Sentences with phrase «case conditions»

In case your condition doesn't fit that definition, your claim could be rejected.
The worst case conditions occurred when valuations were the highest, as they are now.
But fortunately, in most cases these conditions can be successfully repaired with surgery.
A diet history should be updated at every visit to maintain historical records on the types and amount of calories fed, in case conditions requiring dietary modification occur in the future.
In case the condition is worse, call the ambulance and let the best part for children doctors.
In most cases this condition will diminish after the pregnancy has been completed.
Because these interventions fail to address the true cause of hormonal imbalances, many continue to suffer and in many cases their conditions worsen which can lead to more serious disease and illness.
Also, in case the conditions for a third runway at Heathrow could not be met, it was recommended that land should be safeguarded at Gatwick for a new wide - spaced runway to be built after 2019, as there was «a strong case on its own merits» for a new runway at Gatwick.
In severe cases a condition called septic shock can set in which is a rapid drop in blood pressure leading to death.
If however he is sick as being insinuated by some persons then let him declare himself unfit to rule the country, in case his condition calls for that, so that the Acting President can become the substantive one.
In pregnancy, it is possible for hypertension to have a new onset during the pregnancy, in which case the condition is called «pregnancy - induced hypertension.»
In around 80 per cent of cases the condition is linked with being overweight and can go undetected for up to ten years.
While there is often more than one root cause for the development of a hyper or hypo thyroid — in many cases these conditions initially stem from unsatisfactory eating habits and physical, mental and environmental stressors.
Year 20 is when the portfolio falls to its worst case condition before recovering and growing once again.
Prognosis is excellent if the corrective surgery is carried out BEFORE there is any corneal damage and in most cases the condition does not re-occur.
This leads smart bushwalkers to take emergency food and shelter with them on the shortest of walks just in case conditions change rapidly.
In some cases ptosis is present at birth, while in other cases the condition manifests later in life.
That's a long list of assumptions and best - case conditions adding up to an altogether weak case for arming teachers.
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In many cases conditions in these places are filthy and inhumane.
This morning wewere up before dawn just in case the conditions were good for Rifles, and sureenough the ocean was super glassy and there was... [Read more...]
People in neighbouring settlements shun those from the «cancer villages» in case their condition is contagious.
Irritants, such as cosmetics or chlorine in pool water, can cause pink eye, but in this case the condition can not be passed along to someone else.
Kevin, Yes, In most cases the condition can be improved and reversed abck to normal.
«'' and in order to meet worst - case conditions, it has to be eaten on an empty stomach directly after grinding by a machine (chewing of the hard seeds is not effective enough and very time - consuming), without consumption of other foods.
Mercedes - Benz has initiated a voluntary recall for its 2013 SL - class due to an issue with the air - conditioning system.Under «worst - case condition» testing during a severe front impact, a rupture...
Under «worst - case condition» testing during a severe front impact, a rupture of the refrigerant line is possible, which could cause a fire in the engine compartment.
Even under worst case conditions and after adjusting for inflation, dividend income have only fallen about 25 % peak to valley.
A simple portfolio with a delayed purchase income boost can extend the 35 - and 40 - year portfolio lifetimes into the indefinite future (under two different sets of worst - case conditions).
Using this method boosts the minimum payout to 3.5 % to 3.6 % of the original balance (plus inflation) under extreme worst - case conditions.
It boosts the payout to 4.0 % of the original balance (plus inflation) under a more reasonable choice of worst - case conditions.
Under absolute worst case conditions, starting with $ 100000: In terms of maintaining an income stream, a high dividend stock allocation makes sense.
Let us assume that prices decline by a factor of 4, an extreme worst case condition.
This is a worst case condition.
Conclusions are based upon only one or two worst case conditions.
Based on S&P 500 dividend behavior, real dividends could decline as much as 25 % under worst case conditions (hyperinflation).
With suppurative CCHS, the prognosis is good with timely diagnosis and appropriate treatment, and in some cases the condition may be cured.
In these cases the condition is believed congenital though it often does not show up until the pup begins to try solid food.
In most cases this condition is idiopathic, meaning there is no underlying cause.
Many appear to involve worst case conditions that have never occurred.
Thus, predicted sound levels, even under assumed worst - case conditions, may underestimate measured levels by 5 dBA or greater.
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