Sentences with phrase «capture live information»

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These cosmic formation period information, there is used to capture the alien life signal.
In addition, research showing that value - added measures outperform other teacher characteristics at predicting a teacher's impact on student growth in future years — and that they also capture information on teachers» impacts on longer - term life outcomes like teen pregnancy, college going, and adult earnings — served as an important justification for differentiating teacher effectiveness.
Lightman, author of Einstein's Dreams (1993), perfectly captures the frenzy of our electronic era in this breakneck yet poignantly beautiful tale of one man's short - circuiting under the relentless pace and pressure of life in the age of information overload, a predicament contrasted, thanks to an Internet college course, with the story of Socrates.
The Nokia Storyteller app lets you capture photos and videos and add location information and captions to them to create a narrative of your life events.
Microsoft issued a statement regarding privacy and Xbox: «Xbox 360 and Xbox LIVE do not use any information captured by Kinect for advertising targeting purposes.
The first substantial monograph on an artist whose sculptures capture the proliferation of information and objects in contemporary life.
An accomplished writer and social historian, Mr. Sykes captures the essence of David Hockney's career and personal life in painstaking detail using information from diaries, interviews, archives, notebooks, and artwork.
A very close interaction with one surface becomes captured information, disseminated to a global audience, across screens and the artist is brought to life as the medium through which an audience interacts with one and the other.
The service offers a personalized digital vaults platform used to capture and securely store life's meaningful moments and important information for future delivery, and to bequeath online accounts and digital assets.
This is a live document which captures client - specific information and evolves as we develop a deeper and more practical understanding of the client and its operations.
The checklist enables you to capture the essential information you'll need throughout the life of the matter.
Adolescence is characterized by major biological, psychological and social challenges and opportunities, where interaction between the individual and environment is intense, and developmental pathways are set in motion or become established.2 — 4 Furthermore, adolescent psychopathology can have important consequences for education, relationships and socioeconomic achievement in later life.5 — 7 These characteristics of adolescence do not only set high demands for cohort studies aiming to capture the most salient aspects of developmental pathways, they also ensure a great gain in empirical knowledge and an invaluable source of information for public health policy from such studies.
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