Sentences with phrase «carbon emission goals»

Marlyn directs the Sustainable Advanced Fuels program, which aims to identify and support the development of low - carbon transportation fuels that will ensure Washington and Oregon meet their carbon emission goals, and spur economic growth in the region.
Here are links to a few recent reports and notable experts that stress «fuel - switching» to electricity as crucial for meeting carbon emission goals:
All this creates additional carbon emissions and undermines progress towards the government's ambitious carbon emission goals.
Moehn said that Ameren Missouri was the first investor owned utility in the state — and one of the first in the country — to «announce a carbon emissions goal of this magnitude.»

Not exact matches

In World Bank fashion, he set out targets for 2020, 2030 and 2040, with an ultimate goal of an 80 percent reduction in carbon emissions by 2050.
With the scope and reach of a political platform, the company publicly declared goals for itself on practically every major social issue it touches, from local sourcing and carbon emissions to ethical recruiting and the treatment of workers in its suppliers» factories.
The business also said it was setting itself the goal of slashing its carbon emissions by 80 percent by 2050, compared to 2005 levels.
«By getting active in communities, we can raise our voices to defend policies and regulations that will protect wild places and wildlife, reduce carbon emissions, build a modern energy economy based on investment in renewables, and, most crucially, ensure the United States remains fully committed to the vital goals set forth in the Paris Agreement on climate change.»
Over lunch at a sushi bar, the two shaped an audacious goal: to drive 80 percent of carbon emissions out of the built environment.
But distinguished software engineer Sebastian Thrun said that the company's goal is to «help prevent traffic accidents, free up people's time, and reduce carbon emissions by fundamentally changing car use.»
These goals will be achieved through a progressive carbon tax system, which place levies on carbon emissions.
Environmentalists fear that the production and processing of the gas for export could upend the province's aggressiveclimate change policies, which include an emissions - reduction goal and an unusual carbon tax system.
It's essential to extend and expand tax incentives for carbon capture, update state laws to include CCUS technology in clean energy standards, and fund continued carbon capture RD&D, among other things, if we are going to reach our emissions - cutting goals.
The goal includes an ambitious end - to - end approach to reduce its carbon footprint through actions to reduce deforestation in its agricultural supply chain as well as to cut carbon dioxide emissions from manufacturing by an absolute 15 percent, in line with science - based targets.
McVitie's has already seen a 38 % reduction in carbon emissions and a 37 % reduction in water consumption, with a goal of a 45 % reduction for both by 2020.
With increased attention to climate change and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and offsets, the goal of the project partners is to provide a free, easy - to - use, wine industry specific, greenhouse gas (GHG) protocol and calculator that will measure the carbon footprints of winery and vineyard operations of all sizes.
The bill would put into law the government's long - term goal to cut carbon dioxide emissions by 60 per cent by 2050, and set out how it could be achieved.
The mandate would be another step toward the governor's goal of a 40 percent reduction in carbon emissions from plants supplying the state's electricity.
Divesting from fossil fuels has long been a goal of many environmental advocates, who say the state shouldn't invest in fossil fuel companies when it's working to reduce its carbon emissions.
Of course, there's not just the congestion - combating part of the plan to consider; as the city and state both move to uphold the Paris climate accord — which seeks to combat climate change and lower carbon emissions — encouraging people to drive less seems an obvious way to get New York closer to achieving that goal.
«Further, the plant helps avoid millions of metric tons of harmful carbon dioxide emissions each year and serves as a clean energy bridge to meeting the state's 50 % renewable energy goal by 2030.»
The project will help meet the country's overarching FIP goals by addressing the underlying drivers of deforestation and catalyzing transformational change through up - front investment to support the country's strategy on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation, sustainable management of forests, and enhancing forest carbon stocks (REDD +).
The carbon emission reductions goal of the draft Energy Plan — an 80 percent reduction in carbon emissions below 1990 levels by 2050 — is too little too late.
The order gives the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency the authority to repeal and replace the Clean Power Plan, the set of rules that established goals for reducing carbon dioxide emissions from fossil - fueled electricity plants through a national trading system.
Preserving nuclear plants also allows the administration to move toward its goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions 40 percent by 2030, through a zero - emission credit program that awards companies for producing energy without carbon emissions.
Governor Cuomo's Energy Highway Initiative has ambitious goals to move New York State to a lower carbon emission, renewable future.
