Sentences with phrase «cares about corruption»

The list of urgent reforms is long — unless, that is, New Yorkers Against Corruption were just pretending to care about corruption all along.
Most people, even highly educated «intellectuals» just don't care about the corruption of English any more.

Not exact matches

«Because I care about Israel, I must stand up against violence, corruption, inequality, and abuse of power,» said Portman, defending her decision not to attend the Genesis Prize.
Hello, there and sorry for the late reply... No am not part of the protests in Yemen but can say I do not agree with the opposition nor that am satisfied of the present ruling party and their silence to corruptions in the country... all I care about is that the country lives in peace and be able to advance among nations...
Conversations about the power of making arrests, the corruption and complicity of local governments, the holistic care for survivors, the mechanisms of business and labor, the dangers of coming against criminal syndicates — these are not simple ideas or odds to overcome — especially in the NGO community.
However, known as Maulana Diesel for his opportunism and corruption, the JUI chief may be somewhat right in exposing the hypocrisy of rulers for seeking political mileage from the suffering of a legend girl while caring little about her security before the tragic incident.
My state senator could care less about getting rid of political corruption.
«For those of us who care deeply about reform, rooting out public corruption, and holding Wall Street accountable, Sean Coffey provides a fresh perspective and effective leadership.»
«However important one thinks corruption is or should be, and however many times voters tell pollsters they care, what happens — partticularly in suburban communities — is that the voters fall back to what they care most about: property taxes, schools and crime on the streets, not in City Hall or the Capitol,» Levy said.
Students of Orwell, perhaps, they called their group New Yorkers Against Corruption, and cynically claimed to care deeply about dredging a swamp that makes Washington look pristine.
The public doesn't much care about the details of the legislative infighting — but it increasingly identifies state government's top figure with Albany's recurring corruption mess.
«I decided to run for state Senate because I care deeply about New York and was discouraged by the widespread corruption that has become the status quo in Albany,» he said.
New York Democrats deserve a debate between Andrew Cuomo and myself about the issues that real New Yorkers care about: schools, fracking, corruption and building a fair and strong economy,» Teachout said in a statement.
Blair Horner, with the New York Public Interest Research Group, said with polls showing that New Yorkers care about ending corruption, it must seem inexplicable to residents that lawmakers aren't rushing to clean up state government.
«The NPP presented a more people friendly policies... and at that time the NDC was so unattractive and still unattractive to up thinking and moral upright people because of the issue of corruption, they way and manner the government was run, the way and manner they didn't care about the plight of the people moved me closer to the NPP than it should have taken to the NDC,» he added.
It is rampant with corruption, lending agents making outrageous commissions and spending it on cocaine, bait and switch gimmicks, and carpet bagger vultures that only care about making a ton of $ instead of investing in their communities.
Long before a deranged doctor opened fire inside Bronx - Lebanon Hospital, the place was under an ongoing federal corruption probe, mobsters controlled the construction of its new outpatient center, executives were enjoying million - dollar pay packages and fat bonuses, doctors were allegedly offered per - patient bounties to drum up clinic business, and whistleblowing staffers sounded the alarm about poor patient care but were ignored.
«I am appealing to all those who care about women's equality, fracking, Albany corruption, clean energy, full and equal funding of schools, the end of high stakes testing, and all the other progressive values Ms. Teachout stood for in her campaign to vote for me on election day,» Hawkins said in a statement.
«Albany Democrats really are ready for change, and they care about transparency, they care about openness, they care about inclusion, they're tired of the corruption
But this is not a film about political corruption, it's a film charting Jane's realisation that what she is doing has far - reaching negative ramifications and whether revealing a newfound caring - sharing side would be too little too late.
As for why the corruption, all the obvious reasons: a) the country's made up of a zillion different historically hostile tribes arbitrarily thrown together as a country by the Brits; b) life is short, there are few official safety nets (e.g., unemployment insurance, pensions), so there are few moral qualms about taking care of your own, no matter what; c) there's not yet any sort of history of democracy, of regulation of profiteering — this is a very young, very capitalist country; d) the outside world and all its wealth provides tremendous incentives for corruption — the amount and indiscriminate nature of foreign aid, the fact that the amount of money that would eventually be paid for, say, a rhino horn dagger will trickle down to paying the poacher enough money to cover his kids» school fees for years; e) the fact that the west encourages the illicitly wealthy in the developing world to hide their loot in western institutions (e.g., Swiss banks).
If we want elected representatives to care more about public health than corporate health, let's work to remove the corruption from election campaign contributions.
Mr. Hakim was a Pulitzer finalist in 2012, along with Russ Buettner, for a series about abuse, neglect and corruption in the care of developmentally disabled people in New York.
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