Sentences with phrase «carry around beliefs»

We also carry around beliefs about the future.
In our psychological backpack, we all carry around beliefs that shape how we move through our days.
Edith is a broken person who has carried around the belief that her family is cursed.
The first example of self - sabotage that comes to mind is carrying around the belief, «I am not good enough».

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While there are numerous research studies carried out by analysts from all around the world, which have proven that only an insignificant percentage of bitcoin transactions are carried out for shady purposes, this trend of belief continues.
someone who does not carry a «God belief» around with them 2.
someone who has thought about it and consciously chosen not to carry a «God belief» around with them.
while there is nothing wrong with a Christian owning / running / operating our own business but at none of these places do you find that they are pushing their beliefs on other employees, requiring them to believe the same thing, etc. it's apparent with walmart — a horrible place to shop, employees don't care whether you need help or not & will even run over you while walking & texting on the job or standing around cussing & carrying on in their personal conversations instead of assisting customers.
Part of what's behind this seemingly irrational belief may lie in what's called implicit social cognition — the deep - rooted assumptions we all carry around, and may act on without realizing it.
The terms depression and anxiety themselves have even come to carry with them an ominous cloud of stigmatizing beliefs - casting a shadow of shame and secrecy around those who struggle with these «mysterious» conditions.
Marna Thall: I think — I think there's this overarching belief that people are carrying around that there's something wrong with them.
I had been carrying around so many limiting beliefs about myself, (most of them stemming as far back as childhood!)
One first year law student blogger describes What I've Learned in Legal Research: 1) The belief that Hitler carried around a copy of Nietzsche's The Prince is a lie: it was really the Harvard Blue book.
It's not your fault the self - limiting beliefs are in there in the first place, but it is your responsibility to release them and reprogram them instead of carrying them around as extra baggage as you go through your life.
Many agents carry around self - limiting beliefs that oppose prospecting.
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