Sentences with phrase «carbon transportation»

We also need to «make carbs count» by creating performance - based policies that will reward low - carbon transportation fuels for their performance.
Lots of attention — in particular from the business community - triggered the launch of a new report outlining a roadmap towards zero carbon transportation by 2050.
The funds raised through the bond issues are going mostly to rail projects, considered a low - carbon transportation alternative and accounting for 75 per cent of the total.
Potential uses include alternative forms of building materials, low - carbon transportation fuels and entirely new products.
The California Air Resources Board formally considered the first 28 proposals for new ways to make low carbon transportation fuels under California's Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS).
According to ZPM's Fundable page, the first site for a U.S. AIRPod factory is anticipated to be in Hawaii, which is «the most fossil fuel dependent state» and therefore a good fit for the launch of an affordable low - carbon transportation option.
Together, these vehicles will offer significant volume enabling Honda to bring ultra-low carbon transportation to consumers in the U.S. Honda also announced plans to introduce new VTEC ® Turbo engines to be built in Ohio and debut later in 2015.
Bus fleets provide widely affordable low carbon transportation around the world.
Melissa Lavinson, Chief Sustainability Officer, PG&E Corporation, said: «With nearly 300,000 electric vehicles already on California's roads and bold goals for the future, we are at the forefront of the transition to a low - carbon transportation sector.
I don't think there's much argument about whether or not bicycles are a great low - carbon transportation choice, but one thing that conventional bikes fall a little short on is hauling capacity.
But the promise of a lower - carbon transportation future can only be realized through federal and state policies that «count carbs and make carbs count.»
The company plans to market the captured CO2 to produce low carbon transportation fuels in markets such as California where regulation, derived from a state law designed to manage climate change, restricts the maximum carbon intensity of transportation fuel.
The California Air Resources Board formally considered the first 28 proposals for new ways to make low carbon transportation fuels under California's Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS).
Advancements in electric car technologies are starting push electric vehicles (EVs) further into the mainstream, which is a great sign that we're moving toward low - carbon transportation options, but one of the biggest barriers to entry for EVs (other than the current limitations on range and charging times) continues to be the cost.
And while a utility or cargo bike can be exactly what the clean mobility doctor ordered, with loads of room for cargo and plenty of hauling capacity for heavier items, having an electric bike that turns heads and sparks conversations about these electric beauties can be a useful tool in the transition to a lower - carbon transportation system.
Prior to joining the State Department, Gunderson was an American Chemical Society - sponsored AAAS Congressional Fellow (2012 - 13) with the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources under Chairman Ron Wyden (D - Oregon), with a legislative portfolio focused on basic energy - science research and development, low - carbon transportation fuels, alternative fuel vehicles, and critical minerals / elements.
But as Patz puts it, «Americans instinctually jump into their cars even for the shortest of trips, missing out on the large public health dividend that comes from daily exercise of active low - carbon transportation, let alone the 7 million lives that could be saved globally every year from low - carbon energy.»
The California Energy Commission is seeking proposals to provide funding for the development of new, California - based biofuel production facilities that can sustainably produce low carbon transportation fuels.
The challenge is looking for ways to make things like «alternative cement, concrete, and other building materials; chemicals used to manufacture a variety of industrial and consumer goods; low - carbon transportation fuels, and possibly new products altogether.»
The analysis found that 9 of the systems in the study — including two cellulosic ethanol systems (with and without CCS) have greenhouse gas index (GHGI) numbers of less than 0.20, and represent low - carbon transportation fuel options.
Renewable electricity, advanced biofuels, and other low - carbon transportation fuels will benefit Oregon's residents, economy, and environment.
To help deliver on this, we have multiple programs covering eco-design, responsible sourcing, and low - carbon transportation, with as much quantification of avoided CO2 as possible for our customers, achieved through our own technologies.
The emerging Urban Energy Cloud vision is of a smart city that integrates large - and small - scale energy initiatives and solutions, citywide improvements in energy efficiency, distributed energy resources, and low carbon transportation.
NDP Finance Minister Carole James announced her government will also use new carbon revenue to help families pay for green initiatives such as home retrofits or low carbon transportation.
Though solar energy remains expensive, reducing a ton of emissions by generating electricity from essentially carbon - free sources such as nuclear or wind energy is cheaper than reducing a ton of emissions through low - carbon transportation fuels such as ethanol.
This is how it all rolls into a bigger picture — how we have to build zero carbon buildings and get to them with zero carbon transportation, which really means designing our cities so that we can get around by walking, followed by bikes, followed by public transport.
Traveling the globe unearthing the best applications in energy efficiency, green building, low - carbon transportation, sustainable agriculture, forest restoration, renewable energy and smart grids, Briggs finds many promising ideas.
The California Energy Commission is seeking proposals to provide funding for the development of new, California - based biofuel production facilities that can sustainably produce low carbon transportation fuels.
To «make carbs count» by describing performance - based policies that will reward low - carbon transportation fuels for their performance and help them compete against highly polluting fuels such as liquid coal (gasoline or diesel made from coal).
For the purist, a conventional bicycle is the obvious choice for an affordable low - carbon transportation option, but for those who might never get on two wheels otherwise, or for those who need a better way to get up hills without breaking a sweat, an electric bicycle is a great alternative.
This was one of the questions of last week that witnessed intense and exciting exchange at the Transport Research Board, and a special conference on Transforming Transportation in Washington, D.C.. From a climate perspective, sustainable translates into low - carbon transportation.
Marlyn directs the Sustainable Advanced Fuels program, which aims to identify and support the development of low - carbon transportation fuels that will ensure Washington and Oregon meet their carbon emission goals, and spur economic growth in the region.
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