Sentences with phrase «carried by the joy»

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According to The Local, guests at a wedding in France will sometimes be so carried away by the joy of their loved ones» nuptials that they will beep their car horns for the entire journey from the ceremony to the reception.
In 1988, when Latin American and North American Christian communicators met in San Juan, Puerto Rico, a highlight of the week was the presentation of indigenous songs and dance by Puerto Rican Christians who carry on a rich and sophisticated religious musical tradition for the sheer joy of it.
Although defines Rapture as:» the carrying of a person to another place or sphere of existence» and this is a term used by many Christians regarding the second - coming of their Savior; it is also defined as: «ecstatic joy or delight; joyful ecstasy».
That's right, the sweet little bundle of joy is repaying you for carrying, birthing and feeding him by giving you nipples that scream in pain whenever the slightest waft of air blows across them.
Your baby finds endless joy in hugging them, carrying them by their necks or inviting them for never - ending tea parties.The spongy bodies -LSB-...]
► A woman carries a rifle down to a road on her farm where she sees a man wearing a biohazard - radiation suit and he shouts and cries for joy when he finds clean air; the woman follows the man to a pond beneath a waterfall and watches him, as he stands in it, bare from the waist up until he falls down, ill and jabbering nonsensically until she points a rifle at him, lowers it and he points a handgun at her and fires, missing her; the woman tells the man to get out of the radiation - contaminated water and he startles, climbs out and scans himself with a Geiger counter that clicks loud and fast as he spits water toward the camera followed by watery yellowish vomit and she helps him to his handcart on the road, where she administers an anti-radiation injection (please see the Substance Use category for more details).
The soundtrack carries on the same sense of wonder and close by mystery that adorned the previous games and is a joy to sit and soak up while solving puzzles.
And the joy he found in being struck by something beautiful or new — how he carried that into his old age, into his studies and discoveries and research.
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