Sentences with phrase «caregivers in a clinic setting»

Consulted with physcians and other healthcare professionals in providing care to pediatric patients and their caregivers in a clinic setting.

Not exact matches

Abrams E, Eliminating vertical transmission, Rights here, right now: Slide presentation at XVIII International AIDS Conference, July 18 - 23, 2010, Vienna, Austria ICAP Infant Feeding in the Context of HIV slide set ICAP Video, Saving two lives: Improving retention, adherence & psychsocial support within PMTCT services, Uploaded by ICAP Columbia on 3 Mar 2011 This video is a component of the «Improving Retention, Adherence and Psychosocial Support within PMTCT Services: A Toolkit for Health Workers,»; reinforces key PMTCT messages; can be shown to a wide range of audiences, including PMTCT clients, family members, and caregivers of HIV - exposed and HIV - infected children; including in clinic waiting rooms, as part of group education sessions, and in the community.
Animal Caregivers work in settings such as kennels, zoos, animal shelters, pet stores, and veterinary clinics.
The result of May's nearly four decades of working with children and families in foster care settings, adoptive homes, residential treatment facilities, and clinics, Family Attachment Narrative Therapy was officially established as a practice in 1995, The current treatment model, according to May, has been informed by hundreds of caregivers, whose narrative work contributed to the refinement of the theory and its practice.
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