Sentences with phrase «capable of changing the climate»

Other factors capable of changing the climate, like volcanic eruptions and changes in the sun's intensity, can not by themselves explain the changes we've observed in the Earth's climate.

Not exact matches

Secondly, to streamline its diplomatic action so to encompass the various areas of shared and exclusive competence (e.g. trade, energy, climate change), and thirdly, to aim at reinforcing the legalisation of those international agreements and institutions that are deemed as capable to protect the EU's strategic endowment and interests.
Another possible issue with attribution science, he says, is that the current generation of simulations simply may not be capable of capturing some of the subtle changes in the climate and oceans — a particular danger when it comes to studies that find no link to human activities.
Severe climate change throughout the Late Pleistocene, going back at least 125,000 years, was «perfectly capable of causing major problems,» he says.
Hydrogen is «a highly flexible energy vector and energy carrier capable of serving as a weapon against climate change in a future, integrated multi-sector energy system,» said Mary - Rose de Valladares, manager of the International Energy Administration Hydrogen Implementing Agreement, which is developing a comprehensive road map on the production and utilization of hydrogen due for release early next year.
Conservation biologists often need to predict where rare species are capable of living — for selecting the best site for a national park, for example, or forecasting how badly a species» range will suffer as the climate changes in the future.
In the field of planetary and atmospheric sensing, linear arrays capable of simultaneously measuring height - resolved spectral features would have a major impact on issues such as climate change and ozone chemistry,» explains Peter de Maagt, ESA's project manager for Star Tiger.
The bottom line is that if nuclear power is to be used to mitigate the effects of climate change, it must also be capable of adapting to them.
Currently, ACME collaborators are focused on developing an advanced climate model capable of simulating 80 years of historic and future climate variability and change in 3 weeks or less of computing effort.
«Species with smaller geographical ranges are naturally more sensitive to environmental change, and if the same community of species is also highly specialized to forage on few food resources, it will be less capable of adapting to a changing environment» says co-author and Assistant Professor Bo Dalsgaard from the Center for Macroecology, Evolution and Climate.
No one person, organization, community, province, region, or nation is capable of solving the challenge of climate change alone.
«With Carbon 13 and the Marfa Dialogues, Ballroom Marfa continues its mission of presenting art as a transforming media capable of addressing the most pressing issues of our time: The exhibition consists of newly commissioned work by eight international artists who have focused the lens of their creativity to interrogate the reality of climate change.
Unless, of course, he is hoping that Sarah Palin can convince McCain that contemporary climate change is not primarily attributable to human activities (assuming she is capable of coherently expressing that point of view).
It's worth repeating the closing statement from the recent American Meteorological Society Climate Change Statement: Prudence dictates extreme care in accounting for our relationship with the only planet known to be capable of sustaining human life.
Shouldn't we even allow poor India to pursue its development priorities by putting the burden of fighting climate change on the shoulder who are responsible for the problem, and who are capable of adressing it?
Unfortunately, those most affected by the earliest symptoms of a climate change are typically communities most reliant upon consistent weather and the least capable of coping when such patterns change — but still the world seems to dally in enacting legislation sufficient to combat it.
The lines of evidence and analysis supporting the mainstream position on climate change are diverse and robust — embracing a huge body of direct measurements by a variety of methods in a wealth of locations on the Earth's surface and from space, solid understanding of the basic physics governing how energy flow in the atmosphere interacts with greenhouse gases, insights derived from the reconstruction of causes and consequences of millions of years of natural climatic variations, and the results of computer models that are increasingly capable of reproducing the main features of Earth's climate with and without human influences.
Doesn't this mean that the climate is capable of drastic changes without man's input?
If we do overshoot our carbon «budget» in the next several decades, the only way to return atmospheric CO2 concentrations to levels that avoid climate change will be to deploy large - scale CDR projects capable of generating net «negative» emissions:
Because the planet does not have a natural system capable of cleaning the atmosphere of excess carbon dioxide in a human - relevant timescale, it makes the development of solutions that hold the potential of removing and sequestering large volumes of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere a key priority if we want to avoid climate change.
While rainfall in the region is consistent with the emerging El Niño, the unprecedented amounts suggest a possible climate change signal, where a warming atmosphere becomes more saturated with water vapor and capable of previously unimagined downpours.
The problem is not just whether to think about geoengineering or not — the problem is that there are very few institutions or actors capable of imagining how we would manage climate change and energy production in, say, 2050.
As background, the term «carbon removal» is used to describe any process or system capable of cleaning the air of excess carbon dioxide — the most prevalent of the «greenhouse gases» causing climate change.
