Sentences with phrase «cartilage structure»

These ligaments, joints, cartilage structure which our ancestors ate a lot of that.
«In this case, the misidentification didn't happen because of a lack of technology at the time — scientists familiar with cartilage structure could easily see this was a chondrichthyan fish.
Bone growth is an intricately controlled process which begins with an initial temporary cartilage structure — the growth plate — and involves many types of cell and signaling molecules.
It has been shown that when joints are immobilized, cartilage structures break down at a rapid rate.
These nutrients sustain cartilage cells and provide the components necessary to maintain a healthy cartilage structure.
Nutraceuticals: Synergistic combinations of nutraceuticals such as glucosamine / chondroitin sulfate contain compounds that support cartilage structure, prevent further deterioration, suppress inflammation, and reduce free radical damage.
The woodpecker's beak and skull are joined together, Surabhi notes, by a corrugated cartilage structure that helps soften impact.
Within the acetabulum is a cartilage structure called the labrum which deepens the «socket» and increases the surface area and strength of the hip.
The finished ear consists of a coiled antenna inside a cartilage structure.
An optimally functioning homocysteine pathway provides methyl and sulfur groups for biochemical reactions such as detoxification, healthy immune function, ideal joint and cartilage structure, and brain and cardiovascular health — so it's important to metabolize homocysteine effectively.
Laryngeal paralysis refers to immobilization of the cartilage structures that control airflow from the mouth and nose into the windpipe.
That's when it's time for Cosequin ® which maintains the cartilage structure and inhibits the enzymes that break down cartilage.
Injecting corticosteroids into joints is not a new practice and neither is injecting hyaluronic acid (a natural portion of the cartilage structure).
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