Sentences with phrase «case against capitalism»

The case against capitalism rests on (1) the motivation upon which capitalism is based, and (2) the observable results of capitalism.
But first we well begin by examining the case against capitalism.
The socialist case against capitalism has never, to my knowledge, challenged the productivity of the free market.

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Now, you could make the case that this is a socialist proposal (truly it is), and that it goes against the core tenets of capitalism (you; re now telling corporations how to spend their money).
@user4012, some food for thought is net neutrality, Something that to me is so extremely socialist, where the case against it is so obvious, yet many proponents of capitalism will vehemently defend it.
National Socialism was staunchly against capitalism, and whilst it didn't oppose privately owned companies (unlike its «cousin» / rival, communism), it did dictate that everyone (every German in «nazism's» case) was equal and was required to help one another and work for their nation and fellow Germans rather than personal gain.
If anything, it is commodity capitalism which «put a gun to the head» of the world and continues to do so, in every case AGAINST what would demonstrably be the democratic outcome, if democracy was allowed to function.
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