Sentences with phrase «capturing what»

This short collection of small moments manages to cover a wide range of powerfully relatable emotional highs and lows, beautifully capturing what it's like to fall in love for the first time.
By capturing what an instructional leader notices and thinks about in relation to instructional practice, a process of collaborative analysis and discourse can occur in service of creating a common vision and common practices in the classroom.
Here are some other highlights that I took directly from Judge Thomson's ruling, capturing what I viewed as his major areas of concern about the state's system (click here, again, to read Judge Thomson's full Order):
I want to underscore that this is, indeed, the most comprehensive and up - to - date report capturing what states are currently doing in terms of their teacher evaluation policies and systems; however, I would not claim all of the data included within are entirely accurate, although this is understandable given how very difficult it is to be comprehensive and remain up - to - date on this topic, especially across all 50 states (plus DC).
Although there is plenty of data to understand the growth of charter schools or the numbers of students in districts, because blended learning is a phenomenon that doesn't occur at the school level — it instead occurs at the level of individual classrooms and teachers — capturing what's happening is difficult.
When it came time to cast, J.B. stepped up and took on both roles, perfectly capturing what I had in mind and going miles beyond.
Though it's been rightly celebrated for its guerrilla shoots and nomadic production history — depicting an adolescent's maturation from six to eighteen by reassembling the cast once a year, more or less in secret, for a few days at a time — Boyhood might be most impressive as a reflection on the impossibility of fully capturing what happens in all those «and thens» that constitute a life.
But neither movie comes as close to honestly capturing what it feels like to be a stranger in your own body than 1999's «Boys Don't Cry.»
What's finally remarkable about Lady Bird is how it commiserates with that itchy impatience, that desire to break out into the world, while also capturing what its title character can't or won't see: the brilliant extinguishing flame of her childhood.
There's also plenty of stock footage of New York City to gawk at, and the street level scenes do a better job of capturing what it's actually like there.
Great review, Mark, capturing what's brilliant about the movie without spoiling anything for anyone who hasn't seen it.
This short collection of small moments manages to cover a wide range of powerfully relatable emotional highs and lows, beautifully capturing what it's like to fall in love for the first time.
No game, film, book or otherwise has been more effectively in capturing what the experience of exploring the universe must be.
Bryan Cranston does the best film work of his career (Affleck has a way of capturing what works about AMC leading men that other directors seem to miss as this follows Jon Hamm's best film work in «The Town»).
Speaking of short, dark days, capturing what little light there is can be so essential.
However, we didn't end up capturing what I had in mind.
Or if you have a strength of creativity and your partner has an appreciation of beauty and excellence, spend an afternoon outdoors marveling at nature's wonders and capturing what you see in words or drawings.
Thank you for capturing what I never would have been able to.
Our constituency is a perfect snapshot capturing what makes Canada the greatest country in the world — a mix of urban and rural, French and English, blue collar and white collar, and truly multicultural.
We think the band does a great job of capturing what is surely the inner turmoil going on behind the mustache of this left - handed lover of the Lord.
All of us at Entrepreneur Media look forward to capturing what you do as innovators and sharing it with the world.
But supply chain planning really doesn't fully capture what Kinaxis does.
If you want to create and maintain great relationships, find a simple way to capture what you learn about people and keep track of it.
Herb Kelleher has told a great story about Southwest Airlines (NYSE: LUV) that captures what this means in practice.
If the person doesn't truly get your brand, no matter how creative they are, they won't pick up on the subtleties that truly capture what you want to express.
I'm the CEO of the company... you really captured what we're trying to accomplish with BuzzStream.
«The technologies can capture what people are thinking at a particular moment,» Albright told me, «and serve it back to them over and over again.»
All he got was the cold light needed by the TV crews assembled to capture what turned out to be this Prime Minister at his most brittle.
Can you capture what it means to be a member of your organization?
But Buffett's discussion of the issue in his latest letter also re-focuses that debate towards one that is more productive and captures what «active vs. passive» really means.
An important function of a value proposition is to create an emotional attachment to your brand and to capture what makes your product or service unique and valuable.
Social media monitoring tools are the most likely way to capture what social keywords are trending, but I have yet to find a service that does this well and none that interact with search keyword research tools.
He always captures what I'm thinking about even if I don't know how to explain.
Her interviews with Oprah capture what she does best: Challenge listeners (and readers) to see the world in a new way.
After being spoiled by $ 100 - million epics from the MCU, it's easy to get hung up on the primitive special effects, but the early Superman movies capture what we love about comics: heroism, hope and fun.
It fails to capture what is special and dangerous about the way drugs bind with people's minds.
And if we are not careful, such an approach can fail to capture what the family ought to be and often has been.
As a photographer approaching this mystery, I am confronted by what might seem like a contradiction: Photographs capture what can be seen, and yet faith is often invisible.
I like it because it captures what would be...
They fail to capture what a church actually is: real live actual humans, showing up day after day, year after year, building something durable and lovely over time, together, with prayer and forgiveness and love.»
For us he is a guide and patron who spurred us on and captures what we thought and felt with prose, intellect, and holiness to which we can only aspire.
What he was seeking for was a way of apprehending any fact within the living situation so as to capture what was wholly its reality in that living situation.
To capture what I intend here, let me return to Whitehead.
truly captures what makes an actual game night special: Friends who come together to have fun tend to become better friends amidst all the laughter and competition.
Under the surface, Game Night truly captures what makes an actual game night special: Friends who come together to have fun tend to become better friends amidst all the laughter and competition.
«This terminology better captures what is happening,» says Singh.
Thus our tradition has not come up with a cogent, succinct formula that would capture what the singularity of the Jewish people is all about, because, like love, this singularity defeats rationalization.
Hence, our conscious symbolizations of the external world do not capture what these events are in and of themselves.
Life is challenging right now for me too, especially battleing cancer and beginning to work again etc, but both the immages capture what's going on inside.
The objects of sensation have a valuable instrumentality for the perceiver that captures what they are, their natures.
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