Sentences with phrase «case for action»

They lost on the science; they lost on the moral case for action.
The strength of the business case for action on climate change is such that decisions such as this are becoming more regular in a post-Paris Agreement world.
Work is also underway to gather the data and evidence to support the business case for action in each work stream
Reducing carbon emissions and offsetting what remains is the only way to take full responsibility for your carbon impacts, but how can you make a strong business case for action and demonstrate a business return from this activity?
He said the intervention would lead to the «radicalisation» of Muslims in the region and at home and suggested that the prime minister had not made a convincing case for action.
Take Naomi Oreskes» belief that prominent denialists who created the «tobacco strategy» are now involved in undermining the scientific case for action on climate change, by «creating» doubt.
If she wants inspiration on how to do this, Barack Obama's speech on refugees in New York in September set out a compelling, positive and unifying case for action.
The United Nations» climate diplomat has historically worked in the background as presidents, government ministers and celebrities made a public case for action.
Hospitable Planet: Faith, Action, and Climate Change seeks to fill the gap in religious and secular texts by providing both a compelling biblical case for action on climate change and by identifying substantive measures to mitigate climate change and how to achieve their implementation.
It is part of a larger effort to boost the moral case for action by drawing attention to what McKibben calls global warming's «terrifying new math.»
«This study further solidifies the already powerful case for action — for a significant shift in how we think about education and the urgency of scaling evidence - based programs that unite head and heart,» CASEL Chair Tim Shriver said in a statement.
The strategy marks an important shift in communication focus, as Obama and allies make the moral case for action on climate change and in the process morally stigmatize their opponents.
Governments, companies, research institutions, and civil society need to articulate both quantitatively and qualitatively the political and business case for action.
You might think that this uncertainty weakens the case for action, but it actually strengthens it.
Walker, a member of the business, innovation and skills select committee, said he was pleased that it was a Tory chancellor which had «accepted the case for action».
Corruption Trials and Two Reform Reports Make the Case for Action Now In light of the corruption trials of two former legislative leaders taking place this week and New York State's D - minus grade in how it handles issues of integrity from a national comparison study, New York's leading good government groups today called upon the -LSB-...]
«If there's a case of someone who clearly did break the rules and that was totally unjustifiable then there may be a case for action,» he said.
The vote came as a reminder to David Cameron of the political gamble he is taking, after the prime minister spent hours in the Commons Chamber listening to backbench MPs» concerns and trying to persuade parliament of the case for action.
«Moreover, the latest developments in climate science lend greater urgency to the case for action: Effects on natural systems are already being observed and recent findings concerning the potential scope and magnitude of damages from future warming are increasingly worrisome,» the report says.
But those making the case for action need to be canny.
Any case for action that downplays the durable and (unmanufactured) uncertainty surrounding vital aspects of global warming science is bound to fail in the end.
He has simply not made the case for action.
Schneider, who was 65, spent decades studying the forces influencing climate and the policy implications of human - driven warming, as well as pressing the case for action to curb emissions of greenhouse gases even as he battled and subdued a rare cancer in recent years.
It's been remarkable to see the lengthening line of Republican politicians, particularly presidential hopefuls, chiding Pope Francis for pressing the case for action to stem global warming given how much conservatives have stressed values - based arguments on important issues in the past.
To press the case for action, the Obama administration is intensifying a rhetorical shift that's been pushed by climate campaigners for several years — from carbon dioxide or greenhouse gas emissions to «carbon pollution.»
A great starting place for administration officials, and anyone else considering ways to shape and frame an American push on energy action, from the kitchen wall socket to the White House, is a compelling and non-ideological 2003 lecture by Richard Smalley, the chemistry Nobelist who devoted the final years of his life, even while battling leukemia, to pressing the case for action on humanity's great energy challenge, and opportunity.
Ms. Roberts is not alone in pressing the case for action on family planning, a greater focus by scientists on clarifying population trends and their implications and a lot more resources committed to facilitating a smooth transition toward stable populations in places now seeing explosive growth (the «population cluster bombs» I wrote about early in Dot Earth).
Here's my overarching question for CFACT and anyone pressing the case for action to end energy poverty, whether or not they do so as part of a position on global warming:
And a tougher sell for Mr. Obama, particularly as congressional allies try to roll out a new package of climate and energy legislation next week, is making the case for the actions that would be required to cut emissions of greenhouse gases in a world with rising populations and resource appetites.
Campaigners pressing the case for action (or inaction) on greenhouse gas emissions tend to be particularly keen to pick out findings that suit one of these agendas and ignore or attack those that don't.
I'm excited to see such an influential and thoughtful figure pressing the case for action, and acknowledging the need for dialogue.
Related In case you missed it last week (as I did), Christiana Figueres, the head of the United Nations office facilitating the climate treaty negotiations, made some pretty inept efforts in a Guardian interview to cite extreme weather patterns in making the case for action on greenhouse gases.
Too often, those pressing the case for action to blunt climate change downplay this gap, perhaps out of fear that it undercuts the longstanding, and wishful, assertion that all we lack is political will.
Paul Krugman's perspective that «You might think that this uncertainty weakens the case for action, but it actually strengthens it.»
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