Sentences with phrase «capture near infrared light»

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The cameras capture light in the near - infrared range, and the device comes equipped with infrared LEDs, allowing it to build a full panorama of a scene even if it is poorly lit.
These results are consistent with the idea that semiconducting carbon nanotubes are able to expand the light capture by plant materials to other parts of the solar spectrum such as the green, near infrared and ultraviolet.
The MODIS sensors capture growing conditions by measuring the reflectance of near - infrared light from plants.
Hubble captures something close to real colors, but in similarly processed images from the infrared Spitzer Space Telescope, all stars appear blue (because stars emit more light at visible wavelengths and in the near - infrared).
The team of computer science and electrical engineers developed HyperCam, a lower - cost hyperspectral camera that uses both visible and invisible near - infrared light to «see» beneath surfaces and capture unseen details.
That signal can't be captured by traditional RGB (visible) light or near - infrared bands, so the SWIR is extremely useful to differentiate corn and soybean,» Guan concludes.
Then, the team's Gamma - Ray Burst Optical / Near - Infrared Detector, or GROND, simultaneously captured the waning light in seven wavelengths.
An earlier image of NGC 3344 captured in 2012 in visible and near - infrared light by the Hubble Space Telescope
For example, a standard camera captures visible light reflecting off an object and this is exactly what a near infrared camera does, it captures near infrared reflecting off an object.
In the real world shortwave infrared reflects back to the eye as does visible light, but because it's invisible we can't see this happening, but we can see it through near infrared cameras which operate on the same principle as visible light cameras and can capture the shortwave infrared reflected back.
«Near - infrared (NIR) imaging devices capture light in the wavelength range of 800nm to 1300nm.
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