Sentences with phrase «car with the windows»

Now they need a law and stiff penalty for the idiot's who let their dogs in a hot car with the windows down an inch.
Another good idea is to limit exercise on hot days and never leave your pet in a hot car with the windows cracked.
Never leave it alone in a hot car with the windows rolled up.
In a parked car with windows closed or cracked for ventilation, the temperature becomes deadly very quickly.
It was a solid contender in a previous round of testing, and most of our panel said it had the best outgoing voice quality in a moving car with the windows down.
Many concept cars have been true innovations — dream cars with a window onto the future.
I recently had occasion to be shopping in St. Augustine, where I observed three small dogs locked in a parked car with the windows opened only a crack.
Many cases of heatstroke happen when dogs are locked in cars with windows rolled up or cracked slightly.
Bromine and chlorine are used extensively in materials in automobiles of recent vintage — in the seats, armrests, door trim, shift knobs — so avoidance of riding in cars with the windows closed is important.
Even when lucrative jobs loom, we choose to live on less, to be home more, to not vacation, to not have the latest gadgets or a flat - screen TV or a new car with windows that work (sore point in the summer, you see).
So even if you want to outfit your whole car with window tint, you can do that with just one roll.
Dogs left in cars with the windows up and the engine off in cold weather rapidly become hypothermic.
The temperature inside a parked car with the window closeded can quickly soar to 120 degrees, long before you can return.
The Kia Soul is that boxy car with the windows that seem to wrap around all four sides.
When your child's body produces too much heat (e.g., running vigorously) or is unable to cool down when exposed to intensive heat (e.g., sitting in a hot car with the windows rolled up), it struggles to maintain a normal internal body temperature.
Many described hearing loud or disconcerting sounds before the onset of symptoms, or pressure sensations in their ears akin to the baffling that occurs in a moving car with the windows cracked open.
You may be shocked to know that the temperature in a parked car with the windows closed can rise 20º in just 10 minutes.1 So on an 85º day, the interior of a car can reach 104º in only 10 minutes.
When your child's body produces too much heat (e.g., running vigorously) or is unable to cool down when exposed to intensive heat (e.g., sitting in a hot car with the windows rolled up), it...
Dear Abby: Recently on a very hot day, I saw two dogs left in parked cars with the windows up.
and I was in the car with the windows down so I need another go.
Research has shown that a single cigarette smoked in a car with the window half open exposes a child in the centre back seat to around two thirds as much second hand smoke as you might have encountered in an average smoke - filled pub, in the era before it was deemed unhealthy for adults to be in such an environment for any length of time.
Now imagine spending a week in the car with the windows rolled up.
When everything ices over and transportation is a challenge with snow and other cold weather elements, it makes me fully appreciate being able to jump in the car with the windows down or just take Nilla for a walk come springtime.
jammin the car with the windows down at stop lights, laughing, and playing extreme follow the leader at the mall.
Personally we like to be able to see everything around us, and ensure they can see us - don't want to be anywhere near another car with the windows all frosted up and just a small patch on the windscreen for them to peer out!
It was funny, because we ended up having a picnic inside the car with the windows opened and loud music!
You can help promote the Caravan by decorating your car with a window sticker, flag (s), and / or a rear window «Follow Me To Bowling Green» decal — all available from me.
Whether you're cruising in your car with the windows down, working out with your pet, or simply chilling in your backyard, here's a medley of music — from old classics to modern hits — for your pet - friendly summer playlist:
And we're talking about a car with its windows open here.
I can not smell it, even in the car with the windows up.
Sadly, pets are lost every year when left in a car with windows cracked down for only a few hours.
Cats and dogs dissipate heat by panting, which becomes inefficient in extreme heat, areas of poor ventilation (inside a car with the windows closed), or when dehydration causes a lack of moisture on the tongue.
It's unfortunate that there is an average of five pets a day that have to be admitted to the animal hospital due to complications from warmer temperatures: from incidents of dogs being left in hot cars to dogs or dogs overheating while being in a car with the windows down even while in the shade.
Even a car with a window cracked open can get very hot, very quickly, if you leave the window open too much, just enough for a head to squeeze through, your pet can escape.
In ambient temperatures (86 °F), a car with windows partially rolled down can reach an internal temperature of 104 °F within 16 minutes.
On an 85 - degree Fahrenheit day, for example, the temperature inside a car with the windows opened slightly can reach 102 degrees within ten minutes.
The temperature in a car with its windows open even slightly can raise 20 degrees within the first ten minutes.
One who also likes to ride in the car with the windows down and head sticking out, one who eats anything set in front of them, one who lays upside down to watch the latest HBO show.
On an 85 - degree day, for example, the temperature inside a car with the windows opened slightly can reach 102 degrees within 10 minutes.
On the other hand, you must not leave a dog locked in a car with the windows up, in direct sunlight.
On an 85 - degree day, the temperature inside a car with the windows cracked open can reach 102 degrees within 10 minutes, and after 30 minutes the temperature can reach 120 degrees.
According to a study conducted by Stanford University, «On an 85 - degree day... the temperature inside a car with the windows cracked can reach 102 degrees within only ten minutes.
The back of a pickup or a car with the windows down is dangerous and illegal.
On a day when the temperature is about 85 degrees, inside a car with the windows opened slightly it can reach 102 degrees within ten minutes.
Infrasound (frequencies below 20Hz for the purpose of this statement) is generated by both natural sources (such as people, wind, waves, thunder and earthquakes) and mechanical sources (such as fossil fuel power generation, travelling in a car with windows open, traffic, industry, air conditioners, aircraft and wind turbines).
David Allen doesn't tell us if he is in his car with the windows rolled up and the stereo going, nor does he explain what the problem is, given that he is stopped at the red light and the people walking in front of him have the right of way.
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