing cancerous tumor destruction of the sort that improves recognition of the tumor by the immune system.
«Breast - friendly, radiation - free alternative to mammogram in the making: New method identifies cancerous tumors by blood vessels structure.»
The potentially lifesaving technique uses nanotechnology to reveal small cancerous tumors and cardiovascular lesions deep inside the body.
The main reason for advanced - stage ovarian cancer, they say, is an out of control protein CD44, which enables cancerous tumors to proliferate and become resistant to conventional drug treatments.
This repair, which was tested in mice and tissue cultures, slowed cancerous tumor growth.
A six - minute - long exposure can excise almost one - fifth of a cubic inch of tissue, enough to kill most cancerous tumors.
Scientists from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR), and the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI), all parts of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), describe how combining engineered anthrax toxin proteins and existing chemotherapy drugs could potentially yield a therapy to reduce or eliminate cancerous tumors.
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