Sentences with phrase «capita use of electricity»

«Per capita use of electricity is pretty much the same over several decades in California, even though there are more electrical appliances and gadgets around the house,» Kelly notes.

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Co-generation of electricity and use of industrial waste heat to reduce per capita energy consumption.
A previous NREL report, «Land - use Requirements and the Per - capita Solar Footprint for Photovoltaic Generation in the United States,» had estimated that if solar energy was to meet 100 % of all electricity demand in the United States, it would take up 0.6 % of the total area in the United States.
And California, he adds, «has held per - capita electricity use flat for 30 years — saving 65 peak GW and more than $ 100 billion of power - system investment — while per - capita real income rose 79 percent.»
The success of standards and other energy efficiency efforts is a significant factor in California's per capita electricity use remaining flat over the last 40 years while the rest of the country's use continues to rise.
As I've explained, there are in effect many buyers and many sellers in CO2E pricing, even if there is a government - enforced standard of delivering equal share equitably to all sellers per capita as there are different carbon intensities of essentially the same energy: electricity need not be produced from fossil fuels, and where it is, the fossil fuels may be less carbon intensive natural gas, or enriched through geothermal or solar hydrotreating to become less carbon intensive, or the CO2 emissions can be directly sequestered or used in coproduction to reduce net influx of CO2.
«For both nations to achieve the same per capita electricity use as the European Union, for instance, they would need the equivalent of 7 billion tons of coal each year, approximately the world's current use,» he wrote in the company's 2010 annual report.
With lower electricity prices and triple the heating degree days, Texans use twice the electricity per capita of Californians; 37 percent of Texans» electricity is generated from coal compared to 15 percent in California.
EIA expects household per capita disposable income to grow by an average of 3.2 % per year as more people have access to electricity and the ownership of electricity - using appliances and equipment (particularly air conditioners) grows.
The UC Irvine researchers used load profiles used were extrapolated from CAISO load data, assuming the historical trend of a steady per capita electricity use, and adjusted for population growth to roughly 44.1 million people in 2030 and 49.1 million in 2050.
Per capita electricity use in India is among the lowest of the emerging economies.
However, big cities offer opportunities for co-generation of electricity and use of industrial waste heat to reduce per capita energy consumption.
However, stabilizing per capita electricity use will not be enough to meet the carbon reduction goals of AB 32.
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