Sentences with phrase «carefully documented changes»

Not exact matches

This is one simple method to take some of the fear out of the journey: If committee membership must change, because of unforeseen circumstances, the rules that apply and the process that is followed should not change — all the more reason to have carefully documented your work plan and progress in writing along the way.
Carefully review any changes or new documents you're asked to sign.
The scientists working on the IPCC assessments have carefully documented observed changes in air temperature, ocean temperature, ice retreat, and sea level rise since the past century.
Here is the extended Claus Wolter's MEI — — if you look carefully you can see important and well documented change points in the mid 1940's, the late 1970's and 1998 - 2001.
Climate Cover - Up is a carefully researched, detailed, and thoroughly - documented account of the climate change disinformation campaign.
I take from this that the Court of Appeal for Ontario is generally open to allowing the greater use of electronic documents within appeals, provided practices with respect to the use of electronic documents develop carefully, and — where the practice is a marked changed from the norm — under the vigilant eye of the court so that fairness and the proper hearing of an appeal are assured.
I've won one case where this happened (where there was extensive email correspondence between business lawyers regarding the changes that would be made in each draft and there the version signed did not correspond to the last version signed electronically in a very long document on paper and there were other indicia of fraud), but by far the more common outcome is to bind the party signing the document (especially in a commercial context) and to consider failing to carefully read all terms of the final draft to be negligent on the part of the party signing the contract.
Not only does saving your resume as a PDF («Save As» and then change file type to PDF) increase the security of your document, it ensures that the person reading your resume will see the document exactly as you intend them to — with no risk of their computer or software messing with your carefully chosen formatting.
At that time you should review your document carefully and decide if you want to make any changes or amendments.
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