Sentences with phrase «cannot be»

Not exact matches

That of course does not mean I cannot / should not be offended by some things that I see or hear.
It's a heartbreak listening to the stories of ex-members and knowing that those still loyal cannot / will not hear any criticism of the leadership or their system.
And religion is used to explain things we cannot / do not know.
But even with my cannot - eat - * anything * diet, these ingredients are all green lights hurray!
The main goal of my posts has always been to focus on the can - haves instead of the cannots, by creating smiles and fun with food.
Trust me - where there is pizza, a vegan cannot / will not go hungry.
To those who cannot / do not like coffee, or are looking for a substitute, there are a couple of brands that come to mind: Pero or Postum, here in the States.
Futrell employs an if - you - cannot - buy - it - build - it mentality that is a hallmark of his career, spanning military laboratories, academia, national laboratories and EMSL.
The cannots may be (note: this doesn't fit with the theme of body modifications) older, tighter, or bigger - bodied.
I advise reading both of those for a more thorough answer but let me say this; though I have not read the article that you are referring to specifically, one cannot / should not make any statements pertaining to insulin sensitivity without measuring insulin.
NAREN is about one thing: Pulling together into a collaborative FORCE to make the difference that society, government, and dysfunctional families have not / cannot / will not make in these children's lives.
Shravan indicates he is fighting with investors on a release date, so we just assume that they cannot / will not be swayed, and that the release date is now set in stone?
What I am looking at right now, though, is a near future when a print publisher cannot / will not offer me terms that are more favorable than what I can make on my own.
The demographic of those who cannot / should not enroll in a DMP, but are suitable candidates to avoid bankruptcy through a debt settlement plan, should be looked at as a large subset of people who can have stimulating impacts on the nation's economy.
Some people may allow their dogs to be impounded for non-compliance or abandon them because they cannot / will not pay to spay or neuter.
If the sole defining feature of a casual gamer is one - who - cannot - complete - raid - wings then yes, people who can't complete raid wings are casual.
The «cannot - be-bothered» attitude fits reductive, confident construction of the works, which is amplified by the mix of matte and gloss, which lends the painting a just finished appearance.
As a criminal defense attorney practicing DWI law in Minnesota, this is a cannot - miss presentation.
Managing millions of dollars in rental properties is far from passive as you will be in a position to be making large income affecting decisions that a PM cannot / shouldn't make.
Tell him about our great Valentine's Day gifts for her gift guide — he'll have no excuses... And if he does try to wriggle out of it, seduce your bloke with our cannot - fail bedroom - to - boudoir Valentine's Day bedroom decorating ideas, he'll be putty in your hands!
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