Sentences with phrase «cartoonish style»

"Cartoonish style" refers to a way of drawing or presenting something that resembles a cartoon. It often includes exaggerated features, vivid colors, and humorous or playful elements. Full definition
One was an energetically inventive, frequently cartoonish style of colorful drawing.
Crazy Justice is a third - person shooter game in cartoonish style with steampunk elements.
Balancing a playful, cartoonish style with detailed diagrams and lucid descriptions, Wicks presents systems of the human body with the help of a jaunty skeleton emcee.
For instance there was a time that Gaston's boss was just doing his normal mumbling and suddenly a bird just poop over his head, this idea is very cartoonish style.
For those that don't know, Shark Dash is a highly addictive game that takes the physics puzzler to fun new heights with a unique cartoonish style starring funny little bath toys!
Leone brought back a masterpiece, a film that expands his baroque, cartoonish style into genuine grandeur, weaving dozens of thematic variations and narrative arabesques around a classical western foundation myth.
Similar to last year, Gallop Racer 2004 uses the same cartoonish style graphics that they have used in years past.
Stories has a more cartoonish style and, in the first trailer, a character was shown mounting a monster and riding around on it.
The white 934/5 wore massive intakes on the rear fenders, while the black Interscope 934/5 sported exaggerated cartoonish styling.
The game boasts a slightly cartoonish style as the symbols and layout have been purposefully designed to emulate comic books.
Rayman Legends Definitive Edition features colorful and masterfully polished 2D visuals with a distinctive cartoonish style.
This seeming simplicity arises from Nordström's signature cartoonish style, where his figures take on grotesque, outsized, and exaggerated features, sporting elongated torsos or legs or boasting bizarrely - shaped hips and noses and heads.
Executed in his trademark cartoonish style, the canvas features a smiling craftsman carving a piece of wood, while his faithful dog sits by his side.
Tearaway has a very cartoonish style to it so I do not feel as if high - end graphics would really matter.
The style of the Hot Shots series has really never changed and don't plan on that happening with this game, as it really has a very unique cartoonish style that goes right along with the rest of the series.
the cartoonish style allows these huge areas to load with minimal texture pop in.
Even if you're not an Infinity fan, the trailer is worth watching to see the already iconic characters, locations, and objects rendered in the game's cartoonish style, including the the ridiculous lightsaber of Kylo Ren.
I've never really loved the cartoonish style of «The Wind Waker», even when thought It was a great «The Legend Of Zelda» game as usual.
Wii U is powerful enough to make good looking games in realistic style, but Nintendo prefer a cartoonish style to make a broader appeal.
Singh is a lot more fantastical than Snyder's cartoonish style.
They retreated from the cartoonish styling and instead shaped their truck in the wind tunnel, and consequently it uses less fuel.
The cartoonish styling, like on all Corvettes, is a bit overdone by our tastes, with the four exhaust pipes in the center and all these lines and scoops chasing each other around the body.
Rather than trying, and failing, to create to the same sort of graphics we'll be seeing on the more powerful consoles, Red Fly has chosen to give the Nintendo Wii version an animated, cartoonish style that really captures the spirit of the original movie.
That game is the perfect mix of cartoonish style, couch co-op and old school beat «em up goodness.
When I played Costume Quest last year, I was immediately won over by its cartoonish style, its charming wit, and its highly - approachable gameplay.
While the cartoonish style of Mario may put some off, the familiar moustached face is still welcoming to many players who will always be happy to go an adventure with the mushroom chomping plumber.
Don't ignore the game just because of it's cartoonish style, as it has plenty of fun and mature content to go around.
Visually the game looks like its straight out of Danger Girl with bright, bold colours and cartoonish style, although as mentioned the look can get in the way of working out which parts of the scenery can be interacted with.
As every Telltale game out there, The Walking Dead goes for a cartoonish style that both looks great and is very easy to run, even on older Macs.
In a cartoonish style that works well for Earthlock, the characters and environments look vivid and fresh while not needing to meet the high - quality graphics of AAA games so the focus isn't shifted away from gameplay and story.
Draw a Stickman: EPIC 2 features 2D, pleasant visuals in a cartoonish style.
The graphical style in Mechanic Infantry has a pleasing, cartoonish style to it.
Even with the cartoonish style plastered throughout, everything still looks realistic; they've got every proportion right without creating the same basic town.
Over the course of her 40 - year career, Williams has made an array of artwork, from modest paintings of mostly representational scenes in a cartoonish style to large - scale abstract paintings erupting in brilliant colors.
While his unfussy, casual compositions share the pictorial flatness of AbEx, they are resolutely figurative; and while the cartoonish style foreshadowed Pop, Katz eschewed cultural icons for everyday folks, like his wife, Ada.
Walker's privileging of a cartoonish style containing racial caricatures, with particular nods to folk art, graffiti and primitivism, is designed to draw attention to how forms of representation are linked with wider social assumptions.
Minute detail and a cartoonish style create a layered puzzle of figures, set against the gestural brushstrokes of light wash.
Sometimes, the abstracted images of skulls appears in golden background patterns; sometimes it becomes the main subject, and the powerful iconography reminds the viewers of memento mori, not in sad but in beautified ways through Murakami's cartoonish style.
His bold, cartoonish style is bright and colourful, with hints of pop art and 1960's influences.
«His cartoonish style — including his best - known characters with X-ed out eyes — has its roots in his early career as a street artist, when he began replacing advertisements with his own, masterful acrylic paintings in the early 1990s.
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