Sentences with phrase «cartoonish figures»

The phrase "cartoonish figures" refers to characters or people that are exaggerated and unrealistic, similar to how they appear in cartoons. They often have exaggerated features or actions that are meant to be funny or silly. Full definition
Her works make use of an idiosyncratic visual lexicon, the directness of cartoonish figures, and a flattened perspective, but simultaneously betray a deep awareness of art history and painterly conventions.
She was also inspired by outlier painters such as post-Impressionist Vincent van Gogh and by Philip Guston, who painted cartoonish figures when modernist abstraction was all the rage.
Woody Harrelson, Elizabeth Banks, and Stanley Tucci are all fantastic character actors who start to peel off the layers of these larger than life characters to make them more than simple cartoonish figures of the Capitol.
Lerma uses layers of figurative as well as abstract elements, charcoal and colours, text, the blank canvas and smudges of paint to create vibrant, erratic compositions in which you recognize cartoonish figures, mysterious calligraphic signs, and vegetal varieties.
They represent bizarre, cartoonish figures consisting of lumpy, bulbous and squishy shapes without eyes, noses and mouths.
These characters take on a political awareness through historical reference, sharing such similarities with Philip Guston's excessive cartoonish figures, or the character, Dr. Plague by Dr. Schnabel in 1656.
Brian Knep's «exempla» are cartoonish figures based on a three - year - old child's discarded drawing, featuring oversize faces and flimsy limbs.
Two cartoonish figures watch t.v. in bed with an impending glittery pink tidal wave looming above.
A morose, cartoonish figure grips a rope attached to a sack of abstract, indistinct forms.
Their elastic cartoonish figures are schemata tinctured with sentiment and nostalgia, especially for Matisse and Picasso.
Driven by a fascination with the perceived importance of celebrity news as compared to politics, she works in a pop - surrealist style, employing cartoonish figures and playful compositions to echo the perpetual stimulation of the digital age.
Today, his work is recognizable for his bright colored cartoonish figures similar to graffiti design.
In the next room, Canyon Castator's colorful, cartoonish figures channel Nicole Eisenman's buffoonish figuration.
Emin's delicately cartoonish figures, snogging Bourgeois» watercolour willies, might prompt schoolboyish sniggers.
Mr. Kertess clearly values touch, but that includes Agnes Martin's precisely drawn Minimalist lines, Christian Schumann's carefully painted cartoonish figures and Nari Ward's hearse smeared with grease like icing on a cake.
These works make use of an idiosyncratic visual lexicon, the directness of cartoonish figures, and a flattened perspective, but simultaneously betray a deep awareness of art history and painterly conventions.
Particularly compelling is the character of Vince McMahon, the architect of the Screwjob and a menacing figure whose presence hangs over the film ominously, the patriarch of the wrestling world, a villain who seems like a cross between a 19th century oil man and dictator than a CEO of a billion dollar company, a cartoonish figure who just might be the most GIF - able human being on the planet.
But it involved real characters and real people with real emotions and not some cartoonish figures that were strung together just as an excuse for having some wonderful songs.
This coming - of - age story traces Wyld's childhood obsession with sharks and anxieties about growing up, which become palpable in the artwork: next to Sumner's cartoonish figures, realistic, often - gory sharks loom menacingly.
Her flat, cartoonish figures have a childlike, storybook quality to them, perhaps allowing the somewhat difficult messages to be more easily absorbed.
Most of the work in this show comes from the past decade, comprising mostly three - dimensional paintings on plywood, where layered forms and colour combine to create a motley crew of cartoonish figures that are loud, grotesque and irreverent.
Nicole Eisenman populates her works with emotionally resonant, cartoonish figures, formed out of exaggerated, painterly lines and intense colors.
Nicole Eisenman populates her works with emotionally resonant, cartoonish figures.
His early, cartoonish figure paintings have diversified into maximalist painterly abstractions, on US abstract expressionist scales.
, where they are stashed inside a frozen cooler decorated with cartoonish figures.
The overlaid specters also explicitly reject and ridicule the notion put forth by many abstractionists that painting is pure and unto itself: by seamlessly pairing these cartoonish figures with copycat abstractions, McKinniss presents the painter as an (always) image - ridden image - maker.
They are hard to categorize with their combination of cartoonish figures, Pop Art sensibility, Surrealism and gestural abstraction.
The paintings are wretched, vile, and ferocious, and populated with horrendous creatures, historical racial caricatures, and cartoonish figures.
Artists working at the time evolved from the styles of their predecessors while experimenting with new techniques and crafting their own — from Jean - Michel Basquiat's use of mixed media to Keith Haring and Kenny Scharf's cartoonish figures.
A 1937 self - portrait shows a cartoonish figure in the act of sketching reflected in a dressing - table mirror, with his wife reduced to a cramped silhouette sewing on the bed.
Also, Humphrey incorporates formal elements of abstraction — mostly the gesture — with his Pop sensibility and cartoonish figures.
The artist has acknowledged her great admiration for Philip Guston, whose late paintings likewise make use of an idiosyncratic visual lexicon, the directness of cartoonish figures, and a flattened perspective, but simultaneously betray a deep awareness of art history and painterly conventions.
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