Sentences with phrase «capable of adding an interesting»

Not exact matches

It rejected claims by the Foreign Office that publication was not in the public interest, ruling the Williams draft «might be capable of adding to the public's understanding of the issues in question».
First of all, you can recruit fellow students to join your party although the Go - Home Club members are interesting and capable enough on their own so adding more folks is likely an unnecessary task.
Tabata further added that anyone interested in Agito shoud play The 3rd Birthday to see what type of PSP titles the dev team is capable of making.
You're adding an interesting point but if Climate Science was capable of monitoring its «Science» would it have allowed the IPCC to gum - up the Science with junk from Greenpeace, WWF advocacy, and politics?
What's especially interesting is that the AI is capable of applying contextually meaning adjustments in different parts of each photograph, making for dramatic lighting and more compelling images — as opposed to simply applying a filter to the entire picture or adding something predictable like a vignette.
A second round of interview implies that you have made it thorugh the initial screening and now the interviewer wants: a) the evidences to ensure that you have the ability, skill and interest to perform the job; b) reassurance that you are capable of adding value to the organization.
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