Sentences with phrase «capable of feeling»

It is my passion to help people live longer, happier, healthier lives; and create an awareness that everyone is entitled to and capable of feeling good and having enough energy to enjoy life.
You've been piecing together advice about love from various sources, and you know you both are capable of feeling so much more for each other.
It is my passion to help people live longer, happier, healthier lives; and create an awareness that everyone is entitled to and capable of feeling good and having enough energy to enjoy life.
But as long as we are still capable of feeling and expressing vulnerability, intimacy stands a chance.»
You'll laugh; you'll cry; you might even contemplate whether androids are capable of feeling emotion at all or if they're merely going by what they were programmed to do.
Call me 100 % correct but I think making the protagonist fallible and capable of feeling emotions might benefit the story.
Debra Rosenman writes in the introduction of her soon to be released book, The Chimpanzee Chronicles: Spellbinding Stories From Behind The Bars, «Chimpanzee's are not playthings, actors, or science project, they are sentient, intelligent and emotionally complex beings, capable of feeling and expressing the same emotions as we do - sadness, grief, excitement, anger, depression, joy and love.»
Because we, like the AVMA, believe that our animals are sentient beings, capable of feeling and consciousness.
Still, Electra's image serves as a reminder to pet owners that dogs are family, capable of feeling love, joy, pain, and sadness.
Investing is one of those financial musts to get ahead yet it stirs just about every emotion humans are capable of feeling.
But unlike Data, Erin is more than capable of feeling.
He's a caricature, all right, but one living in a condo out of Architectural Digest and capable of feeling some sympathy for these pathetic New Jerseyites who've lost their way.
Unlike, say, the bourgeois couple in «Caché,» who were at least capable of feeling guilty for their complicity in the repression of the French Algerian population, the Laurents will not be called to account for their crimes against humanity, or even to acknowledge them.
This all works in the film's favor because it gives the story a surprising amount of heart and proves that Batman is capable of feeling emotion and understands that family is important to him after all.
Writing in 1757, Edmund Burke suggests that the sublime describes, «the strongest emotion which the mind is capable of feeling» (p. 86).
We might not know why she does what she does, whether she's telling the truth or lying at any specific moment, or if she's capable of feeling anything beyond a stoic devotion to her work.
Just because you might perceive yourself to be hardened or uncompassionate right now doesn't mean you're not capable of feeling learning the language of compassion.
Dave Asprey: This is the only option you have right now, if you want to feel the way you're capable of feeling.
The ones who watched its face rated it as more capable of feeling pain and fear, and as a result they felt more «creeped out.»
And while I miss some of the frights associated with having to be the savior for little kids, I take a bit of pride that my children both want to and are capable of feeling their own way through the dark.
As they enter the age of autonomy around age 1 - 2, children become capable of feeling strong emotions but are still lacking in self - regulation and language skills.
I felt things that I didn't know I was capable of feeling.
Hahahahaha, no... There is not a bone or nerve or cell in my body capable of feeling in any way sorry for Chelsea or anyone associated with them.
If there were a «soul» (which of course is impossible as well, since the brain that has also disintegrated was responsible for sight, thought, movement, yadda) then that soul wouldn't be capable of feeling pain.
«It is the purpose of the Congress to assert a compelling governmental interest in protecting the lives of unborn children from the stage at which substantial medical evidence indicates that they are capable of feeling pain.
Only bodies are capable of feeling feelings.
We are currently shaped by trends toward child - centered vacations, marketing, music and media, all focused on creating wonder in sophisticated youth who are increasingly less capable of feeling it.
No one can escape the fascination of Jesus who is capable of feeling the mystery of beauty or can sense the meaning of great genius.
Well, for one thing it would say that women are fully capable of feeling and expressing themselves in ways which go far beyond the boundaries created for them in a male - dominated society.
Capable of feeling all the pain and doubt and fear that come with delivering God into the world.
The fetus is not capable of feeling any pain until 24 weeks: Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, consists of a review of studies conducted since 1997 on the neuroanatomical and physiological development of the fetus.
The fetus is not capable of feeling any pain until 24 weeks.
In the jargon of philosophy, these intuitions we have about whether a creature or thing is capable of feelings or subjective experiences — such as the experience of seeing red or tasting a peach — are called «intuitions about phenomenal consciousness.»
And so the idea of a man creating an artificial female becomes a natural metaphor for objectification; if Ava is capable of feelings, or manipulating feelings, surely, the men assume, it is because they programmed her to do so.
David (whether deluded or not) thinks he is capable of feelings.

Not exact matches

If a task requires specific technical knowledge you don't possess, then of course, delegate it — but if it's something you're fully capable of but just don't feel like doing, you're creating an unnecessary expense.
But many of the people who had been at Rent the Runway for years weren't capable of moving it forward, she felt, because Rent the Runway had been their first job.
CNET ultimately feels it «raises the expectation of what a portable storage device is capable of,» with TrustedReviews calling it a «desktop - class SSD packaged inside a portable frame.»
Says one Adobe employee surveyed by Great Place to Work: «I feel I have the opportunity to take on whatever challenges I am capable of tackling, and we have the opportunity to give and receive honest feedback about how things are going.»
Old - school wet shavers used to turn up their noses at synthetic brushes, but times have changed: New synthetics like the Fendrihan shaving brush are capable of offering a feel similar to badger in softness while still providing enough backbone to whip up a great lather.
Everyone feels fear, except perhaps psychopaths capable of compartmentalizing their emotions.
Whatever shaman you use must be capable of creating a safe space where you can feel comfortable going into the medicine.
Working with someone who has the knowledge you need, like a Tony Robbins Results Coach, will help you build confidence in your skills, which will ultimately make you feel empowered to go after the success you know you're capable of.
It's full of practical ideas, stories and insights that will have you feel a little less alone and more capable of doing the work you feel so called to you.
You have activists, you have a lot of money managed passively and you have the index funds deferring often to ISS to make judgments, and nobody feels capable of separating the wheat from the chaff.
When we don't live in search of a truth that is «out there,» our experience of life can shrink and shrivel until we no longer feel capable of grappling with anything of transcendental import.
Having experienced his own damnation, Lance is capable of hearing the gospel, however little he presently feels the need for it.
At the same time, as members of a living person, they experience their predecessors with particular intensity and also are capable of high anticipatory feeling.
«8 Whether or not divine inspiration is claimed by the artist, in his work he surrenders to something beyond his ordinary self and produces some expression of inner meaning capable of evoking purer feelings in those to whom he communicates.
In our time we feel the need of a new class of intellectuals capable of interpreting social and cultural dynamics and offering solutions that are not abstract but concrete and realistic.
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