Sentences with phrase «carrying warmer water»

Humanoid - caused warming could alter ocean circulation, carrying warmer water to the ocean floor.»
Previous studies suggest such eddies could carry warm water away from southern sea ice.
Their discovery will help scientists track and study how vortices transport pollutants, and carry warm water to colder areas.
The decoupling corresponds to periods when the Gulf Stream, a powerful marine current that carries the warm waters of the Gulf of Mexico northwards, was pushed towards the Bay of Biscay by the moderate iceberg break - up from the North of the American continent.
For decades, research on climate variations in the Atlantic has focused almost exclusively on the role of ocean circulation as the main driver, specifically the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation, which carries warm water north in the upper layers of the ocean and cold water south in lower layers like a large conveyor belt.
It carries warm water along the Atlantic Ocean surface, moving from south to north.
Melting sea ice will mean ocean currents can carry warmer water and nutrients into Arctic water, taking fish further north and potentially allowing them to mix between oceans.
The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation, or AMOC, is a powerful conveyor - like current system that carries warm water north from the equator and sends cool water back down from the Arctic.
It carries warm water from the Gulf of Mexico northward along the east coast of the U.S..
It starts with an El Nino wave originating in the Indo - Pacific Warm Pool that carries warm water across the Pacific to South America.
The location of Iceland with respect to the North Atlantic Drift, which carries warm water from the tropics towards the poles, may also contribute to the temperature series being mismatched with records from Greenland or Scotland.
They carry warm water from the Indo - Pacific warm pool to South America.
They would have to carry warm water to the Arctic to make this happen.
Some climate models predict that the increased rainfall may weaken, or perhaps even stop, the Atlantic currents that carry warm water northward from the tropics and may plunge Europe into a new ice age.
It may sound counterintuitive, but the paper says freshening of the North Atlantic triggered a series of cold spells in Greenland and northern Europe by shutting down the Gulf Stream current, which usually carries warm water north from the equator.
The increased trade winds carry that warm water to the Pacific Warm Pool and also return to the west any remaining warm water that had been released by the El Nino.
In the Atlantic Ocean, the Gulf Stream is part of what's called the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation, a conveyor belt of ocean water that carries warm water from Florida to Greenland where it cools and sinks to 1000 meters or more before traveling back down the coast to the tropics.
Other feared effects — such as the sudden release of large volumes of methane from thawing Arctic tundra or the disruption of the Atlantic Ocean currents that carry warm water into the northern latitudes — were given a low chance of occurring on a rapid scale.
The second paragraph of The Independent's article on the Nature study stated, «Disruption to the conveyor - belt mechanism that carries warm water to Britain's shores was the basis of the Hollywood disaster movie The Day After Tomorrow.»
It carries warm water from the Indo - Pacific Warm Pool, spreads it out along the coast, and warms the atmosphere above it.
If currents carried the warm water beneath this ice, it potentially could trigger the collapse of an ice sheet that scientists estimate holds enough water to raise the sea level five meters.

