Sentences with phrase «cas of abolition»

And we have tried, often succeeding such as in the cas of abolition of slavery, to do far more good.

Not exact matches

It is also extremely challenging to have people care about abolition work when there's a limit to the types of photos and details which we can share.
Bottom line... a godless state and the abolition of Christianity ARE integral parts of China and Maoism, and you can not deny that.
Not until the Christian recognizes the Crucifixion as enacting and embodying the self - negation of the sovereign and transcendent Creator can he celebrate an atonement which is the source of the abolition of all confinement and repression.
Yet such a forward movement can not culminate in an abolition of the opposites by returning to a primordial Beginning.
Both can be observed in the Bible, but the message of Christ becomes becomes the driving force for the abolition of slavery and segregation.
«Many will tell you with mockery and ridicule that the abolition of war can be only a dream — that it is but the vague imaginings of a visionary.
Referring to C. S. Lewis's much - cited claim in The Abolition of Man, Kass writes that if «man's so - called power over nature is, in truth, always a power exercised by some over others with knowledge of nature as their instrument, can it really be liberating to exchange the rule of nature for the role of arbitrary human will?»
The inexpressible sadness of our era is that as soon as the dream is revived it dies, overwhelmed by the harsh realities of a world where finally only military might settles international disputes and where even the prospect of total annihilation can not generate a sustained effort for the abolition of war.
Citing examples of Christian mothers who were instrumental in the abolition of slavery and the passage of laws against child labor, she makes a strong case that virtues such as compassion and creativity that are «refined in the practice of motherhood can and should be used in other arenas to bring God's love, peace, mercy and justice to the world.»
Proper relations between man and man can be attained only by suppression of self and abolition of hatred — which can be achieved by eliminating desire.
Simple — leave me alone and you can be as crazy / passionate / spiritual as you want... but that MUST stop at my front door the same as mine stops at yours (or can you show me the atheist politician who's pushing for the abolition of religious practices?)
He asserted that humanization can be attained by the abolition of private property, the most important cause of dehumanization.
Who can doubt that a real passage through the death of God must issue in either an abolition of man or in the birth of a new and transfigured humanity?
In the aftermath of the abolition of interviews, the governing body can no longer gauge this will - o» - the - wisp, notwithstanding the claim that objective catholicity is nothing but appearing at Sunday Mass..
Most observers believe the abolition of the carbon price will be one of the few measures the government can confidently presume will pass in the new Senate.
The abolition of capitalism does not need to imply you can't earn more than your neighbour, or have different restaurants competing and / or serving different market segments.
If you can do any of get, say, a couple of million people to sign a petition calling for the abolition of the minimum wage; win parliamentary seats by running on this issue; or provide polling evidence showing majorities would repeal the race, gender discrimination laws, etc then I will withdraw the claim about this being a minority position.
In other words, the abolition of APD would pay for itself — hardly something that can be said of many taxes.
If in November 15, 2013, he saw it proper and in the nation's best interest to issue a directive abolishing the purchase of state bungalows by government office holders, he must think he is above that abolition, much less think he can have a state bungalow for free as his retirement benefit.
The collective bargaining bill stalled in the Wisconsin Legislature can modify state statutes, said Madison attorney Lester A. Pines, but lawsuits could pop up over whether abolition of bargaining rights supersedes the ability of union employers to withhold dues under existing contracts.
Neither can we expect that eye catching policies such as the abolition of fees or the renationalisation of the railways will be enough to carry us over the line.
The most useful contribution that scientists can make to the abolition of war has nothing to do with technology.
Rated locals and tourists text tips dating alike, so it can again for the years, and following the abolition of the south side of campus to person on the outside, but inside.
But how can we manage it down when we are battling a new Ofsted framework, the abolition of levels, new GCSEs, new A-levels, the new Prevent duty?
These disparate lives come together in support of Gob's endeavor, but the abolition of death and the success of his machine may come at a price more hideous and awful than any of them can know.
With the abolition of territorial rights writers can contract with an Ireland based online eRetailer who can then sell that title to anywhere in the world.
Of course, this declaration differed entirely from a statement made by the Abolition of Vivisection which warned, «[Beagles] can be force fed chemicals and drugs in capsules or via plastic tubes inserted through their mouths, directly into their stomach or strapped into a harness for hours at a time while substances are pumped directly into their bloodstreaOf course, this declaration differed entirely from a statement made by the Abolition of Vivisection which warned, «[Beagles] can be force fed chemicals and drugs in capsules or via plastic tubes inserted through their mouths, directly into their stomach or strapped into a harness for hours at a time while substances are pumped directly into their bloodstreaof Vivisection which warned, «[Beagles] can be force fed chemicals and drugs in capsules or via plastic tubes inserted through their mouths, directly into their stomach or strapped into a harness for hours at a time while substances are pumped directly into their bloodstream.
You can take a breather in the lovely gardens of the Jardins des Compagnies, or visit one of the fascinating museums, such as the famous Blue Penny Museum, or the Aapravasi Ghat, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, which was the landing point for labourers after the abolition of slavery in 1834.
One can only speculate that the results were so welcome (the abolition of that pesky MWP as so long desired by the CAGW advocates) that they suspended all their critical and scientific faculties in their headlong rush to promote it to headline status.
For further details see (pdf downloads): (1) «Access to Justice — Unaffordable Legal Services» Concepts and Solutions»; (2) «The Technology of Centralized Legal Research Can Solve the Unaffordable Legal Services Problem»; (3) «Access to Justice — Canada's Unaffordable Legal Services — CanLII as the Necessary Support Service»; (4) «A2J: Preventing the Abolition of Law Societies by Curing the Defects in their Management Structure: A Solution to the Unaffordable Legal Services Problem»; (5) «A2J: «Let Them Eat Cake,» So Let Them Use Alternative Legal Services»; (6) Indexing; (7) Sometimes Laws are Too Important to be Left to Lawyers — Lawyers Without Technical Support,» (Slaw January 28, 2016), and other access to justice (A2J) articles on my SSRN author's page, and Slaw author's page.
Might that majority of society who can not afford a lawyer's advice («the problem») soon use the social media to demand the abolition of law societies?
Abolition of the Senate would fundamentally change Canada's constitutional structure, including its procedures for amending the Constitution, and can only be done with unanimous federal - provincial consensus.
Surely no one can seriously advocate the abolition of the cards - on - the table mindset for civil justice?
Parole is not back: footnote 3 of the SG's reply brief says the abolition of parole can be severed.
Constitutional Law: Senate Reform Senate Reference (Order in Council P.C. 2013 - 70, Feb. 1, 2013)(35203) Apr. 25, 2014 Parliament can not unilaterally achieve most of the proposed changes to the Senate, requiring the consent of at least seven provinces representing, in the aggregate, at least half of the population of all the provinces; abolition requires consent of all of the provinces and can only be done with unanimous federal - provincial consensus.
Although the Senate might, as prof. Macfarlane suggests, be protected from abolition by its role in the process of constitutional amendment itself, which can not be changed without unanimous consent, the Court might even base its ruling on the broader ground that any fundamental alterations to the nature of the Canadian constitution require the consent of all the provinces.
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