Sentences with phrase «carrying around a car»

Carrying around a car seat is an extra burden.
My 4 year old, Noah, has been carrying around his cars everywhere we go since he was 18 months old.

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A number of payday lenders have embraced auto - title loans, which are secured by the borrower's car and typically carry annual rates around 300 percent.
We carry these bags around in our car, and every time we see a homeless person, we stop and give them one.
Regarding food and drink water, the required calculated numbers would be around 15 % for food and 10 % for water (even less if rain is used) Regarding predators: the ark had a huge volume, about 500 American railroad cars, each of them able to carry 240 sheep.
It has nothing to do with GOP or anything... We used to drive around with our guns hanging in the back window of our car... if more people carried guns then maybe people would think twice about acting out and hurting people.
They're not just for little cars that zip around carrying their owners to the recycling center or the organic market.
The only time I can think my back hurt carrying my baby was when I had to lug that infant car seat around!
If you won't carry the car seat around for long, or you plan to switch to a convertible car seat quickly, the less expensive version is just fine.
The colors are sleek, and you can carry them practically anywhere you go — around the house, at the beach, in your office, in the car as your go grocery shopping, even at a dinner party.
Wish I had thought of these last year so I could have left my baby in the car seat stroller instead of picking her up and carrying her around so her costume could be seen.
January 21, 2016 - Britax has received reports of cracks developing around the carry handle on some infant car seats.
Infant car seats are easy to carry around, and they comfortably fit smaller babies.
Some babies don't like these, but if your baby does, a chest carrier is really nice because then you don't have to worry about holding onto your baby and trying to remember to hold and manage all of your carry - ons at the same time.This also lets your baby not have to be in the car seat while you walk around the airport.
In a continued commitment to child passenger safety, Britax has determined that certain B - Safe 35 and B - Safe 35 Elite infant car seats can develop cracks in and around the carry handle grip.
It is so easy to set up and take down and it folds conveniently into its carrying case which makes it easy for you to carry it around the house, pack into a car or even carry it through an airport!
I hated carrying around his infant car seat so this was easiest for me.
It can easily be carried around the house or be packed into a car or be carried through an airport.
Some may even come with rechargeable battery (but these won't be as light), or even a plug - in adapter for use in the car, but they just wouldn't be that easy to carry around.
My biggest #momfail is carrying my child around Target not realizing she had a blow out all up her back and totally got some gross glares and didn't realize why until I got to my car!
So the thing is if u buy one of those car seat to carry around when they r newborn you ate going to be buying a second one around 6 - 10 months.
Most infant - only car seats feature a stay - in - car base that makes it easy to carry a baby around in the car seat while outside the vehicle.
The car seat itself can carry around 35 pounds of weight and the stroller can carry up to 55 pounds.
The lightest car seat can carry around 5 to 22 pounds of weight of the baby and the maximum height is 29 inches.
This infant car seat is manufactured in a lightweight design which makes it convenient for parents to carry around especially when they are trying to juggle many items in unison.
One of the most difficult thing while traveling around with babies is carrying their heavy equipment like strollers, cribs, car seats etc..
Or if you have just undergone a cesarean section and shouldn't be carrying baby around in the car seat, please give me a call and I will come to you.
It weighs just 7 pounds so whether you are carrying your baby around in your hand with the swing or you just want to put it in your car, it won't take too much space.
You may want to consider a seat that has a base that is left in the car with a detachable seat for the baby that you can easily carry around.
This base can be moved from car to car, but the carrier is the selling point — it allows you to carry your child around without disrupting him or her or causing discomfort.
Convertible seats are larger and heavier than infant car seats, and aren't meant to be removed from the car and carried around.
It weighs 17 lbs and is designed more for transporting in the car rather than carrying around.
With the best stroller and car seat combo, travelling becomes a breeze as you only have to carry around one item.
I think it is so much more beneficial to babies than being carried around in a carseat and not touched from house, to car, to store, to car, to house again... Baby's need touching to grow both physically and emotionally.
I still occasionally use the disposable when we are in the car for long trips or going to be away from the house for extended periods of time - just easier than carrying around soiled diapers.
Additionally, it was huge, and next to impossible to carry around without my car as I couldn't fold it up and slip it into anything.
Duals as a cushioned arm pad to protect your arm from the soreness and fatigue of carrying around a heavy infant car seat and a soft, cuddly mat for tummy time, diaper changes and more.
The thing is, while many parents love this, others say it is annoying to carry around, you forget it in the car, or just never use it.
No more fumbling with a wrap or carrier in the parking lot (if you or someone you know has been carrying baby around in the infant car seat for all your errands, PLEASE read this series of posts).
They're wonderful for when baby is a newborn, and all the bells and whistles are fun, but mom gets exhausted carrying the large infant car seat onto the big bulky stroller; add in all the extras you need to take with you such as the diaper bag, purse and shopping bags and it feels like you're pushing around a dump truck!
With a super low weight of only 3.9 kg and an ergonomically - shaped handle, which offers maximum comfort and convenience for carrying the alpha around and for switching it from car to buggy, you'll wonder why anyone would ever choose a heavier car seat.
It's a wonderful product to keep in the car, carry around in the stroller, or taken on short trips where you don't need to carry around enough stuff that you should consider calling yourself Mary Poppins.
You can unhook the seat from the car and easily carry around a sleeping infant without having to disturb them.
Handy carrying strap makes it easy for your child to tote his / her crayons around the house and when traveling in the car.
A handle on the car seat allows you to comfortably carry your small baby around without having to remove them from the car seat which is perfect for when your little one falls asleep in the car.
Like convertible car seats, they must be installed directly into the vehicle and can not be used to carry your child around.
In spite of the apparent convenience, the constant folding, unfolding and carrying the stroller around the airport, cars, buses and hotels can be cumbersome for most parents.
Purchasing a car seat stroller combo can be very helpful when carrying your infant around without having to remove them from their car seats.
For me it was so much easier to carry my baby in this when running into a store than it was to lug the car seat carrier around.
You can also purchase a travel bag to carry the car seat around in, as well as a cup holder for your child to keep drinks and snacks close by.
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