Sentences with phrase «carry average amounts»

They carry average amounts of credit card debt and student loan debt and above - average levels of mortgage debt, but they have among the highest incomes in the country, enabling them to repay their debts without declaring bankruptcy or losing their homes to foreclosure.
Getting back on your feet is especially difficult if you carried an average amount of debt — credit cards, car loans, mortgage — prior to the major financial setback.

Not exact matches

It is important to note that to obtain 180 ml of milk, 30 g of powdered milk is the needed amount and to obtain 200 g of cereal, on average, 20 g of cereal powder is enough, whereas for the homogenized food products the value in ml is almost equal to that in g. For the calculations carried out, it was assumed that all cereals, including pasta and rice, were equivalent.
So, on an average basis, both men and women carry a different amount of body fat percentage.
If two women have the same amount of body fat, and one tends to carry more water weight or have bigger bones than the other, one woman could be considered «overweight» while the other might be «average
Individuals who identified as white (with no Hispanic origin) carried an average of $ 7,942 in debt — the highest amount of any racial group.
Specifically, they're dialing down the average credit limit — the maximum amount an account can carry — for people with credit scores below 600 — the market's so - called «subprime borrowers».
Surprisingly, Americans 65 and older carry an average of $ 6,351 in credit card debt, and while that may not seem like a huge amount at first glance, it can really cost you in the long run.
To the bank, an individual carrying an above - average amount of debt is more likely than other consumers to default on at least one of their credit accounts.
Of those who carry a balance, the average amount is $ 513 according to the Student Monitor.
In fact, as of 2016, the average amount of debt that a US student carried was $ 28,000.
We also considered the average amount of credit card debt each household carries.
We also ranked each state's debt health by considering the percentage of households that carried credit card debt, the average amount of that debt, and the percentage of credit accounts that were past due by 90 days or more.
These states were weighed down by how residents managed their credit card debt, rather than the average amount of debt they carried.
When it came to mortgages, the average amount of debt people carried was $ 201, 811, and non-mortgage debt averaged $ 24,706.
You can typically expect to pay between $ 100 and $ 250 per year on average, depending on where you live and the coverage amount you carry on the insurance policy.
Texas ranks 15 in the nation for highest average student debt per graduate.Dallas residents in particular owe a total of $ 10.9 billion in student loans — approximately the same debt amount carried for auto loans, according to the recent Dallas Economic Opportunity Assessment.
The amount of outstanding student loan debt has increased steadily over the past few years, showing the average student graduates carrying a higher load of debt every year.
We then calculated our own Canso «Affordable Price» by taking 30 % of the Statistics Canada Average Pre-Tax Income for a Toronto Economic Family and determining how large of a mortgage could be carried with this amount.
Between 2007 and 2010, the amount of credit card debt carried by the average American family as a portion of their total -LSB-...]
In 2016, the typical U.S. household that carried a credit card balance owed an average of $ 15,654 in credit card debt — an amount that has steadily increased in the past 20 years.
However, ETFs carry broker commissions because they are traded like stocks, so mutual funds may be cheaper for investors who dollar cost average using small amounts.
CPA was inspired to address the emotional and financial burden of student loan debt after an internal staff survey revealed that CPA's 64 employees carry an above - average amount of student loan debt (SLD), with approximately half reporting that SLD adds «high» to «very high» amounts of stress to their daily lives, has prevented or delayed homeownership, and has caused them to consider relocating to a lower cost area of the country.
Those in their mid-20s tend to carry the most student debt of any age group — but in the early 2000s that debt was just under $ 5,000 on average, a pretty easy amount to pay off.
Considering that the average amount of debt student borrowers carry out of college is $ 17,000 then that is the amount they are asking private lenders to loan them when refinancing.
Dollar - cost averaging is carried out simply by investing a fixed dollar amount into your mutual fund (or other investment instrument) at pre-determined intervals.
Though unfamiliar to someone that isn't necessarily financially savvy, auto title loans have become an affordable and accessible staple in the loan industry, offering people from all walks of life the ability to get the money they need in a short amount of time without any of the headaches that the average financial institution may carry.
A little simple math says that if you only have the average amount of debt, it takes the first $ 33,000 in your business» revenue to carry this debt — and most small businesses have more debt than the average American household.
Without the necessary average amount of water dosage per day — 10 ounces — problems with proper digestion, skin health, flushes toxins and carries nutrients throughout the body might occur to your little dog.
According to a second report, released Aug. 13 by TransUnion, the average borrower is carrying about the same amount of credit card debt as he or she did during this time last year.
In 2016, the average American household carried around $ 16,000 worth of credit card debt and it's estimated that around 38 % of all American households carry some credit card debt so that the total amount of revolving debt in 2016 was around $ 929 billion.
While I don't doubt the way the amount of IR absorption by CO2 increases due to spectral detuning (I'll accept the quantum mechanics expert's opinions on that), for the life of me I can't see why that should carry over to the average surface Temperature of the whole planet.
You can typically expect to pay between $ 100 and $ 250 per year on average, depending on where you live and the coverage amount you carry on the insurance policy.
Like any other state, Alaska requires its drivers to carry a minimum amount of liability protection and even though the state's insurance rates are higher than average.
A wide variety of factors impact the average safety auto insurance amounts because different locations carry different driving risks.
The cost of condo insurance ranges from $ 100 to $ 400 per year on average, depending on the value of your personal property and the type and amount of coverage you carry.
A new study was carried out by Saramin (a Korean website) in which it found 31 % of salaried South Koreans have invested in cryptocurrencies with an average investment amount of over 5,66 million won.
Most millennials are not only carrying student loans — a Harvard University study found that average amount of student debt for renters 25 to 34 years old was more than $ 30,000 — but also obligations from credit cards and car loans.
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