Sentences with phrase «capsule summary»

A "capsule summary" is a short and condensed description or overview of something. It is a brief summary that provides essential information or key points in a concise manner. It is like a summary or preview that gives you an idea about what something is without going into too much detail. Full definition
It's a good capsule summary of some of the high points of my career, such as it is.
Or you could, you know, do the little capsule summary thing.
Though best known for capsule summaries of classic literary works by such authors as Shakespeare, Hemingway, and Austen, Cliffs Notes Inc. has spawned a new generation of study guides.
He writes, «Television programs add text crawls and pop - up ads, and magazines and newspapers shorten their articles, introduce capsule summaries, and crowd their pages with easy - to - browse info - snippets.»
Along with the title and a quick capsule summary of each game, they've also done us the justice of organizing the list into helpful and colorful categories, including «Bang Bang», «RPFree», «Urban Nightmares» and many more.
The release itself is far superior to the federal version, containing as it does a small capsule summary of what the repealed statute would have accomplished.
Herewith: some capsule summaries of the different approaches.
Fifty Shades Freed by Matt Weiner Boiling down the Fifty Shades movies into a capsule summary has always felt a bit like playing Mad Libs with a head injury, and... read more →
At the same time, readers don't want to be treated like they need a dumbed - down version of the truth, disseminated through Tweets, newspaper abstracts, and capsule summaries.
Barbara's concluding sentence in her capsule summary of Simenon's writing habits: «he only knew what would happen in the first chapter when he began to write.»
You've researched «how to get a book reviewed» but you also want more than a capsule summary.
The error was repeated in a picture caption and a capsule summary.
I've got longer posts on this coming up, but here's a capsule summary: it's clear that politics as currently constituted, particularly in the U.S., will not tolerate a high price on carbon.
In grievance hearings that I have conducted, I have had a very limited record to review prior to the hearing and appreciated a capsule summary of the evidence to be presented.
Remember, a resume is merely a capsule summary of your history; you are on your most familiar turf.
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