Sentences with phrase «careful analysis of»

«After careful analysis of the market and the health of the MMI fund, we have determined that it is appropriate to increase mortgage insurance premiums in order to help protect our capital reserves and to continue encouraging the return of private capital to the housing market,» Galante said.
Establish an accurate list price based on a careful analysis of the comps and current market trend, and don't fall for a listing presentation that includes a lot higher than other suggested list prices.
After careful analysis of a particular situation, if a leader has ventured down the wrong path, they must have the fortitude to admit the need for re-alignment or corrective measures, and then move forward in the appropriate direction.
The purchase of your first home is an important financial decision, one that requires a careful analysis of the total cost of home ownership.
«Spectra was close to moving to another location after our team's careful analysis of the various markets and the potential incentives, but opted to expand at its existing location and retrofit the headquarters facility.
Careful analysis of underlying properties, tenants, underwriting criteria, and loan vintages may identify CMBS tranches that offer excellent risk - adjusted return potential.
Growth in today's recovering yet unpredictable real estate market requires careful analysis of your firm's culture and your local markets.
Although the determination of child support in Illinois is governed by the application of defined statutory percentages used by the Courts in setting «guideline child support,» orders, we understand that a careful analysis of the facts is critical to properly assessing child support.
Careful analysis of joint custody and child support, however, discloses some interesting trends.
Programming is based on a careful analysis of current priorities in practice, research, and new policies that impact treatment.
Furthermore, the sample size did not allow for a careful analysis of children and families receiving bibliotherapy alone to determine which families benefited from that treatment specifically.
Careful analysis of these findings are coupled with specific recommendations designed to pursue high fidelity and superior outcomes.
Instead it requires that business development strategies also include a careful analysis of the social framework of a community; identifying opportunities for the business or enterprise to address social issues that create obstacles to the economic participation of people living within the community.
Mitigated risk factors through careful analysis of financial and statistical data.
Increased customer support responsiveness by 50 % through careful analysis of internal support operations.
If you at least make a careful analysis of the job advert you will find out what employer is looking for.
Through a careful analysis of carefully selected resume examples, you can better up your chances of writing excellent resumes.
A «post-interview assessment,» which is a careful analysis of what you did right and what you could improve on during the interview, can improve your interview technique, build your confidence, and perfect your interviewing skills.
To write a professional resume, begin with some careful analysis of the requirements of the employer.
This requires careful analysis of the job posting and ensuring the same skills, terms and special requirements are used (without lying) within the resume submitted.
Increased profitability through careful analysis of sales trends and demand, creating a top - ranked cafe in the district
Determined customer credit risk through careful analysis of outstanding accounts receivable and credit references for accounts with sales of 10k or higher
Although the PLA's initial thinking on AI in warfare has been influenced by careful analysis of U.S. military initiatives, its approach could progressively diverge from that of the United States, based on its distinct strategic culture and organizational dynamics.
A careful analysis of term life insurance rates by age will show that premiums increase as you age, especially if you develop a health condition later in life.
Readers weighed in with some good suggestions and careful analysis of their own.
Careful analysis of the combined effect of EA 2002 and the regulations therefore shows that it is not the case, as is sometimes believed, that because breach of contract claims are excluded from Sch 4 — and therefore a grievance is not a necessary precondition to a tribunal claim — an employee who brings an (unnecessary) grievance within three months and presents his breach of contract claim within six months will be out of time — subject to reasonable practicability.
Our firm believes in providing an early and careful analysis of a professional liability case so that we can be in a position at the outset to give a client a fair understanding of what lies ahead.
«Lord Wilson's careful analysis of IR20 makes it clear that we must be particularly vigilant to examine HMRC Statements of Practice in fine detail to ensure that all possible nuances are teased from the wording.
Rather, careful analysis of intelligent practice reveals a more intricate relationship between theory and practice than in the positivist model — an understanding that is still poorly appreciated in the academy as a whole.
While the InterPARES research is focused on electronic records, it has drawn heavily on the science of diplomatics, which emerged in Europe in the sixteenth century to detect forgeries among legal documents through a careful analysis of the content, structure and context of a record.
In the absence of an actual impact on market price, a careful analysis of detailed evidence of the reporting issuer's business and operations, market conditions and various other market - related factors would be sufficient.
In order to avoid the still - common pitfall of the tribunal substituting its own view, careful analysis of the facts and a clear understanding by both the tribunal and the parties themselves of the role of the tribunal is necessary.
Underhill LJ referred to an internal government review of the fees regime, however, and noted that the decline in claims was «sufficiently startling to merit a very full and careful analysis of its causes; and if there are good grounds for concluding that part of it is accounted for by claimants being realistically unable to afford to bring proceedings the level of fees and / or the remission criteria will need to be revisited».
But such an approach overlooks Stadlen J's careful analysis of the safeguards and protections provided to a defendant by the common law and Art 6; in both civil and criminal proceedings the «fairness» criterion is the trump card.
For example, in an insurance «bad faith» case once the insurer has made a claims decision and you have obtained the claims file, a careful analysis of that file — perhaps with the help of an expert — can give you a strong indication of the merits of your case.
In particular we think that these types of cases — which all involve informal arrangements which lawyers (and judges) must slot in to pre-existing conceptual categories (or create new ones, recall for example, Justice Denning's judgment in Errington v Errington, [1952] 1 KB 290)-- require a more careful analysis of the legal relationships between the parties in both law and equity.
Defence counsel Joseph A. Neuberger, after careful analysis of the prosecution disclosure, including intercepted text messages and emails, was able to establish that there was no reasonable prospect of conviction.
Your attorney (s) will need to perform a careful analysis of the facts of your case and the laws regarding your spouse's country of residence.
Victims of brain injury or trauma deserve a careful analysis of how they functioned before and after the injury.
When the injured party is a business owner and the business is impacted, we provide a careful analysis of accounting records and a projection of lost profits.
Politte's legal team believes that, like Gray's case, a careful analysis of the fire evidence used against Politte will prove his innocence.
After careful analysis of the statements, a chart of inconsistencies was drafted to assist with cross-examination.
Defence lawyer Joseph Neuberger, after careful analysis of the evidence, and during lengthy negotiations with the Crown's office, was able to establish that the facts as disclosed by the complainant, did not necessarily demonstrate an intention to commit a sexual assault but rather were misconstrued by the complainant as to the client's intended actions.
After a careful analysis of the evidence, the Court acquitted M.N. of all charges.
After careful analysis of what is a commercial activity, the adjudicator decided to give it a broad interpretation for the purpose of Alberta's PIPA.
Determining the value of your case can be complicated, requiring a careful analysis of your medical records, employment records, the circumstances of your accident, and the law.
We have considerable experience investigating the cause of someone's fall with a careful analysis of the appropriate building codes, industry practices, safety standards and circumstances of the accident.
: why would carefully considered analysis that happens to be broken down and published sequentially in a blog format (rather than initially in a book format) not constitute «sustained and careful analysis of an area of law»?
After careful analysis of the claim, Justice Perell decided not to exclude group 1 because although they could not pursue damages for wrongful dismissal, they were free to advance claims for the other aspect of the class action suit.
A few possible reasons it could be illegal (on an issue spotting basis, not a careful analysis of each possible reason):
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