Sentences with phrase «career people»

A student or a young career person who really doesn't spend a lot of time where they live.
«She's a hard worker like me, she's a total career person like me,» she said.
I hope it helps, because I believe that a physician - investigator is one of the very best careers a person can have.
It is handy if you are a busy career person that wants to keep up - to - date and informed about news worthy stories that may come up during daily conversations.
In 2011, COMNAP launched their Antarctic Research Fellowship Scheme, offering one fellowship for an early career person in order to carry out research within a COMNAP National Antarctic Program.
It is by reading about other people's successes and failures that you can develop a game plan for the continued management of your career
Universities that don't give high priority to professional development are unlikely to change their ways in the near future, the report makes clear, but early - career people don't have the time to wait around for institutions to catch up with their needs.
Filed Under: Career Satisfaction, Success Tagged With: career tips for shy people, finding happiness at work, satisfied with your career
Loving and careering person looking for a soul mate, Also looking for a beautiful lady that can understand what life is all about.
What I learned from traveling around the country for a week, talking to groups of people about their careers
Women have become powerful and ambitious career people in Russia over the last decade, something that was perhaps previously more of a male thing.
During our conversation at CERAWeek there was agreement that the oil and natural gas industry fits with younger career people (whatever you call them) who are adaptable, appropriately ambitious and invested in the notion of making a difference.
This type of post is greatly appreciated, lending a huge boost to introverted career people.
Depending on what career a person pursues, they may be highly successful or even a failure.
More men are taking on family care, middle career people and retiring military are taking sabbaticals, it's not as easy to roll from one government contract -LSB-...]
my goal is to move up in the health feild to be a RN nurse, Help the sick heal to there highest good, Im just motivated to help people and ready to start my career
A new study reveals moms and dads suffer from a parental burnout just like career people suffer when they're overworked.
Evening courses attract people who won't quit their present jobs, don't make the commitment to the business, aren't serious career people, will miss most of the classes anyway, and will quit soon after they start.
It continually amazes me that presumably mature students, more and more of them second - career people in their 40s and 50s, regress so quickly in the current adolescent model of education and regard the seminary as in loco parentis.
Jennifer, you graduated two years ago with your BSN, you are a very early career person and you still have a window to apply to entry level B2B sales positions (I usually suggest this for business graduates who have graduated from college within the past six to seven years).
The postdocs and early - career people doing the benchwork are facing some steep technical challenges.
Usually, younger people, earlier in their career people, look at a senior person and they look at their compensation, and I'm advising not to do that.
It's important to emphasize that you aren't necessarily a «calling person» or «career person» or «job person» — the way you approach your work depends on your perspective.
He recommends this strategy: early in their careers people should «live in the place where their industry is headquartered.
if perry feels a calling let him apply to be a preacher no one wants a guy for president that sells tax dollars for campaign dollars.nor does anyone want a candidate that writes off social security that all working people paid into all their career
It should also be noted that more and more second - career students from business, education, law, engineering, architecture, etc., are entering theological education: For example, a present enrollment of 425 students includes approximately 40 per cent, second - career people.
While my sister & her husband are career people and travel & give their kids more in terms of monetary things, I wouldn't trade staying home with my kids for anything.
These are the career people providing services, from driving seniors to code enforcement to plowing our roads in the wintertime.
careering person.
I am a career person who happens to be a dog rescuer and work with a team of like...
This is a mud - size vehicle that is suitable for either a single, career person or a family man or woman.
Indeed, online driving lesson would be the best option for that career person who wants to achieve greater heights on their driving career also.
Congratulations on entering the working world for the first time as a career person.
A skills and qualifiactions summary can never replace your objectives because many employers feel that a clear and well written objective in resume reflects what you want in your life and what kind of a career person you would become.
Opinions vary on this with some career people saying not to go back more than 10 years, but that can under qualify you for many jobs.
As you leave your student life behind, you're about to welcome a new one as a career person.
Let's look at some career people, their personal brand and what makes them stand out.
Jennifer, you graduated two years ago with your BSN, you are a very early career person and you still have a window to apply to entry level B2B sales positions (I usually suggest this for business graduates who have graduated from college within the past 6 to 7 years).
Looking forward to becoming a successful team player and career person for the later years.
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