Sentences with phrase «case for everyone»

TIP: Your audience should never be «everyone» even if you can find a use case for everyone.
It's certainly not the right case for everyone, or people with pets, but it makes a beautiful addition to a flashy gaming PC setup.
Generally, rebound relationships are wrought with challenges, but this is not case for everyone.
Upload your favorite family or vacation photos or use the wide array of clipart options (like mine above) that CaseApp offers to create one - of - a-kind cases for everyone on your holiday shopping list.
Hint: Your audience should never be «everyone» — even if you can find a use case for everyone.
Granted, this approach — and really, any approach that doesn't rely on abusing credit cards — assumes you have the extra cash to set aside, but that isn't the case for everyone.
This may not be the case for everyone though.
Again, I'm not saying this would be the case for everyone.
While most folks who read this blog are likely pursuing financial independence through the creation of passive income in excess of their expenses, this isn't the case for everyone.
Rightfully, Frankel describes that this isn't the case for everyone and indeed, it is not but I also believe that many people will be finding themselves in a bit of a predicament leading up to next weeks deadline.
However, this isn't the case for everyone, and the benefits might not be as big as you think — especially if you generally itemize deductions every year.
While most people indeed have a heterosexual orientation and identify with a single gender that was assigned to them at birth, it has become increasingly clear that this is not the case for everyone, that gender and sexuality might better be understood as manifesting themselves along continuums, with male / female, masculine / feminine, heterosexual / homosexual existing at the poles but with a variety of identities, orientations, and expressions in between.
I have a toaster oven that I use daily so it's easy to warm up the pizza one but I understand this isn't the case for everyone.
Now this might not be the case for everyone, but some research has suggested that there might be a possible link between acne and higher dairy consumption.
I know this won't be the case for everyone, but if you're interested in trying these berries keep your eyes peeled, or simply ask your produce person and hopefully you'll be able to snag a least one small container — I promise they are worth it.
That does not appear to be the case for everyone...
I'm not saying this is the case for everyone, but for some close friends of mine, they have withdrawn from much of their social lives, and tend to be less eager to do family things.
But, that's not the case for everyone, as this list proves...
Those first few days and weeks can be painful and feel completely overwhelming, but in my experience it does get easier, although I know that isn't the case for everyone and ultimately I think as a Mum you know what's right for you and your baby.
Thankfully, Ava did not suffer from nipple confusion and took to the breast well every time (and, if you are familiar with my previous posts you know she ended up breastfeeding for a long time), but that's not the case for everyone.
Of course, that wasn't the case for everyone:
This will not be the case for everyone.
I just feel better that way, but that may not be the case for everyone.
This may not be the case for everyone, but I wanted to be sure to mention it because for me it is a fun creative outlet.
I realize that this is not the case for everyone, and that different medical systems may lead to different choices.
If you have the luxury of staying home from school or work to take care of your baby, you're very lucky, but that isn't the case for everyone.
It is true that some women don't respond well to the pump and do struggle with producing enough milk when they are using one, but this isn't the case for everyone.
But this isn't the case for everyone.
Reality: A report published yesterday by the Institute for Fiscal Studies, says that although the policy would encourage some people into work this was» t the case for everyone.
If the language were «three highest», there would be a case for everyone tied for third being included.
Nevertheless, I struggled to understand why, even though it's certainly not the case for everyone — especially those who have had toxic relationships — I felt so comfortable sitting across the table from someone who pulled the rug out from under me.
Was this the case for everyone or because I'm trying to view from my phone?
That's not to say that's the case for everyone with 2 - day periods but just what I have seen in the last 5 years.
This of course isn't the case for everyone but evidence suggests that a 14 day luteal phase is the ideal for most women.
It is true that some people may have a hard time digesting carbs, which can lead to gas and indigestion, but it is not the case for everyone consuming carbs.
I know this is not the case for everyone and some of you may find cooking challenging.
I do understand that thyroid disorders can complicate weight management, as well as some other issues, but that isn't the case for everyone.
Flattering silhouettes that properly enhance my curves while not overwhelming my frame is part of that, but that's not the case for everyone.
It's not the case for everyone in the city, so we feel pretty lucky.
Here, Beyoncé makes the case for everyone to cancel their flower crowns for the rest of festival season.
I used to wear heels every day for work and now I personally don't mind wearing heels but I know thats not the case for everyone.
However, I know that's not the case for everyone so I'm sharing my secrets to a successful vintage shopping trip in a two part series.
I'm sure this isn't the case for everyone.
But that's not the case for everyone; some people just decide to take a break from online dating.
Though the woman said she is looking for a relationship, she said she knows that is not the case for everyone in her age bracket, and likes that the site is respectful of that.
To this viewer, that effort comes across as sincere and respectful but that hasn't been the case for everyone.
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