The Environmental Protection Agency's proposal to reduce carbon pollution nationwide means a goal of reducing carbon emissions in New York state by more than 40 percent.
The draft Energy Plan affirms Governor Paterson's 2009 Executive Order 24 committing New York to the consensus goal of the International Panel on Climate Change at that time of an 80 percent reduction in carbon emissions by 2050 below 1990 levels.
While no countries put forward new targets, all of them — from emissions giant Australia to tiny Niue (population 1,398) inscribed their domestic carbon - cutting, fossil - fuel reducing, renewable energy and energy efficiency goals as part of the declaration.
EPRI's conclusions about energy technology gains were fed into a second computer model to assess the costs of stripping 80 percent of 1990 - level carbon emissions out of the electricity sector by 2050, approximating the goal of the House - passed climate bill.
It is a responsible approach that sets attainable goals for gradual reductions in carbon emissions and it protects consumers, businesses and workers as we move toward clean energy.»
«Many cities have outlined goals to reduce carbon - dioxide emissions, and obviously tree - planting is one way to achieve that goal,» said Chang Zhao, a graduate student in the Geographical and Sustainability Sciences department at the UI and corresponding author on the paper, published in the journal PLOS One, «but our study shows it plays a minor role and that we need to focus on reducing carbon emissions over removing them.»
Yesterday in a plenary session, Nordhaus repeated his long - standing preference for a carbon tax, which sets a price for carbon emissions, not an emissions goal.
Up till now, China has mostly focused on long - term aspirational goals when it comes to emissions, reserving its short - term and medium - term targets for goals related to switching to lower carbon energy sources.
So far, several Canadian provinces and territories have decided how they are going to achieve their share of Canada's overall carbon emissions reduction goal.
And when US President Donald Trump announced he would withdraw the United States from the Paris Climate Agreement earlier this year, a range of US cities and states pledged to act on their own version of «Think globally, act locally,» by cutting local and regional carbon emissions in keeping with the goals of the Paris deal.
The ultimate goal is to reduce carbon emissions to 80 percent below 1990 levels by 2050.
Embracing that earlier «Republican vision,» he says, fits with Trump's goals of creating more jobs in rural America while enhancing energy security — and it would lower carbon emissions as well.
If your goal is to help reduce carbon dioxide emissions, then maybe you should switch to LEDs now,» said Lixi Liu, first author of the study and a doctoral student at the U-M School for Environment and Sustainability and at the Department of Mechanical Engineering.
He said there were signs of progress, such as a plan in June by U.S. President Barack Obama to achieve a goal for cutting emissions by 2020 and the start of carbon trading in China.
In parallel to the renewables target, the commission proposes to cut Europe's carbon emissions by 40 % by 2030 compared with 1990 levels, up from the existing 20 % reduction goal for 2020.
Of course, the goal of a sustainable transport system demands not only zero carbon emissions during driving but also during the production and distribution of the fuel, be it electricity or hydrogen.
The Obama administration is quietly working on new greenhouse gas emissions targets to deliver to the United Nations, even as it struggles to craft regulations that will enable the United States to meet its current carbon - cutting goals.
For example, electric companies that let households set a monthly electricity goal in dollars, kilowatt - hours or carbon dioxide emissions and then allow them to see how well they're meeting their goals over time are best at getting consumers to lower their electricity use.
«Regardless of which theory proves correct, the goal is the same — to reduce carbon emissions, we need innovation in the private sector; not excessive government regulation to stifle some industries while rewarding others.
One goal of DOE research efforts, he said, should be to develop the technologies needed to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions associated with energy use, and to help «create a low carbon economy.»
These advances are steppingstones toward realizing Flight Path 2050, the European Union's aggressive goal to reduce the aviation sector's nitrous oxide emissions by 90 percent, noise pollution by 65 percent and carbon dioxide emissions by 75 percent by 2050.
G7 leaders also agreed on Monday to wean their economies off carbon fuels and supported a global goal for reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.
According to an analysis done by the council that accompanied the new plan, the carbon tax - and - dividend system would «allow the United States to meet the upper end of its 2025 Paris commitment,» meaning it would achieve the goal of a 28 percent emissions reduction that the U.S. promised under the major international Paris climate agreement.
Greenpeace's goal in India is to stop all new coal - fired power plants because the resulting carbon emissions would contribute to global warming, even though scientists caution that renewable energy has not yet matured enough to supplant future coal - fired generation.
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