Sentences with phrase «carefully listening to the ideas»

«But we have been carefully listening to the ideas raised as the bill has progressed through parliament.

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When a team had workers who were proactive and offered ideas for improving the business, for instance, an extroverted leader felt threatened, whereas the introverted leader was likely to listen more carefully and showed greater receptivity to suggestions.
This means that you, the entrepreneur, are ready to carefully listen and team ideas into consideration.
He took me on a long walk in Central Park, listened carefully to me, and finally said, «That sounds like a really good idea, but it would be an even better idea for someone who didn't already have a good job.»
Even before listening to the commentary, one gets the idea that it was filmed very carefully and and is consciously artistic.
Wiley wanders around in this dream state meeting these folks and listening carefully to their ideas.
Students must learn to work together, express and listen carefully to ideas, integrate information from oral, visual, quantitative, and media sources, evaluate what they hear, use media and visual displays strategically to help achieve communicative purposes, and adapt speech to context and task.
If we can validate our ideas on a tinier, more human scale, listening carefully to students and families, we might find a better approach to school reform — doing it with, not to each other.
The teams that allowed everyone to speak equally whilst others listened carefully and politely to their ideas before commenting got the best results.
Listen carefully as your students interact with one another to exchange ideas, organize their thoughts, present their arguments and consider the suggestions of their classmates.
These strategies include probing students to elaborate on their thinking, publicly recognizing student ideas, providing time during lessons for students to think extensively about problem solutions, being open to a variety of ways of thinking about mathematical ideas, and positioning oneself as a learner by listening carefully and building on student ideas during teaching (van Es & Sherin, 2010).
Every lesson includes open - ended discussion questions designed to help students carefully observe various works of art, analyze them, support their ideas with evidence, and listen to the ideas of others.
They listen carefully, are responsive to our ideas, and deliver on time, without surprises.
That's one of the reasons she listens carefully to people when they answer the «tell me about yourself» question as it gives her an idea of the person's thought process.
active listening: be attentive, listen carefully, make eye contact, be aware of body language, facial expressions, gestures and tone of voice to get an idea of how they are feeling and avoid misunderstandings
A partnership does mean an exchange of equals, rather than someone who's coming in and saying «I'm the expert educator, I know what you should do, you should listen to me», we're reversing that idea to say a partnership is about a respectful relationship of equals where we make shared decisions, where we listen carefully to each other in the best interests of children and their families.
«A great part of both of my jobs is selling ideas, and you do that first by listening carefully to what others are saying,» she says.
She took the time to carefully listen to our long wish - list, and she scoured real estate listings to share ideas with us.
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