Sentences with phrase «capita consumption because»

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Setting aside for the moment the impact on families and communities, Evercore noted that such an exodus «would likely hit demand» for Constellation brands because Mexican immigrants» beer capita consumption is about two times the general population.
Thank you Betty Chambers for your tasteless disregard of the truth that the reckless and wasteful resource consumption of the United States adds up to over 22 % of the world's Carbon dioxide emissions, the highest per - capita in the world (if it's not because of our «wealthy» lifestyle in the west, then why is it?).
But I would say smaller population would consume less per capita, because consumption is dependent on the ability of large scale industries to generate goods and services.
Without some new kinds of policies and human - driven action, humankind could soon come face to face with daunting, human - caused challenges, over which human beings appear to have at least a modicum of control because the increase of conspicious per capita consumption, seemingly endless production, and skyrocketing propagation by the human species has evidently brought certain global challenges into being.
However, demand for edible goods will continue to go up, mainly because improved living standards are causing per - capita consumption to rise.
In the long run none of this matters if the goal is true sustainability because if you do sustainability and populaton peaks this century, the population emergency is averted and per capita consumption can rise on a curve fitted to the population decline.
In the long run, much of the economic growth of developed economies is likely to involve less energy - intensive sectors because of demand - side factors such as 1) the amount of stuff people can physically manage is limited (even with rented storage space), 2) migration to areas where the weather is more moderate will continue, 3) increased urbanization and population density reduces energy consumption per capita, 4) there is a lot of running room to decrease the energy consumption of our electronic devices (e.g., switching to clockless microprocessors, not that I'm predicting that specific innovation), 5) telecommunication will substitute for transportation on the margin, 6) cheaper and better data acquisition and processing will enable less wasteful routing and warehousing of material goods, and 7) aging populations will eventually reduce the total amount (local plus distant) of travel per person per year.
But California has low per - capita consumption of electricity mainly because California has a temperate climate — for residents near the coast — while relying heavily on natural gas for residential heating.
We've been surprised at all the attention Todd's new fridge has gotten recently — including comments saying the comparison against African per capita electricity consumption isn't fair because many of those people don't have refrigerators.
If each nation had to reduce their ghg emissions only to conform to the rates described in the reduction curves in the above chart despite their steepness, it would lead to grossly unfair results because of great differences among countries in per capita and historical emissions levels and urgent needs to increase energy consumption to escape grinding poverty in poor developing countries.
However, water scarcity is expected to be a big challenge in many Asian regions because of increasing water demand from population growth and consumption per capita with higher standards of living.
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