Erin Biba's Newsweek article on geoengineering commits one of the classic blunders in thinking about geoengineering: treating it as if it might be a silver bullet capable of «solving» climate change.
It's obvious that the biosphere affects climate and vica versa so the correct question to ask via null hypothesis is whether human influence is capable of overriding the natural order, i.e. human influence by itself is able to make (adverse) changes.
Action that helps cope with the effects of climate change - for example construction of barriers to protect against rising sea levels, or conversion to crops capable of surviving high temperatures and drought.
«Climate change, the unsustainable management of resources and the pollution of our oceans demand immediate, coordinated action to create a healthy environment capable of supporting our growing populations,» said Gian Luca Galletti, Italy's Environment Minister.
Therefore, for the «cake - eaters» who take climate change seriously, it is literally unthinkable to conclude or even seriously consider the idea that humans are not capable of fixing the climate problem and other anthropogenic threats to the biosphere.
The federal government is clearly the most capable of making the sweeping changes we need, but a surprising amount could also be achieved through climate emergency action at the state and territory level.
An internal variation can expose climate energy to gain or loss at the top of the atmosphere, so that total energy changes (for example, an El Nino warming event can increase the availability of heat capable of escaping to space).
Nuclear powered reactors are capable of producing vast amounts of electricity with no greenhouse gas emissions, which is clearly a great benefit given current concerns about climate change.
Are the models capable of giving us a correct answer in a probabilistic sense about the attribution of 20th century climate change, or sensitivity to CO2 doubling?
Yet, participants in the climate change disinformation machine often speak as if it is inappropriate to talk about duties to reduce greenhouse gases until science is capable of proving with high levels of certainty what actual damages will be.
If they are persuadable and persuaded by evidence that their opinions are unsupported by the available evidence and / or are capable of critically examining evidence that appears to support their opinion and find fault with it, that tells me far more about someone than the place he or she starts out / happens to currently stand in terms of «accepting» anthropogenic climate change.
«Coupled models are becoming increasingly reliable tools for understanding climate and climate change, and the best models are now capable of simulating present - day climate with accuracy approaching conventional atmospheric observations,» said Reichler.
They insist that only researchers directly within the climate - change community are capable of giving authoritative advice.
The stolen emails were a call to arms for all those who want to stop action on climate change, a sign, just when they thought they were even being abandoned by some conservative politicians, that the energy industry was still in action and capable of inflicting great damage on those scientists.
Even if a species is capable of outrunning global climate change, it may not be able to in the face of habitat destruction, pollution, invasive species, and overexploitation.
The paper concluded that «such events appear capable of strongly altering the regional carbon balance and thereby accelerating climate change.»»
Therefore, it is imperative that we are capable of anticipating the potential responses of global terrestrial vegetation to future changes in climate and atmospheric chemistry.
Researchers create first model for hurricane hazard assessment that is both open source and capable of accounting for climate change.
This is a tragedy because each year when there has been a failure to commit to adequately reduce greenhouse gas (ghg) emissions has made it more difficult in subsequent years to get on a ghg emissions reduction pathway capable of preventing serious climate change.
While Koch Industries doesn't yet own any media, a network of Koch - friendly media has shown it is capable of spreading misinformation on key topics like climate change.
No US national climate change strategy makes any sense unless it is understood to implicitly be a position on the US fair share of a global greenhouse gas emissions reductions pathway capable of preventing dangerous climate change.
«The latest scientific assessments tell us the risks of crossing critical tipping points, capable of triggering runaway climate change, rise very significantly between 1.5 ˚C and 2 ˚C warming.
If you do in fact believe that the planet is undergoing a dramatic climate change, then you must also realize that humans are not capable of adapting to such an extreme change, so quickly.
You were questioning elsewhere whether the Great Unwashed public were capable of understanding Climate Change.
Bolivia draws strongly and explicitly upon ethical justifications for requiring deep cuts in national ghg emissions by other nations, together with financial contributions and holistic mitigation and adaptation measures, capable of both reducing poverty and vulnerability to climate change yet has not identified an equity framework that could be applied at the global scale.
The methanogenic community included genera capable of both AM and HM, indicating that methanogens could potentially use different carbon substrates and thus acclimate to changing conditions, for example vegetation cover or hydrology, under a warmer climate.
Given the current socio - economic, political and environmental context, the countries with more risks of losses and damages due to extreme weather events and slow onset events are developing countries, those which have contributed the least to climate change and those less capable of adapting to its impacts.
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