Sentences with phrase «carbon reduction targets»

«It can have a reasonable market share and bring down the overall cost of meeting carbon reduction targets,» he said.
This was a triumph for the powerful renewables lobby, led predominantly by German and Scandinavian suppliers, but it is not helping the climate as much as carbon reduction targets would.
It has been over ten years since we set our first business - wide carbon reduction targets in 2006.
With voluntary reporting environmentally - aware corporations can work outside of the context of government mandates to set and reach carbon reduction targets.
It would make even our modest carbon reduction targets impossible to hit, and cause household energy bills to soar even further.
Won't that make it hard to meet Victorian carbon reduction targets?
Working to meet carbon reduction targets can also reduce local pollution and increase energy efficiency — which benefits both businesses and residents.
Shell does a better job of describing what will be needed to achieve holding temperature rise to no more than two degrees Celsius, including setting itself ambitious carbon reduction targets.
And while China is still not committed to absolute emissions reductions in global climate negotiations, experts say its «intensity - based» U.N. carbon reduction targets, which are based on improving the relative efficiency of industrial processes, could be as effective as Western - style absolute cuts in emissions.
Keurig Green Mountain coffee roasters challenged their own success with voluntary carbon reduction targets and, in partnership with NativeEnergy, helped create the
«Decarbonising heat at scale will need to be well underway by the 2030s and continue beyond 2050 to meet the legally binding carbon reduction targets set in the Climate Change Act.»
Unfortunately, by slowing the proliferation of LCV technology (until the point where the price of oil means consumers literally can not afford not to have a low carbon vehicle) could have obvious repercussions for carbon reduction targets.
Cameron allowed Conservative MEPs to vote against increasing the EU carbon reduction target from 20 % to 30 % by 2020, despite it being a key pledge in his own Coalition agreement,
The researchers call for a need to move beyond a sole focus on mitigating the effects of climate change to reach solutions that consider global carbon reduction targets as well as local energy and environmental contexts.
«Under a plan the NRDC has proposed, the Environmental Protection Agency could develop safeguards under which each state would have its own carbon reduction target, tailored to its specific energy mix,» said President Frances Beinecke, in a statement this week.
Under the Clean Power Plan, states have been assigned specific carbon reduction targets.
Exported fossil fuels don't count against reaching NSW carbon reduction targets, but the climate harm from burning exported gas could potentially wipe out any actual climate benefit of reaching our targets.
Exported fossil fuels do not count against reaching local carbon reduction targets.
That report looked ahead to the December 2011 publication of the Government's Carbon Plan (PDF 4.38 MB) to support the delivery of the statutory carbon reduction targets in the Climate Change Act 2008.
Exports do not count against meeting federal or state carbon reduction targets even though they certainly have just as much impact on climate as if they did.
However, he has also indicated that PUP is likely to support abolition of the Carbon Tax and the extensive measures aimed at promoting renewable energy and the independent science - based body responsible for advising government on future carbon reduction targets.
Global luxury group, Kering, commits to industry - and country - leading carbon reduction targets LONDON (December 14, 2016)- The Science Based Targets initiative announced today that it has verified and approved Kering's ambitious science - based target to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 50 % by 2025, demonstrating it is at the forefront of the luxury industry in...
The dispute between the US and Europe is over the way national carbon reduction targets would be counted.
The Washington Post reported that in order for China to meet its announced carbon reduction target, a «huge» scale of construction will be required, including adding more zero - emission generating capacity than «all the coal - fired power plants that exist in China today and close to the total electricity generating capacity of the United States.»
Typically it will include a summary of previous carbon footprint assessments, carefully identifed carbon reduction targets and defined actions to achieve the goals set by the organisation.
Given that Victoria has adopted carbon reduction targets (Point 6 below), and given the need for urgent climate action, it makes no sense to invest in infrastructure that would assist and lock in continued gas use.
Tony, the fact that Turnbull is advocating a higher carbon reduction target is evidence of the leftward drift of politics generally.
This report compares the approaches of the governments of Japan, Canada, and the European Union member countries toward using carbon sinks to meet their respective Kyoto Protocol carbon reduction targets.
Without hard carbon reduction targets, global carbon emissions have outpaced most projections.
With the EU highly unlikely to use offsets unless government agrees to deepen a proposed carbon reduction target beyond 40 %, the main source of demand for forest offsets in the short term might be restricted to California's carbon reduction scheme and the voluntary carbon market.
Tesco has a long - standing ambition to become a net - zero carbon company by 2050 and already has made huge progress from when it first set a business - wide carbon reduction target over ten years ago, Downend said.
Lower than hoped carbon reduction targets in the EU also means the cap on emissions has been set too high.
Those industries have sunk billions of dollars in investments that would depreciate in value if real carbon reduction targets were achieved.
That said, I don't intend to argue that the EU's carbon reduction targets don't matter.
Progressive carbon offsets such as NativeEnergy's HelpBuild projects are designed to deliver land reclamation benefits alongside carbon offsets — not just as a happy coincidence — to help companies meet non-carbon environmental goals as well as carbon reduction targets.
Better joined up thinking is needed across Government to deliver a new strategy aimed at cleaning up road transport and meeting carbon reduction targets, according to think tank Policy Exchange.
Stern said he backed the UK's Climate Change Act, which commits the government to ambitious carbon reduction targets.
And while China is still not committed to absolute emissions reductions in global climate negotiations, experts say its «intensity - based» U.N. carbon reduction targets, which are based on improving the relative efficiency of industrial processes, could be as effective as Western - style absolute cuts in emissions.
Keurig Green Mountain coffee roasters challenged their own success with voluntary carbon reduction targets and, in partnership with NativeEnergy, helped create the Alex Little Soldier Wind Turbine project — the nation's first, tribal - owned, large scale wind turbine on the Rosebud Sioux reservation in South Dakota.
The «logical corollary,» Smith adds, «is that the Paris climate agreement is not really in the national interest,» since the project would undermine the country's ability to meet a 2030 carbon reduction target that is already moving farther out of reach.
,» since the project would undermine the country's ability to meet a 2030 carbon reduction target that is already moving
These included a carbon reduction target of 40 per cent; zero food waste by 2015; water savings of 200 million litres annually from 2010; sustainable store construction with at least 25 per cent less carbon emissions; 25 per cent carbon reduction per carton delivered in its logistics; and a 30 per cent carbon reduction in its company fleet.
Green gases offer a cost effective way of meeting our 2050 carbon reduction targets, whilst keeping our hot water running and the heating on.
Using the range of green gases we can offer a cost effective way of meeting our 2050 carbon reduction targets, whilst keeping our hot water running and the heating on.
Gas boilers for home heating will have to be virtually eliminated by 2050 if the UK is to meet its carbon reduction targets, according to a new report.
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