Sentences with phrase «care whether»

As I have said many times, parents don't care whether their child attends...
The regression does not care whether the measure is labeled «family» or «school.»
They only care whether there are enough choices available in their city or neighborhood so that their child — and every child — can find a strong fit and receive an excellent public education.
More typically, charter schools have refined and disseminated existing practices that district schools were reluctant to use — a nice service for parents who may not care whether a program is «innovative» as long as it works for their children.
I actually don't care whether you do or not.
When the payoff is so low, why should we care whether schools keep their good teachers?
Anderson's view is so sophomoric he doesn't care whether you get the joke of his deliberately puckish character names: Reynolds Woodcock, a sought - after innovator of female couture, and Alma, his latest model discovery.
There are a few tedious mystical bits for those who actually care whether or not Cloud is going to get over Aerith's death in the game, and plenty of insane aerial fighting for those of us who don't.
That's because if everyone wants an Oscar they don't care whether or not you predict them to win.
In an especially amusing exchange, Baumbach says he doesn't really care whether the film offends any members of his immediate family, to which Lopate responds that he himself still feels guilty with regards to some of the non-fiction he's written, prompting a deadpan «Yeah, so do I» from Baumbach.
A charming, innocent piece of software that features no acts of violence (aside from hitting the townsfolk with your bug net, which they get sad about very quickly) and which doesn't care whether you spend your time improving the community or just chasing butterflies.
However, the story itself doesn't create enough of a dramatic ripple for us to really care whether or not its two protagonists get together in the end, even though we know they might.
Also, the fact that Elliot only seems to like Allison for her looks leads one to not really care whether or not he ultimately ends up with the woman he so desires, and the ending of the film only confirms this lack of emotional depth.
Kelly and Ben are never a convincing couple in the least, meaning that later on, when they're so gung - ho about saving one another, it's hard for the audience to care whether or not they make it through the night at all (some people possibly even praying that they don't, lest the movie drag on).
Reaction: It's beautifully shot and Carlyle is a fine actor, but the movie just meanders and nothing about MacAldonich's situation makes you care whether he gets deported or not.
This tired and slapped together sequel, Deep Blue Sea 2 (2017) follows essentially the same narrative structure only with a less interesting cast you don't really care whether or not they get eaten by genetically enhanced sharks or not.
I really don't care whether you or MaryAnn liked it.
As we never care whether the two would - be lovers ever do get it together in the end, there's nothing to root for, except perhaps for the end credits, of course, which were just far too long in coming for my taste.
If he is able to actually change some opinions, it is doubtful that Waugh will care whether film critics find his film to be too run - of - the - mill forgettable to recommend beyond fans of Johnson and lovers of TV - caliber action dramas.
The Mind Stone that created him and powers him has obviously been on Thanos» wishlist, and he certainly doesn't care whether or not Vision survives the process of removing it.
Nothing about Fantastic Beasts seemed well thought out or well thought through, almost as if it was made for money alone without a care whether it was actually necessary to produce.
As for Aldous, well, it's hard to care whether he learns any lessons, as long as he quits fucking up Aaron's life.
After all, death - defying stunts are most inspiring when viewers care whether the players live or die.
In the scenes with Warren three strategically placed mirrors in a hotel room create so much fascination within the «Scope frames that we don't care whether the characters are saying very much.
When you realize, at the end of the film, that you won't care whether Richie is nabbed for prison or whether he gets away with it, you will know that you had absolutely no rooted interest in his story whatsoever.
Ben Palmer's Man Up's Lake Bell and Simon Pegg are charming and well matched as a couple who fall in love over the course of an action - packed day, but a corny, heavy - handed script makes it much harder than it ought to be to care whether they wind up together.
The movie is neither funny nor particularly scary for a supposed horror - comedy, and the characters are so awful right out of the gate that you don't care whether they survive or not.
Home Alone 2, by contrast, asks us to actively not care whether the Wet Bandits get hurt or not so long as their pain is funny - and therefore gives itself the license to be as nasty to them as possible on the grounds that their lives don't really matter.
The plot is all over the place, the violence is too over the top and none of the characters are even remotely likeable that you just don't care whether they die or not.
In time, we may all genuinely care whether Crosby and Sarah find themselves, or at least grow up.
A potentially interesting premise wrecked by an awful script that begs us to care whether angelic Megan Fox will choose old, creepy, poor Mickey Rourke or old, creepy, rich Bill Murray.
In the end I didn't really care whether or not the two lovers stayed together or parted ways.
I don't care whether u r miles away as long u willing to commit, all I need is someone to grow old with, to share the good...
These are sites that don't care whether you hook up, they don Are you a young person looking for an older, successful lover to make life easier?
These are sites that don't care whether you hook up, they don Let's face it, sometimes people want no - strings - attached sex.
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Do you think girls care whether Im atheist?
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When someone you have met on a free internet dating site likes you, they care whether you like them too and will be nervous when they are around you.
These are sites that don't care whether you hook up, they don't care...
I don't think the women here need YOUR permission to date interracially, no one cares if you care whether black women date interracially or not, and you have no right to tell black women how, when, what or where when dating interracially.
These are sites that don't care whether you hook up, they don't care whether you have any success, and they don't care if you actually meet any women to hook up with in the whole time you're on their site.
Free online dating creates an amazing opportunity to discover a person who doesn't care whether you fit into the rich category.
Because they don t care whether.
I reached for the same clothes day after day, and I didn't care whether or not I looked stylish.
I don't care whether you are thirty or seventy, low rise pants do not look good when compressed flesh is spilling out over the top.
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