Sentences with phrase «care about grades»

While you might get a discount if you're majoring in a more lucrative field, private student loans don't typically care about your grades, run - ins with the law or anything else that doesn't directly affect your ability to repay.
If you are not indifferent about your academic performance, if you care about your grades and want to become a successful student, you are welcome to use essay writing services offered as Custom - Essay. is a professional and legal site offering custom term paper writing help to students who care about their grades but have no time to write term papers.
Be the student who arrives for help immediately after the assignment, because not only will you get special treatment, but also this great initiative will show the teacher that you care about your grades.
They don't care about my grades
Encourage your teen to spend time with friends who care about their grades.
This leads to an environment in which we only care about grades and college admission instead of learning.
We were speaking together because we wanted to and because my school didn't care about grades when it came to graduation speeches.
Therefore, if you care about your grade and want to invest your money wisely, you will definitely choose custom term paper help.
We care about the grade you would get and everything else comes after that.
You know who cares about your grades and degree?

Not exact matches

Show your employees that you care about them and their ability to do their jobs well by arming them with tools and technology delivered through multi-tenant, public cloud systems — the ones that do the best job of keeping current with consumer - grade standards.»
ANNIE LAIRD: Dominique what are you seeing as far as you know we're talking about the affordable care act, are they providing like I imagine one it would be like a hospital grade pump but are they providing double electric or single electric.
«the care and dedication of individual teachers»...» the loving approach of the teachers»...» the personal attention my child receives in the classroom»...» the depth in teaching the developing human being»... «that the teachers and staff are well - acquainted with my child and every concern I've had about my child has been met with the staff's full attention, concern, and capability to professionally address the matter at hand»... «how the teachers «hold» each child and class»...» mindfulness toward the children's needs»... «love that the teacher stays with the child through 8th grade»
It's producing kids who care only about grades and test scores.
Chook said the students meeting less stringent criteria might go to the school after fifth - grade simply because it's an option — not because they or their parents particularly care about the school.
The PACE trial, published in The Lancet in 2011 [2], examined the effects of three different treatments for people with CFS, compared with usual specialist medical care (SMC): cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT, where a health professional helps the patient to understand and change the way they think about and respond to their symptoms), graded exercise therapy (GET, a personalised and gradually increasing exercise programme delivered by a physiotherapist), and adaptive pacing therapy (APT, where patients adapt activity levels to the amount of energy they have).
We don't know what is going on above us, if there is a full or crescent Moon and how that affects us, we just worry about ourselves and we don't care about the world around us,» says Valentina Vio, 11th grade student at Hernando de Magallanes high school.
Note that a caring mother does not tell her child «don't worry about it» if she's making failing grades in school.
For Tully, Theron gained 50 pounds: she looks pregnant — the baby, Marlo's third, is born shortly into the film — and then she looks like a woman who has just given birth and is too exhausted, mentally and physically, what with a newborn and two grade - schoolers to take care of, to do a damn thing about «getting into shape.»
As a matter of fact, the rebellious Korean - American graffiti artist could care less about getting good grades in school or about obeying the law.
For example, Julio (Massachusetts) wrote, «Teachers care about cheating because its not fair [that] students get good grades [but] didn't follow the teacher's rules.»
Make an effort to show you care about them, not just their grades.
They care far more about their grades than they do about learning anything or being challenged.
Though racial and ethnic breakdowns were missing from his data, what Coleman discovered, and documents with some detail, is that students didn't care much about scholastic things; that, in all the schools, they cared more for «good looks» and «being an athlete» than they did for «good grades» and «being smart.»
Charlie only cares about studying and getting good grades but is thrilled to win and hopes to get a few more books from Mr. Wonka.
And so, we're never going to live in a world where we can eliminate marks and grades all together from the students» lives - they do need to care [about final grades].»
Sensing that teachers cared about the Metropolitan, I thought that it might be a lever for getting them on the same curriculum page and making predictable handoffs of skills and knowledge to the next grade.
No test, grade, or teacher evaluation could have come close to helping her learn that deeply, and it made clear to me how important it is for teachers to reexamine why and how we grade our students if we truly care about their success.
Yasmine, for example, cared about nothing at the beginning of the school year, perhaps because she carried with her the negative perceptions her sixth grade teachers had of her.
This provides the teachers with topical hooks to enhance student engagement in the project learning, and it lets the students know the teachers care about their passions and not just their grades.
Now, stick a young, uncredentialed teacher in that room, one who doesn't know anything about how kids learn to read and can't remember her own year in second grade, but who quickly finds herself caring deeply about her students.
As Pasi Sahlberg said recently (Education Review, March 2018), the lesson from Finland is that «we should care less about age and grade level standards».
In eighth grade, I had the good fortune of being taught history by Paul Murray, who was not only gifted at making the learning interesting, but also showed how much he cared about me — far beyond my performance in his class.
LECOM Dental Group came to Manatee Charter to teach the kindergarten and first grade classes all about the importance of oral hygiene and caring for...
Finally, I am curious how you will account for parents and students who simply do not care about SOL tests in those grades.
These workshops will cover the topics educators care about most — from formative assessment to smarter grading solutions — and will bring ASCD authors and Faculty members to school campuses to give hands - on training in effective practices from their best - selling ASCD books.
Their assessment of each other was for learning, not for a grade, and they cared about where those flash cards were placed.
The design thinking challenge allowed students from different grades and curriculums to come together to work on solving one of the many thematic issues that they most cared about.
We know you care deeply about ensuring all children have access to high quality early learning programs from birth to third grade and beyond.
Accordingly, across the country we now have teachers, justifiably nervous, who without telling their students that their professional lives are on the line — which is true in many cases — or otherwise lying to their students (e.g., your grades on these tests will be used to place you into college)-- which is false in all cases — could face serious consequences, now because their students who as per Cuomo don't have to care about their test performance (e.g., for five years)
While the parents of private school students can be a pain, they definitely care about their kids» grades and respond to phone calls and emails promptly, if not always politely.
No, No, No ---- No — we don't need partners that disparage what we do at every turn — we need partners who are with us and who care about ALL children — sure we can experiment (if it ends up in reducing our lower grade class sizes by 6 or 7 students per class) but partnering with this group is not acceptable — this is surely a setback in the relationship between the NHFT and the BOE --(say it ain't so)-- please — I am very disappointed and a bit discouraged — Tom
But for her own son, who has attended Capital Prep since eighth grade, «he feels like he has a community of people who care about him.»
Additional responsibilities often include state - funded preschool programs; at - risk programming; school - age child care; school administration and improvement; curriculum and assessment in the early grades; and data collection about the health, education, and well - being of the young children in the state.
Allowing new evidence to replace old conveys an important message to students — that teachers care about their successful learning, not merely their grades.
As someone that has hired people for a lot of years, I care very little about your grades, and attendance.
I don't care much about hotels - in fact I often ask to be «down - graded» because I like cheap anonymous dives much better than the kind of place that has a dozen obsequious doormen in your face all the time.
So, take our Physics assignment help today and get assured of securing excellent grades without caring much about the final results.
Sometimes, college student writers have only the teacher as a reader and a grade as a purpose, so they write as if no one cares about their ideas.
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