Sentences with phrase «care about carbon»

Oil companies don't care about carbon taxes because they will simply incorporate the costs into what consumers pay.
The real inconvenient truth is that most folks just do not care about carbon emissions and are simply not interested in the subject.
Do we really care about oil sands, or do we care about carbon emissions, water pollution, etc?
Cool beans but why the heck should I care about carbon atoms?
Global warming is dependent upon the atmospheric CO2 concentration, so we need to care about carbon.
«The atmosphere cares about carbon, not about your carbon intensity.»
Who cares about this carbon crap.
In developing nations, with no money for infrastructure, and the rural poor crowding into a toilet-less abyss, who cares about carbon footprint?

Not exact matches

Canadians may care in a vague way about reducing carbon emissions, but persuading them to let someone mount a newfangled grey box in their homes — one that is likely to lower a house's temperature during the winter — has been tougher.
We have so many bigger problems in this country than to care about what these people do on Sundays or when they can and can't eat meat or rub carbon on their forehead.
In his review of Robert Laughlin's book Powering the Future, Fred Pearce summarises the author's view as «ultimately the planet won't care much about our carbon dioxide emissions» because the gas will all end up in the oceans (1 October, p 46).
The CARES field campaign was designed to increase scientific knowledge about the evolution of black carbon, primary organic aerosols (POA), and secondary organic aerosols (SOA) from both human - caused and natural (biogenic) sources.
We need to better explain the impacts of climate on the systems we care about, such as the human systems, ecological, carbon cycle systems.
Also borrowed from the RS are a carbon - fiber hood, a magnesium roof, and rear - wheel steering, but as should be clear by now, the 911 R isn't for those who care about setting lap times on the track, it's for drivers who enjoy an engaging experience on the road.
If, however, you are the type of person to donate to environmental protection organizations and care about doing your part in reducing carbon emissions, this card is a way for you to make a difference without much daily adjustment.
You care about greenhouse gases and your carbon footprint.
We care passionately about the environment and our building will have as low a carbon footprint as we can achieve.
For anyone who cares about the climate, the bottom line there — because natural gas emits nearly half the carbon dioxide as coal for the same amount of produced heat — is finding a way to manage risks from harvesting vast deposits of gas without rejecting that resource altogether.
In both cases, if you really care about cutting risks of the kind of human - driven warming that could last centuries, if not millennia, you also would do well to support research in technologies or practices that could suck carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere (See Cao and Caldeira's paper for relevant background).
Finally, this all points to another reality — that if you care about blunting the buildup of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, you'd better start hoping for a lot more basic science on how to capture that gas cheaply and stash it away for safekeeping.
If the U.S. keeps building new coal - fired power plants without CCS (a technology still in development that is intended to take carbon dioxide out of emissions), we can't very well ask or expect other countries (e.g., China) to care much about the issue, unless they decide to care for their own reasons.
WTF is going on?Well, the short of it is, at face value, that senator Graham has been uneasy about climate legislation for a little while — after health care reform passed, he made comments about energy reform being dead in the water, and long before that he'd drawn fire from his own party for working with Democrats and pursuing a bill that would price carbon.
Most Americans [and most world citizens, for that matter] do not care much about carbon dioxide.
No one who believes in science and cares about humanity can possibly believe it is rational or moral to come anywhere near 1,000 ppm or the tipping points in the carbon cycle.
Who cares what it says or doesn't say about the «carbon - phobia»?
Making up nearly a quarter of Florida's population, Latinos also care greatly about climate change and carbon pollution.
At his 2009 keynote address at the International Conference of Climate Change (a.k.a. Denial - a-Palooza), he maintained that environmental activists don't necessarily care about temperature, or carbon dioxide, rather they care about rent seeking and political profit.
Why would you care about a so - called carbon footprint, when you obviously don't believe there is such a thing as climate change?
China has shown the world how much it truly cares about global warming by burning significantly more dirty, carbon - unfriendly coal than it previously pretended.
In other words, there's a very good chance that courts say the same thing about the EPA's new carbon rule that the American people said about the GOP's health care bill: This is some bad - faith bullshit.
Prof MacKay acknowledged this plan was based on his «political value judgements» but added: «The [British public] do seem to care quite a lot about the cost so we should be looking for a low carbon solution that is low cost.
«I'm asking everyone who cares about this fight to stand up and say so today — stand with President Obama and new carbon pollution standards.»
If the people I recorded cared about how much greenhouse carbon dioxide they were releasing into the atmosphere why did 72 drive large cars and only three drive small cars?
The real sensitivity we care about is damage per unit of carbon emitted.
Sure, tax cuts, grants and loans are fairly easy to account for, but what about military deployments to secure foreign oil supplies, or infrastructure costs like roads and transmission lines, or the seemingly endless stream of external costs linked to carbon emissions, toxic air and water pollutants, higher health care costs and missed work days?
If you actually cared about human lives, you would put the time, energy, and resources you have asked us to sacrifice in an effort to reduce our «carbon footprint» toward far more constructive contingencies.
If you care about your kids, you probably need to think this out, and then go and make your voice heard on the right solution (either buy a Hummer, or get involved in efforts to get the right solution (carbon taxes, carbon trading, whatever) to happen.
If they care about the environment, ask how they go about reducing their carbon footprint or the recycling program.
No two people see everything the same way, have carbon copy preferences, share identical temperaments, care equally about things, express... Read More
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