Not exact matches

A flight attendant guided me to my window seat, asked if I wanted champagne and warm nuts or water (I wanted all of them, obviously) and helped me with my carry on and coat.
I take a quick warm shower and visualize the water picking up the stress, tension, worries, and energy of the day and carrying it down the drain.
And you can carry a Thermos with warm water in it for warming bottles, and obviously, a cooler or insulated bag for keeping mixed bottles and snacks cool will make sense to have.
Pros: - great looking bag that comes in various styles and colors - ample pockets and tons of space so you can carry everything you need with you in one bag - holds a ton without weighing a ton - water resistant so you can wipe it down after a messy day - comes with a changing pad, bottle warmer / holder, and «mommy pouch» - has a detachable shoulder strap so you can hang it on your stroller
«As soon as we could carry water with us, had a good [ochre - based] sunscreen and mosquito repellent, and warm [ochre - tanned] clothing, we were able to expand from Africa.»
Forming in the system's colder outer regions, where volatile compounds such as water and carbon dioxide freeze out, makes it possible that the planets incorporated those ices and carried them along to a warmer place where they could melt, evaporate, and become oceans and atmospheres.
The probe will carry instruments to measure water, dust and other molecules in the planet's atmosphere, in an attempt to learn how Mars transitioned from wet and warm to dry and dusty.
They pointed to a warmer atmosphere, which carries more water vapor to worsen rainstorms, as well as to higher ocean surface temperatures, which intensify hurricanes.
Experiments carried out in the OU Mars Simulation Chamber — specialised equipment, which is able to simulate the atmospheric conditions on Mars — reveal that Mars» thin atmosphere (about 7 mbar — compared to 1,000 mbar on Earth) combined with periods of relatively warm surface temperatures causes water flowing on the surface to violently boil.
Due to the cooling dissolved material now partially precipitates as fine particles, which are carried by the warm water to the ocean's surface.
i.e. the water vapour will tend to carry heat (in the form of warmed air and latent heat) higher in the atmosphere, reducing surface warming.
The whale tale forms the center of the story but, for me, it was the bit players that stole the show - the rays wallowing in the warm water under the pier, the sun fish snoozling close to the legs of the oil rig, the green sea turtles «carrying their homes along with them like aquatic RVs» and the herd of dolphins vying with each other to perform the most dare - devilish tricks (I thought the collective noun for dolphins was pod, but Lynne refers to them as a herd, and I'm not the landlubber to question her!)
Keep in mind that your dog will need water to drink when engaged in vigorous physical activity, so carry a thermos with warm water.
Also, if it's warm (above 80 - 85 °F for most dogs) or if you'll be walking greater than thirty minutes, don't forget to carry water.
Gentle winds carry the scent of tropical flowers and the warm, azure waters at our 14 private beaches beckon you to relax....
The land and sea warm, the infra - red from them increases and the oxygen, nitrogen and water vapour all carry more heat upwards by convection.
And at last, the Norwegian Current, the Spitsbergen Current and the East Iceland Current carry warm, relative saline waters into the Arctic seas.
Unlikely: this idea was based on the hypothesis that the Atlantic thermohaline circulation, which carries warm surface water to northern Europe, could be halted by the influx of fresh water from melting Arctic ice.
Like the KOE, is the warm water created during an El Niño also carried north by the Gulf Stream during the following La Niña?
I would submit to you that to the extent that we have a global warming problem, and you want to say that there's no global warming problem, I think that you must agree with me that we have a problem with a billion human beings having Tuberculosis, with three and a half billion human beings living on less than $ 5 a day, with three to four billion human beings not having access to reliable water supply, safe water supplies, that we are pushing the carrying capacity of this planet pretty hard.
The ocean currents carry this sunlight - warmed water to the west and then poleward.
The second way that the leftover warm water is carried to the Western Pacific is through a strengthening of the trade winds.
The relatively warm water flowing through the glacier also carries surface heat deep inside the ice sheet far faster than it would otherwise penetrate by simple conduction.
This makes sense since warming the surfaces of the world's oceans would tend to decrease their CO2 - carrying - capacity, and this would be a slow process due to the buffering effects of the specific heat capacity of these large bodies of water.
Offshore winds from Canada and Greenland (with temperatures around -20 C) carry across the warm waters of the Labrador Sea, creating a very unstable atmosphere and immediately leading to the formation of depressions (like polar lows).
Warming temperatures, changes in precipitation, and more extreme weather are projected to increase populations of disease - carrying vectors like mosquitoes with West Nile Virus and of the types of bacteria and toxic algae that contaminate shellfish and recreational waters for activities like swimming and boating.
It represents in a simple way how ocean currents carry warm surface waters from the equator toward the poles and moderate global climate.»
Horizontal currents, particularly those moving north or south, can carry warmed or cooled water as far as several thousand kilometres.
The explanation of the that «incongruous» sea ice decline is very simple: Arctic warming is not caused by an imaginary AGW but by warm Gulf Stream water carried into the Arctic Ocean by North Atlantic currents.
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