Sentences with phrase «careless enough»

Pam: I doubt that Mark, being a lawyer, would be foolish / careless enough to put «half - truths» in print; this is akin to saying that Mark is «half - lying»; in essence, that he is promoting fraudulent misrepresentation.
Insurers have a time window when it comes to notifying them about the accident and you do not want your claim to be rejected only because you were careless enough to delay informing the insurer about the claim.
This is a link to the 2012 Heartland Fundraising strategy, a document the institute was careless enough to email to a stranger, regardless that it includes the full list of Heartland funders.
Reading back my own comments, I really, really wish I hadn't been careless enough to tack this, erm, «joke» on the end of one of them: «IF coprophages like Dana are * right * about the climate -LSB-... etc.]» Ouch.
Primal Pursuit features fast and frantic races as up to 12 animals race for their lives through deadly courses full of unpredictable threats — such as gigantic rolling boulders that squash anyone careless enough to get in their way!
Coupled with Bethesda's recent policy of giving out review copies uselessly close to a games actual release date, this is cause for concern if you were planning to get the game for PC, or were careless enough to pre-order it.
Even if you % 26rsquo; re careless enough to stand in the heart of the horde, being bumped and jostled like a ship at sea, you have the option to instantly teleport to a safe position any time you like.
Power shots never stop flying around, continually bouncing off walls and shields until they kill an opponent unlucky or careless enough to be in its way.
Streets fill with citizens who'll bump into Kat, duck in panic as she zooms overhead, or flail in even more panic if she's careless enough to snatch them up in her gravity field.
They have gotten large, wreckless and careless enough to pose a danger to the lives of all the worlds pet population.
If you don't know how invoice factoring can harm you, you might be careless enough to make some serious mistakes.

Not exact matches

It lies close enough to us even though they wish to keep away from any such unfortunate ones and to avoid all sober reminders not alone from the careless judgment of the storyteller's art, but also from the church and from the edifying insight that must certainly know that the Holy Scriptures have almost a predilection for the halt and the lame, the blind and the lepers.
That may seem obvious, but not obvious enough to prevent careless preachers and listeners from assuming that Hebrews 7:23, with its criticism of the former priests, has to do with the clerical abuses of Rome, or that the blindness in Mark 10 has to do with the blindness of the prereformed church.
He seems slow witted, slow moving, in fact one paced, careless and just not good enough.
We are fifth on the league because our team is not strong enough, our manager is careless and past it.
Starters in the Review who raced well enough to earn tickets to Du Quoin include Careless Vlado, Sure Mix, Mantle Hanover and Speed.
On the weekends just about everybody with enough breath to get out of bed runs; the air is filled with discuses; a careless straphanger in Helsinki is likely to get a javelin between the shoulder blades.
How I was smart enough to be the top of the class, but settled at number five thanks to careless mistake after careless mistake.
Emily Blunt (Dan in Real Life, The Devil Wears Prada), despite a commendable dramatic performance and convincing American accent, seems a bit miscast as Rose's carefree (and careless) goth / punk sister, Norah, not feeling edgy enough to give off that vibe of a tatted, spunky mess of a person the role is written to be.
«Just Marred,» it says, and in one fell swoop we suddenly know first that the film is clumsy and careless, and then, ironically, that its final message to the audience describes the condition of an evening that started out promisingly enough with the desire to see a movie.
You don't want days and weeks of work to go down the drain due to careless typos, spelling mistakes and grammatical errors.A spell check is just not enough.
Accordingly, two predominant risks characterize a momentum strategy: substantial drawdowns, or crashes, and a crowded momentum trade, which makes the trading costs high enough to obliterate the alpha of the strategy for the careless momentum surfer.
But my dogs come from careless breeders who didn't know or care enough to make sure they were free of genetic disease, had stable temperaments, and would be placed in permanent homes.
I've been slightly careless with the soldering iron in the past end ended up clipping a chip leaving a slight melt mark, but I can't for the life of me work out what could have happened to it - it can't be the chip casing as there simply isn't enough material there.
We know that justice won't bring your loved one back, but if we hit the careless doctors and negligent hospitals hard enough, and often enough, they will be forced to change the way they do things.
If they do not draw diagrams, interview witnesses, or do all the other things that constitute an investigation, there is often not enough evidence to prove the case of careless driving.
The only people who benefit from careless judicial scholarship are lawyers (and clients who have lawyers astute enough to see where the gaps are).
This is an instant sign of a careless and unfocused candidate who didn't care enough to do their research ahead of time.
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