Sentences with phrase «to carry oxygen»

Iron is vital to the formation and function of red blood cells, which carry oxygen throughout the body.
This is because red blood cells carry oxygen throughout the body.
B vitamins help with the nervous system and helps build tissues; iron carries oxygen in the blood; magnesium helps builds bones and energy release from muscles.
This occurs when the body does not have enough red blood cells, which carry oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body.
Red blood cells carry oxygen through the body and white blood cells help to fight off infections.
This is commonly known as the male sex hormone, and it is responsible for carrying oxygen through your blood and building your strength and energy levels.
Your body needs iron to help carry oxygen through your blood to all parts of your body.
Iron is an important component of your blood and helps carry oxygen throughout your body.
They are a good source of iron, which we need to carry oxygen around the body.
It enables the body to stay alive by carrying oxygen and nutrients to living cells, taking away waste products, and transporting immune cells to fight infections.
They have also considered the fact that such a ratio boosts the capacity of carrying oxygen.
Iron is responsible for crucial life - sustaining roles such as carrying oxygen through our bodies, producing energy and forming antioxidants.
When red blood cells are damaged, they aren't able to effectively carry oxygen throughout the dog's body, causing difficulty breathing.
He hoped to develop a synthetic molecule that would carry oxygen just as well as iron.
The blood merely carries oxygen and nutrients to the brain.
Your body requires the mineral iron for a number of crucial functions, including carrying oxygen from your lungs throughout the rest of the body.
Well known for its role carrying oxygen, iron also functions as an antioxidant and it's needed for the production of collagen.
Helps in energy production; helps to carry oxygen in the bloodstream and to transfer oxygen to muscles.
In addition, the blood contains many specialized cells that are responsible for carrying oxygen and regulating the immune system.
Iron is vital to the formation and function of red blood cells, which carry oxygen to the brain and support its growth.
In about a minute, they can carry oxygen from the lungs to tissues in the rest of the body and return to the lungs.
You'll also need extra folic acid to protect against neural tube birth defects, as well as more iron to help red blood cells carry oxygen to your baby.
Blood carries oxygen throughout your body and your baby's, filtering both your systems and supporting the functions of all your organs.
It helps nourish skin cells and keeps them vital by carrying oxygen and nutrients to them.
Red blood cells have the main function of carrying oxygen to the organs and bringing carbon dioxide back to the heart.
If you're vitamin B12 deficient, your body does a pretty poor job producing red blood cells to carry oxygen through your system.
Remember that members of the public ordering pet oxygen masks for their own pets as well as Rescue groups currently not carrying oxygen tanks on their vehicles need to first obtain a veterinary prescription to get access to oxygen.
The «heme» in hemoglobin is iron, and hemoglobin carries oxygen in the bloodstream to tissues like muscle fibers.
They experience tolerance and acceptance of physical differences when there is a resident who carries an oxygen tank or has difficulty speaking.»
Midwives carry oxygen and neonatal resuscitation equipment, medications to stop bleeding, and other medications to keep you and your baby safe in the event of an emergency.
The research scientist at Vertex counts several family members and friends in her community in the U.S. Virgin Islands among those with the painful illness, in which misshapen blood cells can't carry oxygen well enough to fuel the body and get caught in the body's organs, causing damage.
Our blood cells depend on iron to make hemoglobin, which then carries oxygen supplies to all body cells.
Iron deficiency anemia occurs as your body attempts to make up for the lost red blood cells by using your iron stores to make more hemoglobin, which can then carry oxygen on red blood cells.
This is why mountaineers carry oxygen with them on particularly steep climbing expeditions because the air is sometimes too thin (i.e, low in pressure) to breathe.
Iron carries oxygen (in hemoglobin) to all parts of the body.
It is God's Holy Spirit who breathes into us, just as a thin green hose carries oxygen into the nostrils of people who need it in order to sustain life.
Iron is necessary for healthy supply of blood hemoglobin which gives you energy by carrying the oxygen rich blood to every cell in your body, while preventing anaemia.
(Penny carries oxygen for such a situation, which is one of the reasons she had EMS come since she would not be here).
Snaking through the nearly 2 - feet - long cord, there's a vein ferrying nutrients and oxygen from mom's blood (via the placenta), plus two arteries carrying oxygen - and nutrient - depleted blood from the fetus back to mom.
And the blood flow rate through the aorta defines the metabolic rate, because it's what carries the oxygen.
A fault in the gene that codes for the b - haemoglobin protein produces defective haemoglobin that can not adequately carry oxygen round the body.
That's because all cats — from the house cat to the African lion — have hemoglobin that isn't very good at carrying oxygen in the blood.
anemia A disease caused by not having enough red blood cells to carry oxygen efficiently throughout the body.

Phrases with «to carry oxygen»

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