Sentences with phrase «caricature of someone»

In the U.S., we show geeks as caricatures of real people.
I ended up doing abstract painting, but they were kind of more like caricatures of abstract paintings.
MacDowell's work is like satiric political cartoons on steroids filled with caricatures of famous celebrities in unlikely but often hilarious situations.
Facing off challenges not just from the ferocious undead but also from the living, will Edward find an exit to the grotesque caricature of what humanity has become?
In 1878, Puck introduced the practice, printing a page of caricatures of works of art from the first exhibition of the Society of American Artists (see below).
They have just become caricatures of their former selves from other films.
To put it bluntly, thre Calvanist caricature of God is satanic.
And what can we do to avoid making caricatures of one another?
Ensure your characters are realistic and not caricatures of a hero or villain.
The Room may be a non-native's laughable, even grotesque caricature of modern American life, but it's an incredibly sincere one.
From Joyce Pensato's The Other Donald (2016), a charcoal caricature of Trump as Donald Duck, to Dana Schutz's sinister portrait of Trump Descending an Escalator (2017) facing Rachel Harrison's more jocular Trump piñata sculpture (Untitled, 2015).
All four actresses are playing caricatures of their most recognized personas.
It's an updating of the classic, and quite serious, television show from the 1950s (also a radio show prior to that), starring Jack Webb, of whom Dan Aykroyd (Ghostbusters, Trading Places) is doing a spot - on caricature of throughout.
Much of the game's dialogue and characters are poorly done caricatures of American stereotypes: the sheriff, the preacher, the conspiracy theorist, etc..
It looks something like an exaggerated caricature of what a high - end car should be, which probably explains why so many nouveau rich types drive them around South Beach.
Of course, Hedges is drawing caricatures of evangelical spirituality, even at its worst.
But, as with so much of the climate debate, it is an overdrawn, overblown caricature of reality.]
[1] The work features caricatures of individuals involved in the controversial New Museum exhibition, including Jeff Koons as Howdy Doody, which Edward Winkleman remarked is ironic considering how much Powhida's work owes to Koons.
The post-surgical subjects struck me as caricatures of women.
The works take as their subject the chaos of human emotion, and the perfunctory and profoundly inadequate ways in which we casually attempt to communicate those mosaic mental states; the likes of signage, mechanical drawing, text message bubbles, cartoon animals and other such caricatures of feeling form the basis for the artist's vocabulary.
They merely tolerate the «hippy talk» of Jesus's sermons but really relate to the Chick comic caricature of Jesus casting non-believers and wrong - believers down to hell at judgment day.
Although Covarrubias is best known for his lively caricatures of famous figures, which will be included in this exhibition, the primary purpose of Miguel Covarrubias: Drawing a Cosmopolitan Line is to define the breadth and significance of Covarrubias» contribution to the history of modern art.
On the Crusades — «not the proudest moment in Christian history but nor were they the childish caricature of modern Western guilt and certainly not that of contemporary Muslim paranoia» — he goes into some detail to describe not only the background and the geopolitical state of things, but also the realities of human behaviour, both good and bad.
Overtly political, the drawings quote Philip Guston's 1971 caricatures of Richard Nixon albeit replacing Nixon with the figure of George W. Bush.
Even on The League — an FX comedy deliciously overstuffed with caricatures of characters — his Pete is snarky but believably human.
Played by a dramatically adept cast of character actors, the crewmembers are written by Oren Uziel (22 Jump Street) as almost caricatures of one - note personalities.
Here is comic caricature of what does child think during strange situations (when he has secure attachment with his mother).
By attempting to top the previous installments in crassness and cruelty, the film becomes a slog of over-the-top set pieces while turning likeable characters into hateful caricatures of spite.
His purportedly biblical response as to why 9/11 happened is reminiscent of the wildest medieval caricatures of Islam, a faith that supposedly was founded by a sword - wielding,...
May 21, 2013 — Garcia ignites a firestorm when, in response to a query from the emcee at a European Tour awards dinner, he lamely jokes he would have Woods over every night during the U.S. Open and serve him fried chicken — code for one of the most offensive caricatures of African Americans.
The exaggerated female form and destructive action epitomize popular caricatures of women as sexualized objects or aggressively anti-male.
My description of the «alarmism» chart as «an overdrawn, overblown caricature of reality» was insufficiently critical.
The show is the Indonesian artist's first solo gallery exhibition in Hong Kong, featuring satirical caricatures of the complex global political arena.
Pope Benedict XVI himself has said that an «industrial use of creatures, so that geese are fed in such a way as to produce as large a liver as possible, or hens live so packed together that they become just caricatures of birds, this degrading of living creatures to a commodity seems to me in fact to contradict the relationship of mutuality that comes across in the Bible.»
Sherman's 2008 Society Portraits take on problems of ageing and class through caricatures of older wealthy women, from a heavily - rouged bourgeois Parisian — who comes across as both dowdy and classy in her fur coat and silk scarf — to women sporting glamourous getups and putative plastic surgery.
P.S.. For a vigorous refutation to Jacoby's caricature of conservative intellectual life, see Mark Bauerlein's response.
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